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Wikimania 2016

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Wikimania 2016 and the translation is 67% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Wikimania antolakuntzaren laburpenak: Konparaketa20052006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220232024202520262027

Wikimania 2016, Wikimania konferentzien 12. edizioa, Wikimedia nazioarteko komunitatearen urteroko topaketa da eta Esino Larion egingo da, ekainak 21–28.[1]

This is a rough timeline for the Wikimania 2016 selection. Please note that these times may be subject to some revision. You should check back to the scheduled date of the item for which you're interested; or subscribe to mail:wikimania-l for announcements.

Deadline Milestone
August 2014 Wikimania 2016 jury call for volunteers
September 2014 Jury selection announced; Bidding officially opens
November 15 2014 23:59 UTC Deadline for Proposals to Host;

List of qualified proposals announced by Jury. All hosts should have adhered to guidelines in criteria section and have created a page on Meta.

November 20 – December 3, 2014 Public Question & Answer phase
December 1–15 2014 Conference Calls with Jury and bidding teams; deliberations.
by the end of 2014 Jury decision made; announcement of host city to bidders and public.

Antzeko jarduerak

Azpian Wikimaniaren jarraitzaileekin bat egin dezaketen jardueren zerrenda.

  • WikiSym: datak aldatu dira orain dela gutxi, abuztutik urrira, eta 2015erako honek erabakiko du:
  • Desktop summit: dates have ranged, recently, from … to …, and will be determined for 2015 by…
