Wikimedia mugimenduko afiliatuak/Logoak erabiltzeko jarraibideak

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This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia movement affiliates/Logos best practices and the translation is 27% complete.
Afiliatuen logoa sortu nahi duten Wikimedia mugimenduko afiliatuei Afiliazio Batzordeak hurrengo jarraibideak betetzea gomendatzen die. Edozein zalantza baduzu, Jarri harremanetan Afiliazio Batzordearekin edo zure afiliatu loturekin .

Testuingurua Kapituluak Erakunde tematikoak Erabiltzaile taldeak

These best practices for Wikimedia movement affiliate logo creation are provided by the Affiliations Committee based on the Wikimedia Foundation's visual identity guidelines (specifically in regards to the Wikimedia Foundation mark), the Wikimedia Foundation's trademark policy, input from Wikimedia Foundation's Legal and Community Advocacy and Communications teams, and input from the community.

Every movement affiliate is able to pick from three basic options:

  1. Custom logo - may or may not include any Wikimedia logo component as permitted by the Wikimedia Foundation's trademark policy.
  2. Wikimedia community logo variant - based on the Wikimedia community logo.
  3. Wikimedia Foundation logo variant - below best practices provide information on how different types of movement affiliates logos may be based on the Wikimedia Foundation logo.

Testuingurua Kapituluak Erakunde tematikoak Erabiltzaile taldeak

Best practices for Wikimedia chapters logo creation are based on the Wikimedia Foundation's visual identity guidelines, specifically the Wikimedia Foundation mark section, and the Wikimedia Foundation's trademark policy.

Wikimedia Foundation logo variant

Chapters are encouraged to base their logos on the Wikimedia Foundation logo, and are required to follow the Wikimedia Foundation's visual identity guidelines, specifically the the Wikimedia Foundation mark section. Special attention must be paid to the spacing requirements.

Testuingurua Kapituluak Erakunde tematikoak Erabiltzaile taldeak
Erakunde Tematikoak

Best practices for Wikimedia thematic organization logo creation are based on the Wikimedia Foundation's visual identity guidelines, specifically the the Wikimedia Foundation mark section, and the Wikimedia Foundation's trademark policy. Logos including maps of regions or countries should not be used as they may be used as a political statement.

Wikimedia thematic organizations are able to pick from three basic options:

Logo pertsonalizatua

Custom thematic organization logos may or may not include any Wikimedia logo component as permitted by the Wikimedia Foundation's trademark policy. It is recommended, but not required, that you follow the Wikimedia Foundation's visual identity guidelines.

Wikimedia community logo variant

Thematic organizations logo may be based on the Wikimedia community logo. It is recommended, but not required, that you follow the Wikimedia Foundation's visual identity guidelines.

Wikimedia Foundation logo variant

Thematic organizations logo may be based on the Wikimedia Foundation logo, and are required to follow the Wikimedia Foundation's visual identity guidelines, specifically the the Wikimedia Foundation mark section. Special attention must be paid to the spacing requirements.

Testuingurua Kapituluak Erakunde tematikoak Erabiltzaile taldeak
Erabiltzaile taldeak

Best practices for Wikimedia user group logo creation are based on the Wikimedia Foundation's visual identity guidelines, specifically the the Wikimedia Foundation mark section, and the Wikimedia Foundation's trademark policy. Logos including maps of regions or countries should not be used as they may be used as a political statement.

Wikimedia user groups are able to pick from three basic options:

Logo pertsonalizatua

Custom user group logos may or may not include any Wikimedia logo component as permitted by the Wikimedia Foundation's trademark policy. It is recommended, but not required, that you follow the Wikimedia Foundation's visual identity guidelines.

Wikimedia community logo variant

User group logos may be based on the Wikimedia community logo. It is recommended, but not required, that you follow the Wikimedia Foundation's visual identity guidelines.

Wikimedia Foundation logo variant

User group logos may be based on the Wikimedia Foundation logo, and are required to follow the Wikimedia Foundation's visual identity guidelines, specifically the the Wikimedia Foundation mark section. Special attention must be paid to the spacing requirements. User group logos must include either a "Community User Group" or "A Wikimedia User Group" tagline, if those words are not already included in the user group's officially recognized name.