将来のリソース配分制度の次の側面を調査しています。まず,非常に広範な構造的な問題があります。 デザイン/決定が必要とする具体的な側面も検討しています. # 省略された地域社会 # ユーザー/受付者 # 革新 # 資源利用 (持続可能性) # 影響 (運動と社会) # 責任感 These areas map directly into our scoping questions below. Defining resources is critical to our enquiry. For us, “Resource Allocation” refers to the allocation of a small set of resources that can (or should) be allocated by the Wikimedia movement system to support the 2030 Strategic Direction. We will not consider resources that cannot be allocated in such a way (e.g. grants awarded by non-Wikimedia institutions since they are usually restricted; volunteer time; etc.), or financial resources with localized legal constraints (e.g. membership fees, direct donations beyond the banner, and the endowment). These are the resources we will be considering in our area of inquiry, with some caveats: Monetary:
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The Wikimedia Foundation is currently the primary point of worldwide resource allocation in the movement. Most revenues are collected centrally and spent in established and well resourced communities. The current budget of the Wikimedia Foundation is USD 92M. There are ~150 affiliates with agreements which allow the use of trademarks held by the Wikimedia Foundation. These agreements codify supporting the global mission of Wikimedia. Some of the largest affiliates include Wikimedia Germany, Wikimedia Sweden, Wikimedia Indonesia, Wikimedia United Kingdom, and Wikimedia France. The Wikimedia Foundation’s grantmaking budget has been roughly ~$7M USD per year since 2013. In 2018 the Wikimedia Foundation awarded 400+ grants. While 272 grants went to emerging communities, only ~30% of the money went to those communities; this is a 50% increase from 2013, where ~20% of money when to emerging communities. Most of the newer affiliates do not receive any support in their first years and we believe this is a result of a structural problem, rather than, for example, lack of need. As a result, our historical structures and processes are currently reinforcing the concentration of power and money in the movement. We are far from an equitable model for resource allocation, and just increasing access to money or grants will not be sufficient. We have not sufficiently supported capacity building for attracting, using and reporting on resources. Most of the movement money comes from individual donors. The movement has introduced practices, structures and participation models as a first step towards better accountability. However, the system of Wikimedia Foundation grantmaking today is largely reactive, playing the role of the steward of movement money. But there is also an expectation to be grantmakers, making strategic choices and trade offs, prioritizing one issue or audience over another. These two roles create conflicting expectations. Steward’s reactive role means it is difficult to shift resources to areas of priority (e.g. underrepresented communities or content). Through the strategy process, we now have a critical opportunity to redesign the resource allocation system in a way that will help us reach knowledge equity and knowledge as a service. The strategy process is an expedient opportunity to make radical changes in our movement, and consider the scoping document as a constantly developing guide that will steadily reflect community inputs throughout the process. |
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We believe that in order to reach our 2030 strategic direction, we need to create an equitable system of resource allocation. While there are many definitions of equity, we understand equity to be about Opportunities (e.g. access to systems and resources), Power (e.g. ability to make decisions about resources, ability to change culture) and Outcomes. So far, we have relied on access (e.g. “everyone can apply for grants”) as the main approach to equity, but we do not believe that is sufficient for the future. In order to consider future systems and structures, we will be prioritizing the value of equity, along with other values such as transparency, sustainability and innovation, for how resources are allocated. Success is defined as having achieved the Strategic Direction (“By 2030, Wikimedia will become the essential infrastructure of the ecosystem of free knowledge, and anyone who shares our vision will be able to join us”). |
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