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Grants:Project/Wikilover90/Heritage GLAM/Final

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Report under review
This Project Grant report has been submitted by the grantee, and is currently being reviewed by WMF staff. If you would like to add comments, responses, or questions about this grant report, you can create a discussion page at this redlink.

Welcome to this project's final report! This report shares the outcomes, impact and learnings from the grantee's project.

Part 1: The Project




The project Heritage GLAM ran from March 2019 to February 2020.

Highlights from this year’s project include:

We were able to do considerable work on the bringing rare works of cultural heritage on Wikimedia Projects with the partnerships of several cultural government institutions.

By Feb 2020, Punjabi Wikisource has become number four in terms of integration of works via proofreading in South Asia from number nine from previous year.

Over 15715 pages from 80 rare Punjabi works were uploaded to Wikimedia Commons and Wikisource by the end of this project! We also integrated these works and uploaded images of sculptures from the Government Musuem and Art Gallery in Wikidata and Wikipedia via Wikidata: Sum of All Sculptures and Sum of All Books intiative in Wikidata and 1Lib1Ref campaign in Wikipedia.

4 partners joined us with Wiki collaboration this year and we were able to host various events and generate important cultural content because of these works.

We were able to successfully organize Access to Arts Conference in open dialogues with artists of North India in partnership with Punjab Lalit Kala Akademi, Punjab Arts Council, and Open Heritage Foundation in Chandigarh district about Commons and the open access movement with copyright free licenses.

Following that Indian conceptual artist and photographer Diwan Manna donated and relicensed two of his famous works from his collection "Shores of the Unknown" to Wikimedia Commons in open licenses.

The 1Lib1ref campaign "Imagine a World where Every Wiki Librarian Added One More Reference to Wikipedia." from 15th January to February 5th added significant focus on integrating the Wikisource with references to the articles in Punjabi Wikipedia.

We organized over 20 offline events, including Wikisource training workshops, edit-a-thons, meetups, conference and other events.

We successfully organized two Wikisource contests, contest of the month in October 2019 in which had over 3000 pages proofread and Annual Wikisource contest from December 2019 to February 2020 in which over 8000 pages were transcribed via proofreading.

Initially, when the pilot of this GLAM Wiki project started in October 2018, we had over 5000 pages on Punjabi Wikisource and only 1260 pages integrated via proofreading, after 16 months of persistent work, we have reached over 22085 pages transcribed via proofreading, seeing overall growth of 1752.79% in Punjabi Wikisource, out of which 17000 pages have been proofread in the last twelve months from March 2019 to March 2020 with over 59 thousand edits done by the editors in the last year.

Punjabi Wikisource project is number 6th position among all Wikimedia projects and 2nd among all Wikisource editions with 177.34% growth compared to January 2019 due to consistent community retention and growth via outreach and training workshops.

Added over 71 new editors with over 48 active editors retained from the last 12 months (Jan 2019 - Jan 2020) seeing over growth of 200.00 % in editor demographics.

Last year, with our focused content generation, Punjabi Wikisource for the first time in the last four years since its creation, saw the readership growth of 113.28% with over 1.4 million page views from 16 thousand unique devices coming to this digital library in last 12 months from Feb 2019 - Feb 2020.

Active Editors via Wikimedia Statistics from Punjabi Wikisource Jan 2019-2020

Project Goals

  • At least 6 collaborations with government institutions: We had 5 official collaborations and were able to fulfill the goals. For the others, the official MOUs conversation still ongoing.
  • At least 15000 pages of books and archives digitized: 15715+ pages of works digitized and uploaded
  • At least 3000 digitized pages proofread on Wikisource: 17000 Pages transcribed via proofreading.
  • At least 20 articles uploaded about artists and authors from Museum on the Punjabi and Hindi Wikipedia: We decided to remove this outcome due to lack of sufficient data about the authors to create proper encyclopedia articles. We are still designing a format to expand this work with the next steps of 1Lib1Ref Campaign.
  • Wikiverse Commons Conference: This was a successful event that allowed us to have a dialogue with the artists of Punjab about open licenses, open access, how they work, and why it makes sense to release their content in free licenses.
Municipal Library Patiala 10
Krishna Chaitanya Velaga, Shubham, Rupika Sharma, Diwan Manna, Gurdeep, Hardarshan Benipal at Punjab Lalit Kala Akademy

Project Impact

Access to Arts Conference(16)
Stats of Punjabi Wikisource from February 2019 to February 2020

Important: The Wikimedia Foundation is no longer collecting Global Metrics for Project Grants. We are currently updating our pages to remove legacy references, but please ignore any that you encounter until we finish.


  1. In the first column of the table below, please copy and paste the measures you selected to help you evaluate your project's success (see the Project Impact section of your proposal). Please use one row for each measure. If you set a numeric target for the measure, please include the number.
  2. In the second column, describe your project's actual results. If you set a numeric target for the measure, please report numerically in this column. Otherwise, write a brief sentence summarizing your output or outcome for this measure.
  3. In the third column, you have the option to provide further explanation as needed. You may also add additional explanation below this table.
Planned measure of success

(include numeric target, if applicable)

Actual result Explanation
At least 3000 digitized pages proofread on Wikisource: 17000 Pages transcribed via proofreading. This goal has been widely exceeded thanks to the engagement of a broad variety of collaborators and some really committed Wikisource users. Numerous offline edit-a-thons, outreach workshops and online contests and social media follow ups helped us in attaining these goals. We found out that outreach had to be a consistent effort that had to be done in a constant rhythm to maintain an overall balance in the community to keep editors active at the same time fill the gap of editors that become busy for a time being due to engagement in exams or other life activities.
Get new recruited volunteers involved with minimum 30% women participation to improve gender gap in editor demographics. Added over 71 new editors with over 48 active editors retained from the last 12 months (Jan 2019 - Jan 2020) seeing over growth of 200.00 % in editor demographics. Over 40 percent of this editor demographic is of females. We believe we have achieved great outcome with numerous offline events and continuous online support we maintained with the new editors with consistent follow up and the support we  gave to other editors to become leaders and mentors in different cities and institutions, including Patiala, Lehragaga, and Khanna.
At least 15000 pages of works added to Wikimedia Commons and Wikisource during the project. 15715 pages added in Wikisource and Commons after digitizing important heritage works including first editions, scriptures manuscripts and lexicography works. We are satisfied to have reached this goal. There were numerous challenges in digitizing old works - most of whom were damaged and we had to be careful not to digitize damaged work or copyrighted work, which had to found using the various endeavors that took majority of the energy of the team.
At least 300 images of artwork from museums uploaded on Commons. We were able to upload over 100 images. We are still accessing copyright issues for the other artworks from museums. We are planning a professional digitization for the next project. Photo walks were not able to get the expected quality. We also had not appropriate high end professional equipment needed for low lighting conditions in museum, even with a rented camera. Additionally, we found that this work needs more time that we mentioned in the proposal, due to unknown factors so this came out be one of the learnings from the project.
At least 6 collaborations. We were able to officially attain and maintain partnership with 5 institutions - Municipal Library Patiala, Central Library, Punjab Lalit Kala Akademy, Municipal Library Ludhiana, SEABA CBSE School. We believe that this is a very successful result. We were able to achieve this goal due to a systematic effort to contact and build the relationship with each one of our partners. We were able to officially attain partnership with 6 new partners, 3 of them being different from the ones mentioned, as we had new developments during the project. The negotiations for other institutions are still open.
At least 5% of uploaded files used in new or existing articles 50% of files used as references in Wikipedia articles via 1Lib1Ref This success amounts to the online 1 Lib1Ref campaign from 20 Jan to 5 Feb and an offline workshop for the same which allowed us to use references from the uploaded works in 36 articles with 54 new citations from the uploaded works.
Punjabi Wikisource event Patiala September 9, 2019 (11)
1Lib1Ref Workshop 15 January Punjab
Heritage GLAM



Looking back over your whole project, what did you achieve? Tell us the story of your achievements, your results, your outcomes. Focus on inspiring moments, tough challenges, interesting anecdotes or anything that highlights the outcomes of your project. Imagine that you are sharing with a friend about the achievements that matter most to you in your project.

  • This should not be a list of what you did. You will be asked to provide that later in the Methods and Activities section.
  • Consider your original goals as you write your project's story, but don't let them limit you. Your project may have important outcomes you weren't expecting. Please focus on the impact that you believe matters most.

This project was designed to document the cultural heritage of Punjab using excellent sources of rich content of Punjab literature, heritage and history that have little or no such knowledge resources are available online. We have successfully formed and maintained partnerships with several government institutions that play an important factor for literature and art of ancient and modern India. A considerable amount of time via meeting, exchange of emails went to ensure the success of the project. We have been able to establish good relations with Public institutions and the GLAM Staff establishing a level of credibility about Wikimedia projects. In the past year, we were able to form new collaborations, including, partnerships with Punjab Lalit Kala Akademy, department under Ministry of Culture, which works closely with Punjab Arts Council, Municipal Library Patiala, Municipal Library Ludhiana, Central Library, and we also formed a collaboration with CBSE Secondary School for education program and Wiki Club for our next steps for which we have already done pilot as workshops and online contests. We also worked on digitizing the important literature works including Guru Granth Saheb, Mahan Kosh and other important works that mark some of the important milestones from medieval Punjab.

We were also able to learn more about the Copyrights issues that are prevalent in South Asian context - many of the literature works did not had year of publication or even the authors. Although the works are old, as one can tell from the font style and the currency, which makes them from time that would be counted as public domain but the American version of Copyrights is not really applicable on many such works that remain out of the reach of the internet and Wikimedia projects. We have been unsure what to do for such works and for the time being, we have left them to be digitized later, should we find any solution for that. We have continued sorting out the libraries for copyright free works even after completing our task of digitization and parallelly we have ensured that the works get integrated on the Wikimedia projects with the community.

Along with that, we were able to digitize some important works from mid modern period and contemporary period (mentioned below) that will be of good use to readers and researchers at large. Several workshops for proofreading and validation training were organized. In one of the workshop, we were able to partner with the Punjabi University, Punjabi Literature Department to organize a Wikisource workshop for Punjabi Research scholars. We have been able to raise awareness about Wikisource project among the Punjabi community. Wikisource unlike normal PDF books, renders text which can be picked straight from the search engine on the internet. This makes it easy for people to search for particular topics, quotes, and phrases directly from the internet for any purpose, including, academic reseach and cration of encyclopedia articles.

In addition to that, to improve participation on Wikimedia movement in the North India region, along with GLAM Heritage, one of the other motives has been to do awareness campaigns to recruit more volunteers who can become a part of the movement. Our previous mid point project report can be read from here. We were able to organize the Wikiverse Commons Conference, renamed as Access to Arts Conference which turned out to be a huge success. We will be working closely with the artists interested in collaborations in the next few months. We were successfully able to form partnerships with Punjab Lalit Kala Akademy, under ministry of culture of India. One of the biggest success out of this open access initiative was donation of conceptual art collection by Diwan Manna who is a celebrated conceptual artist from India.



If you used surveys to evaluate the success of your project, please provide a link(s) in this section, then briefly summarize your survey results in your own words. Include three interesting outputs or outcomes that the survey revealed.

We used two survey during this year.

First one was offline survey in Punjabi Wikisource workshop in which we had survey from literature masters students and research scholars to retirees about what they would like to read on Punjabi Wikisource based on their interest or curriculum. The research showed that they wanted to read Old Literature novels, lexicography books, encyclopedia, religious books they were doing research on, classical poetry, and philosophical books.

The second was online survey to understand the experience of the participants for Wikisource contests, campaigns and overall online editing experience including how we can improve future campaigns and what are the issues they face in online editing from various devices. We will pass this feedback to the concerned WMF developers team so they can use this information to improve the user experience of Wikisource project.

Following are some of the highlights from the survey:

Suggestions on improvements to Punjabi Wikisource User Interface

Make it easy to edit on mobile.
UX needs to be made simpler.
We need VisualEditor for Wikisource.

On the type of works readers and editors would like to see next:

Rare books of ideology , thought and criticism
Story and Fiction books
Literature books
Translation of Punjabi history of english text to be translated in Punjabi
Religious texts
Biographies of national martyrs
Poem collection of Shiv Kumar Batalwi
Rare books

On improvements suggested for Punjabi Wikisource for better editing experience:

There should be a better interface for mobile edition.
Volunteers should be supported with facilities like laptops and internet.
The contests should happen frequently and sooner so editors can retain the zeal and work together with interest.
For new editors, a template should be created and posted on the Main page of Punjabi Wikisource so they don't face difficulty while proofreading texts.
We need to figure how to guide our volunteers to improve the proofreading quality.
Creating mentor-newbies groups can be useful.
Recognizing active volunteers and mentoring them to do advanced tasks is also important.
The mobile interface must be improved because most of the user edit from mobile. Some gadgets can not be used from mobile and this is a problem.

On the importance and value of Punjabi Wikisource as a readers:

It helps editors to get in touch with the Punjabi literature and improve our digital literacy skills as well.
This project protects and empowers our language and culture and builds an easier access for people to read and download works for free.
I'm student of Punjabi language. So this project is very important academically.
Punjabi language is my mother tongue and I am thankful to this project for promoting Punjabi language.
We are preparing a platform for the upcoming future generation to learn about Punjabi culture and history through these books and stay connected to their heritage, language and take pride in their identity.
We can keep the works protected with Wikisource. Editing and proofreading on Wikisource is very valuable as an editor as well since we can keep increasing our knowledge. And Wikisource is a freely accessible e-library which saves time of people to go to a physical library to access books.
It saves our culture and language.
We need our own online library of public domain and freely licensed texts. This project also helps us in doing amazing things on other platforms as well.
I like how contests can help us work in coordination with each other.



Is there another way you would prefer to communicate the actual results of your project, as you understand them? You can do that here!

Methods and activities

DIY Scanner (2)

Please provide a list of the main methods and activities through which you completed your project.

Wikisource Project Growth: With the numerous initiatives, Punjabi Wikisource has become the sixth fastest growing project among all Wikimedia projects, second among all Wikisource projects with 177.34% growth compared to January 2019 and fourth largest project in South Asia in terms of largest pages transcribed with our efforts of consistent community retention and growth via outreach and training workshops. We have reached over 22085 pages transcribed via proofreading, seeing overall growth of 1752.79% in Punjabi Wikisource, out of which 17000 pages have been proofread in the last twelve months from March 2019 to March 2020. We have added over 71 new editors with over 48 active editors retained from the last 12 months (Jan 2019 - Jan 2020) seeing over growth of 200.00 % in editor demographics. With our persistent efforts for capacity building over 59000 edits with 130.94% growth seen from Feb 2019-Feb 2020.

Readership: Last year, with our focused content generation, Punjabi Wikisource for the first time in the last four years since its creation, saw the readership growth of 113.28% with over 1.4 million page views from 16 thousand unique devices coming to this digital library in last 12 months from Feb 2019 - Feb 2020. We did a survey during one of the workshops to understand what are the needs and interests of people from different age groups and interests. The feedback we got ranged from holy books, Punjabi literature novels, old Punjabi poetry, encyclopedias and philosophical books. Using that survey, we gave priority to the books to be digitized. One of the tools developed by our team developer Jay Prakash independently outside this project on Toolforge is Bookreader that allows readers to read a book like a kindle online. Under our request he integrated that tool in Punjabi Wikisource which allows any user to find and read the book easily on Wikisource, which is similar to how books can be read on Internet Archive.  

Open Access: We have been focussing special efforts on open access with different initiatives around advocacy with authors, artists and GLAM community. We designed and organized Access to Arts conference for the artist community of North India with special tracks featured on Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons licenses and open access partnerships done throughout Wikimedia movement globally. Along with that, we have done working on advocacy efforts on open access with government officials of various cultural institutions, including, Municipal Library Patiala, Municipal Library Ludhiana, Punjab Lalit Kala Akademy and Government Museum and Art Gallery.

Copyright Donation: With series of consistent efforts around some of the baseline copyright considerations, management of copyrights, and open licensing options, we were successfully able to get the collections of celebrated, conceptual artist and the National Academy Award recipient from India Diwan Manna and famous Punjabi historian and author Harish Puri relicensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License to be donated to Wikimedia Commons for reuse and sharing.

Municipal Library 11

Digitization Techniques: This project was a learning curve for our team in which we were able to learn about the local challenges of working with old cultural institutions which are in very poor condition. Their environment is unfit for average person and requires a lot of health precautions while working with safety measures. We provided special lab equipment to our staff so we could keep the infection and allergic reactions to minimum. The works also are in damaged condition and they had to be tended properly while digitization process. Our concern was to ensure that we don't do any damage to very delicate works during the digitization of ancient scripts and works. This certainly slowed down the progress but we ensured that our efforts were sustainable for the institution and the Wikimedia projects in the long run. For this work, we also had support from the institution's GLAM Staff. The post scanning work was also a major work and many times, the underlying OCR was visible during the uploading process due to which we had to redo the processing and upload books multiple times.

Handpainted Cover of a Punjabi Manuscript from 1879

DIY Scanner: Commercial book scanners costs over ten to twenty thousand dollars. The DIY book scanner is an affordable version of the same line of high quality scanners which works very well in same efficiency. We ordered a complete archivist quill set from diybookscanner.org that pages are as close to flat as possible, the lighting is even and color-balanced, and the geometry of the scan does not shift as you scan a book. The controller for the Archivist Quill is a Raspberry Pi. The Pi Scan software lets the Pi act as a standalone kiosk for book scanning. You configure the cameras, capture scans, and inspect them via a touch interface. Your scans are saved to your USB thumb drive or SD card as you make them. The cameras run a piece of software called CHDK which allows them to be remotely operated over a USB connection. This is how they are controlled by Pi Scan which configures them, triggers them, and downloads the resulting photographs.

Copyright Research Work: This was one of the Most challenging tasks under this project. Scruitizing and checking the works manually, under every hundred work, we found only 1-2 works which were public domain and in condition fit to be digitized and uploaded on Wiki. The rest of the manual work we did allowed us to understand the fundamental challenges that are prevailing in the current copyrights system that we follow today. Many of the works do not mention the date of publication, the publisher and even the author. The only thing to go on for many of such works is their cost, their fonts, the quality and color of the paper and binding (whats left of it). This experience was very similar to what we imagine as the work of Archaeologist would be like. Many of the books follow ancient desi Indian calender as opposed to Gregorian calendar having different calculation of years and time than the that was followed before the advent and during the colonial rule of British Raj. Many works had Savant year that starts before the birth of Guru Nanak, also called Nanakshahi calender, Panchanga calendar, ancient Indian Bikrami (Vikrami) calendar and the Arabic Hijri calendar, many of which are still used in Punjab region. This was a huge learning for our team and we had to learn how to covert and derive the years and time-period in the modern Gregorian calender to calculate the publication date.

Community Engagement: We consider community growth as one of the major achievements of this project. Started as a GLAM project, we have come a long way working and growing with the community. With persistent efforts from our numerous programs, consistent encouragement and motivation to the editors, offline and online campaigns, workshops and meetups, the community has grown from a small scaled editor group to a large community of 50+active editors. We designed the editing programs in a fashion that made working fun and rather than one time personal achievement in a single contest or edit-a-thon, new and old editors were able to accept and love Wikisource project as a part and parcel of their daily life. Feeling of sense of belonging and working on a mission together have been our fundamental principals beneath all the interesting social media and offline interactions we had with community members so they want it as a way of life that is more sustainable and healthy for them in the long run. More information about our community and capacity development initiatives can be read at our learning pattern where we talk about routine follow-ups, consistent outreach efforts to new audiences and much more.

Wikisource Contest: Wikisource contest has elemental in creating a focussed engagement from the community members. Just the idea of doing something out of the everyday routine helps break the editors out of boredom.. Working on something together as active part of the group is fun and interesting and has amazing results in the two editions we ran this year. From our outstanding results of 2018 Wikisource edition, we broke our previous records.

Wikisource Contest of the Month: We ran this edition in October for 20 days and saw participation of 30 editors who transcribed over 3000 pages during this period. We had limited 20 books that participants selected per their interest.

Wikisource Annual Contest: This contest was run from December to January and this contest resulted in over 7000 pages transcribed by over 50 editors. There were many unprecedented issues that arose on Wikisource project, such as, disappearing headers and footers, error in the editor's interface due to which the users were not able to open the editing interface. We put numerous requests on Phabricator to solve that but it took weeks before that issue could be resolved. During that time, editors were not able to contribute to proofread and therefore, major participation was impacted due to these technical factors. Another learning we found out was that participants expect to know the daily stats to really get in the spirit of healthy competition. The contest tool was developed during the contest which really supported the contests for motivation and encouragement.

Mobile Editing: Most of the editors in India are mobile users. We designed our workshops, campaigns and programs in a way they were mobile friendly. All our Wikisource workshops had special design for mobile editing training. This is our true success behind our community growth and retention of editors in the Punjabi Wikisource. Ensuring we follow up with the outreach efforts prioritizing the needs and understanding the challenges the targeted editors have is very important for the community retention. More information can be found at the Community Growth learning pattern created by us based on our learnings.

Content Integration: One of the most special part of this project was content integration on Wikimedia projects. We don't believe in mass dumping the digitized or donated content on Commons. We utilized the content on Wikisource via transcribing it and using it further on Wikipedia and Wikidata. We have used references from the Wikisource index pages to enrich the Wikipedia articles in 1Lib1Ref campaign. Another effort from our end was to integrate the images from this campaign in Wikidata via Sum of all Sculptures project.

Tools and Scripts: Our volunteer developer Jay Prakash created two new tools under the project - Wikisource User Edit Stats and Wikisource Contest Tool. These tool finds out how many pages the users have proofread in any month in any Indic Wikisource project. This tool is available in 12 languages - Assamese, Bangla, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Tamil and Telugu. The Wikisource Contest Tool can be used to calculate the number of participants and number of pages along with which page the participant proofread and validated for a set of pre defined books in a certain time period. This has been immensely useful in setting up an expectation for the participants in the contest.

SEABA Education Program and Wiki Club: We have formed partnership with SEABA secondary school for education program. Under this program, we will be training senior high school students of age group 14-18, who will learn and train under our education curriculum for Wikisource. We have already done a pilot with the institute with two Wikisource workshops with consistent follow-up from the WiR and online Wikisource contest organized by us for the SEABA students, in which 20 users have proofread more than 500 pages. The program will aim for at least 100 new students in the curriculum certification.

1Lib1Ref Campaign: Citations needed - That is the one of the first things that comes to mind when one thinks about integrating our local cultural heritage and the indigenous knowledge systems in Wikipedia. We ran the 1 Library 1 Reference campaign from 15 January to 5 February, 2020 in Punjabi Wikipedia and Wikisource improving 36 articles with 54 new citations from Wikisource index pages. This was an interesting pilot and a case study for the community to understand how we can bring in the non traditional sources of local knowledge that are not available readily or anywhere on the internet and most importantly use the local sources for citations on academic research and encyclopedia articles. We are hoping to scale this campaign on a mass level.

Photo Walk: This was one of the most special events we did with photography club students who were interested in understanding the Commons. Since the museum photography does not have idea conditions set for photography, we chose this particular group for this program. We had many challenges to work on this initiative. One of the them was the basic requirement of camera. We were not able to avail the community camera from Punjabi community and we could only rent a low quality camera for a day for photowalk. Next challenge was to understand the copyrights and the meta data which we took time in working on. We have also uploaded over 100 files on commons that are copyright free with their Wikidata items, But the quality of these works need improvement. We will be working with professionals to digitize the museum in the next steps.

Partnerships: We were fortunate to continue working with the Municipal Public Library, Patiala and in the last year we worked for digitization with Municipal Public Library and Central Library. Apart from this, we formed a partnership with Punjab Lalit Kala Akademy, Open Heritage Foundation, Punjab Arts Council for Wikiverse Commons Conference (Access to Arts Conference). We did the photowalks in the Chandigarh Government Museum and have plans for the next steps of the project with the library. We are in conversations with the Municipal Library Ludhiana for the digitization in the coming months. We also formed a partnership for education program with SEABA school affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, we have done a pilot with the institute with two Wikisource workshops with consistent follow-up from the WiR and online Wikisource contest organized by us for the SEABA students, in which 20 users have proofread more than 500 pages. The program will aim for at least 100 new students in the curriculum certification.

Heritage GLAM Events

  1. Validation Campaign 1 Feb-31 March: This was a Validation campaign organized in Punjabi Wikisource for validating the works proofread under Punjabi Wikisource Contest from last year to keep check of the quality of proofreading and also to use the transcribed work so it can be downloaded by our readers. Over 5000 pages were validated during this period by over 20 editors.
  2. Validation Workshop 7 March, 2019: This workshop was organized to teach the Wikisource editors, next level of editing after good experience in proofreading to validate the books, add references and some advanced editing tools.
  3. Heritage GLAM Team Meetup 19 March 2019: This was the first team meeting after receiving the grant designed for on-boarding all team members about the next steps of the project and overview of the proposed plan.
  4. Chandigarh Museum Staff Meetup March 26
  5. Wikisource Meetup 1 April 2019: This meetup was organized with Wikisource community to discuss the ongoing Wikisource project and plan the dates and the duration of the upcoming Wikisource workshops in University.
  6. Meeting with Punjab Lalit Kala Akademy. 6 April, 2019: This meeting was done with President of PLKA Diwan Manna to plan for the Wikiverse Conference. Some of the conference program and the targeted audience was discussed in the meeting.
  7. Punjabi University Wikisource Workshop (April 8, 9 2019): Punjabi University Wikisource Workshop was organized on April 8 and April 9 with collaboration of Punjabi University, Punjabi Department in Patiala, Punjab.The objective of the event was to teach the students of the university about Wikisource basics and recruit them in the Wikisource project and develop relations with the Punjabi Literature Department of the University. As a result of this, many literature students and research scholars from Punjabi were recruited for Punjabi Wikisource.
  8. Heritage GLAM Meetup 21 April 2019: This meeting was organized with Project Advisors KCVelaga and SGill to discuss the details of Project Heritage GLAM and decide on the timeline, equipment, budget and the upcoming tasks for the project on Trello.
  9. Khanna Wikisource Workshop 5 May 2019: Punjabi Wikisource Workshop was held on 5 May 2019 in Khanna by Volunteer Wikisource Training officer Hardarshan Benipal. The agenda of this event was to encourage the participants and to let them better understand the Wikisource project. Total 9 users participated in this event. 20 pages were formatted and proofread.
  10. Punjab Lalit Kala Academy Meetup 21 June 2019: This event was organized at Punjab Lalit Kala Academy as continuation of the previous meetings at Chandigarh for Wikiverse Commons Conference. This meeting was for finalizing all the details of the upcoming Wikiverse Commons Conference aimed at lecture for Creative Commons - the past, present and future with the artist community. The main discussion to be done at the Panel was for the issues and difficulties of artists for releasing their work in open licences. The budget and the list of artists and the invitees was finalized.
  11. Heritage GLAM Team Meetup 16 July 2019: This meetup was organized with Access to Arts Conference team for preparation work of Access to Arts Conference. Important discussions related to logistics, conference program, preparation of event presentations and panel, the logistics and travel arrangements were discussion in detail.
  12. Khanna Punjabi Wikisource Workshop 21 July 2019: Punjabi Wikisource Workshop was held on 21 July 2019 in Khanna. The agenda of this event was to encourage the participants and to solve there queries faced by them after the previous workshop in Khanna. Total 8 users participated in this event. 20 to 30 pages were formatted and proofread. Discussed about how to use a new gadget Imported from Italian Wikisource known as EIS (Created by User:Alex brollo)
  13. Access To Arts Conference (30 July 2019): Access to Arts conference is a Summit about the open access movement with the artists of North India at Punjab Lalit Kala Akademi Gallery in Chandigarh district. The event is powered by Punjab Lalit Kala Akademy, Punjab Arts Council, the Open Heritage Foundation and the Wikimedia Commons community group. The conference features tracks on Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons licenses and open access partnerships done throughout Wikimedia movement globally. There will be special talk about Indian and US Copyright law and a small explainer on how artists can release their work with creative commons licenses and why they should provide open access to their work. The artists would get an open opportunity to interact with the panel. Members from field of arts and GLAM Staff are invited. The event is free and open to all. The mode of communication will be in English. With this conference, we are looking forward to have an open dialogue with contemporary artists and art lovers and present to them an opportunity to broaden their horizons about the big Open movement in India and the respective role that the Wikimedia Community plays in it.
  14. Municipal Library GLAM Staff Meeting Patiala (August 6, 2019): A meeting was organized with Joint Commissioner for the Municipal and Central Library digitization work ongoing with Heritage GLAM to discuss the online dataset for the library catalogue was discussed, and we had discussion about Wikidata and how it works. There was discussion about copyright laws in India and US and Indian Public Domain and the type of work we are digitizing currently. Our requirements from the staff members was discussed for this project and the ones we would continue in the future. We discussed about the assigned librarians and the library help staff assisting with the project.
  15. Wikisource Proof-a-thon and Meetup 9 September 2019:Wikisource proof-a-thon and meetup was organized at Patiala with the Wikisource Community to proofread a poetry work with the editors and discuss the uploaded works on Punjabi Wikisource and plan the online contests in the next weeks. The next upcoming workshops and Wikimania conference 2019 participation and the presentation about Punjabi Wikisource in GLAM Space was also discussed.
  16. Punjab Lalit Kala Academy Meetup 12 September, 2019: This meeting was done with Diwan Manna to plan the Wikimedia Commons salon as follow up for Access to Arts. The objective was to discuss and plan the Wikimedia Commons Salon as a follow up to the Access to Arts Conference with Punjab Lalit Kala Akademy. The agenda and the event design was discussed. The prospectus dates were discussed and some issues that concerned around certain dates were pointed out that coincided the dates with other exhibitions and dates. The venue was decided to be one of the auditorium space for the salon. The number of artists and other people of interest were discussed. The budget and other details were discussed.
  17. Wikisource Proofreading Event 2 October, 2019‎: Wikisource Proofreading Event was organized for orientation of the October Wikisource contest that ran from 1-25 October. The contest rules and books were discussed and the participants allocated themselves the books that they wanted to proofread for the contest. The Jury members and prizes were decided along with the upcoming workshops and contests were discussed.
  18. Heritage GLAM Team Meetup 17 October 2019: Heritage GLAM Team Meetup was done to discuss the ongoing and future activities under Project Heritage GLAM. The ongoing proofreading Contest of the month for October were discussed in detail with the rules, and the jury. The Wikisource Activeuser tool was discussed with its timeline and the expected deliverables. Other upcoming workshops and project campaigns were discussed by the team.
  19. Municipal Library GLAM staff Meetup 14 November 2019: This meeting was done with the RJVD Municipal Library GLAM staff members for discussing the digitization projects. The institution got some new staff members transferred. This was discussion and orientation for them to get know them about the Wikisource project and digitization project going on at their institute. The digitization staff members and the project assistant were introduced to the chief librarian.
  20. Punjabi Wikisource Proofreading Contest 1 December 2019 - 31 February 2020: This was one of the main highlights of our work with Punjabi Wikisource community. The year long outreach, trainings, mentorships supported the community to have enough experience to participate as trained editors to work on transcribing the Wikisource works. We got over 7000 pages proofread by over 50 editors in this contest on over 60 works. The top two contributors were women with over 1000 pages and 900 pages proofread in this contest duration. We feel proud that throughout this project, we were able to achieve gender equity in the Punjabi Wikisource community with marginalized members getting empowered to participate in offline events and online contests and organize and coordinate many one-on-one outreach workshop
  21. Wikisource Workshop 5 December: Wikisource workshop was organized at SEABA School in Lehragaga city, Punjab in co-collaboration with SEABA staff WIR Jagseer Sidhu as part of Heritage GLAM project. This marked a start of partnership with SEABA institution for Wikisource education program. There have follow activities organized and more to come in the near future.
  22. Chandigarh GLAM Staff Meetup 17 December, 2019: This meeting was done with the Chandigarh Musuem and Art gallery, with the GLAM staff members, the chief librarian, Curatorial Assistance and the deputy curator regarding the partnership. The partnerships case was discussed further with the updated documents, MOUs with other state government provided to the Director for the appraisal. The copyright terms were discussed and the Indian copyright law was explored and discussed in detail with the chief librarian. The review for the partnerships was stated by the deputy curator on the ongoing partnership case for digitization of musuem library.
  23. Wikisource Proofreading Event 18 December, 2019: ‎ ‎Wikisource Proofreading Event and Meetup was organized with Punjabi Wikisource members to proofread and discuss about the ongoing proofreading contest of the year in Punjabi Wikisource under Heritage GLAM project. The members were taught about new tools and gadgets in Punjabi Wikisource. We deliberately chose a difficult book of a Punjabi play that was hard to format with different templates.
  24. SEABA Wikisource Event January 10, 2020: A second Wikisource workshop was organized at SEABA School in Lehragaga city, Punjab in co-collaboration with SEABA staff Jagseer Sidhu as part of Heritage GLAM project. After the workshop, the team had meeting with Principle of the school, Bibin Alexander where the future opportunities were discussed. The principle expressed gratitude for the skill building trainings for Wikisource that help students understand the values of volunteer work and getting an opportunity to read literature. The upcoming events were discussed in details.
  25. Punjabi 1Lib1ref January 15, 2020: The event was organized as onsite event under 1lib1ref campaign organized in Punjabi language. A celebration was organized for Punjabi Wikisource community on the eve of Wikipedia's 19th Birthday. It was followed by introduction to The Wikipedia Library, 1Lib1Ref campaign going from 15Jan-5 Feb, 2020. This workshop aimed at teaching the Wikisource community members how they can use the online e-books from Wikisource to add valid sources of references in Wikipedia through this acquired native sources digitized in local languages. The participants were briefed about the importance of local primary sources for citation in helping us validate the information in enclypedia articles such as in Wikipedia and academic research. Later Author Balram gave a talk on importance and value of books and how they have a great impact on a human's life along with the academic purpose of the books. Author Balram is a playwriter, author and a translator. One of his translated works on Rhinoceros written French author Eugene Ionesco has been published in Punjabi version by name of Gainde (ਗੈਂਡੇ). Rhinoceros (French: Rhinocéros) is a play by Eugène Ionesco, written in 1959. The play was included in Martin Esslin's study of post-war avant-garde drama, The Theatre of the Absurd, although scholars have also rejected this label as too interpretatively narrow. Balram has donated the work in CC License to Wikimedia Commons and his book is avaialable on Wikisource. The event ended with more discussion on 1Lib1Ref campaign, the ongoing Wikisource contest and the upcoming camps and trainings.
  26. Wikisource 1Lib1Ref Campaign 2020 15 January to 5 February 2020: The campaign that ran from 15 January to 5 February, 2020 in Punjabi Wikipedia and Wikisource improved 36 articles with 54 new citations from Wikisource index pages. This was an interesting pilot and a case study for the community to understand how we can bring in the non traditional sources of local knowledge that are not available readily or anywhere on the internet. A list of books from Wikisource were created along with the list of articles that could use them as references, was provided to participants on the etherpad. We created video resources on how to use a particular page of books on the Wikisource project could be used to cite the article. We had three online edit-a-thons with video conferencing with all the participants who took part in this campaign during this timeperiod.
  27. Punjab Lalit Kala Academy Meetup 16 January, 2020: This meeting was done with Diwan Manna to document the insight of the artist community and what challenges they have for contribution to Wikimedia licenses and open movement at large. The meeting has Wikilover90, Shubham, and Diwan Manna where the donation of some of the collection for Wikimedia Commons donation was discussed. The other part of the meet-up was aimed at interview by Wikilover90 from Diwan Manna about the current situation of Indian artists, internet and the art, and the challenges around the art donation for artists in India at large. There was discussion around future collaboration with the event partners associated with Ministry of Culture of India.
  28. OpenRefine Workshop January 7, 2020: This event was organized under project Heritage GLAM for batch upload training for Wikidata items on Bibligraphic data. The OpenRefine Wikidata Workshop was an online to teach the use of OpenRefine tool(http://openrefine.org/), a powerful tool for importing data - especially for data cleansing, pairing with existing items, and uploading (see also Wikidata: Tools / OpenRefine).

Digitized Works: We have digitized 80 of the important heritage works including lexicography book for Sikh literature Mahan Kosh, Guru Granth Sahib, works of Bhai Veer Singh first editions and rare manuscripts from eighteenth century, holy books, Punjabi literature novels, old Punjabi poetry, thought and criticism works, encyclopedias, philosophical books, religious texts, biographies of Martyrs including Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Mahatma Gandhi, and some of really rare works that would be very useful for researchers about education from 19th, 20th and 21st century, rare work of the budget of Punjab government, and constitution of India from 1953 in Punjabi language. These works would be invaluable for the modern and future generations of academics, researchers, readers and Punjabi lovers to learn about history of civilization as it evolved through the centuries.

Link to Complete Gallery

WikiProject Punjabi Authors: This is WikiProject for the Punjabi authors with the list of the Wikidata items curated by community. We will add Wikidata items for the authors whose works will be digitized and integrated on Commons and Wikisource.

WikiProject Punjabi Books: This WikiProject will be producing the list of the books with Wikidata items created by us for all the digitized works.

Sum of all Sculpture - The WikiProject sum of all paintings is a WikiProject to get an item for every notable artwork. The WikiProject sum of all sculpture is a WikiProject to get an item for every notable sculpture. We only have 26,700 sculptors and 19,000 sculptures on Wikidata. Under Heritage GLAM/Sum of all Sculptures, the metadata collection has been created manually by us for a small collection of works from Government Musuem and Art Gallery. We will be continuing this for the entire collection of museum for works under Public Domain in the next phase of the project.

Project resources


Please provide links to all public, online documents and other artifacts that you created during the course of this project. Even if you have linked to them elsewhere in this report, this section serves as a centralized archive for everything you created during your project. Examples include: meeting notes, participant lists, photos or graphics uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, template messages sent to participants, wiki pages, social media (Facebook groups, Twitter accounts), datasets, surveys, questionnaires, code repositories... If possible, include a brief summary with each link.

Punjabi Manuscript via Bookreader tool



The best thing about trying something new is that you learn from it. We want to follow in your footsteps and learn along with you, and we want to know that you took enough risks in your project to have learned something really interesting! Think about what recommendations you have for others who may follow in your footsteps, and use the below sections to describe what worked and what didn’t.

What worked well


What did you try that was successful and you'd recommend others do? To help spread successful strategies so that they can be of use to others in the movement, rather than writing lots of text here, we'd like you to share your finding in the form of a link to a learning pattern.

  • Your learning pattern link goes here

We made some addition in the existing learning pattern on Uploading files using Pattypan.

We will update again by adding more learning patterns that we are still working on. Apart from the expertise and shared learning, we have some other important points to share. For this project, we used different tools for uploading the works and metadata:

  • VicuñaUploader: VicuñaUploader is an open-source desktop application written in Java, designed to upload files to Wikimedia Commons and other Wikimedia projects. It is platform-independent but requires a Java virtual machine to be installed on your computer (usually as part of a Java Runtime Environment). Downsides? This software only supports Windows. We have created Uploading files using VicuñaUploaderlearning pattern based on our experience.
  • Community Growth via Capacity Building: This learning pattern covers interesting steps individuals can follow to grow a new community for new cities or projects of interest.
  • OpenRefine:OpenRefine is a powerful tool, used to build for working with messy data: cleaning it; transforming it from one format into another; and extending it with web services and external data. We created Uploading bibliographical or artwork metadata using OpenRefine learning pattern based on our learnings.
  • Chunked uploads: This is a feature present in the upload wizard used in Wikimedia Commons. This tool originally uploaded files of up-to 100 MB. But now it can upload files till 4 GB.
  • PattyPan: Pattypan is an open-source tool written in Java by Yarl and designed to upload files to Wikimedia Commons and other Wikimedia projects. More info based on the experience has been added to its existing learning pattern of uploading files using Pattypan.
  • Wikisource User Edit Stats - This tool states stats of South Asian Wikisource community.
  • Wikisource Contest Tool - This tool allows us to have stats of the Wikisource contest for the number and usernames of editors, index pages edited, books, number of pages proofread and number of pages validated.
  • Honorary Ambassador - Apart from the tools, we introduced a honorary title for the extraordinary contributor of the Punjabi Wikisource project in year 2019-2020 consistently that has been awarded to Gill jassu who proofread over 989 pages in less than 3 months and became the top contributor in the Annual Wikisource Contest and had edited throughout the year with extraordinary zeal and has mentored many students and classmates and welcomed them into the community by teaching them how to contribute to Punjabi Wikisource.

What didn’t work

  • Determining the copyright status of the Punjabi work has been a challenging task. Due to lack of a centralized repository of Punjabi authors, determining the status of author’s lifespan and the work has been hard. Many of the medieval authors had nothing mentioned on internet. This subject is a curiosity for Punjabi researchers and remains a mystery for them. We will be working on this issue in the next steps of this project.
  • The libraries are old and unkempt. Many of the books and work has been fallen prey to bookworms and bookbugs and many times, we found missing pages in the books that were resultant of the rot spread in books due to time. And other times, just touching the book resulted in disintegration of the book. This is one of the reasons, we should save the lifetime work of authors, otherwise this precious literature will not survive after a few more years.
  • Organizing an event with a partner has both its pros and cons. One of the cons is a shared responsibility or an independent task on which the event depends on. For instance, Access to Arts took months of planning, its video documentation was done by our partners using a professional company. Those videos are still going to take some time for editing before they get published. So, we have to wait for them to finish the task before we can share the video on Commons.
  • Wikisource needs to have better interface for easy editing. For instance, Wikipedia has a visual editor but the same has not been built for Wikisource. Another technical interface issue is to look up for any book in Wikisource. It is hard for an experienced Wiki-Librarian to look for a book but almost impossible for a non-Wikimedian to look up any book. This hard interface not only reduces the prospective readers who want to come to our project site and read or download the books but also, the editors who want to search for a particular book to edit.
  • Retention of editors on a daily basis is hard. You need to keep doing events, and online campaigns to keep their interests piqued.
  • There was an issue with the opening of .jar file in Java despite the latest download of Java in the Macbook. For that, a separate software to open the .jar file (Pattypan) was installed after researching for issue on the internet.
  • Another issue that came with Pattypan was the error in uploading the sheet to validate and upload on Pattypan. The second page (Templates) was missed while copying the xml file and that created errors again and again.
  • We had issues in assembling of DIY scanner despite its manual, there were some steps missing and not accurate.
  • Technical issues: Throughout the year especially during our annual Wikisource contest, the Wikisource project had a lot of technical issues that created trouble for participation in the contest itself. The images of the works were not visible and there were lot of issues created during proofreading contest for our editor community. This situation went for weeks and was resolved finally by User:Jay Prakash.
  • Contest Tool: The previous version of the Wikisource contest tool had bugs and was unable to pick values from the uploaded variables. That created issue of updating about what was happening in the contest and many participants had an opinion that they could perform better we provide them with updated stats. With so many works and editors, it was challenging to update the results manually. User Jay Prakash created the tool during this period so in the last half of the contest, we were able to see the updated daily results and this really hiked the participation to almost triple of performance in contest in the first half. This was a good lesson on how the right tools and resources are needed for success of any campaign.

Other recommendations


If you have additional recommendations or reflections that don’t fit into the above sections, please list them here.

One of the recommendation we have for all project grantees is to set some extra margin in the goals proposed in the grant. Many times unanticipated problems arise and there should be some margin in time, resources and manpower to overcome such issues in order for the project to be successful. In our case, this entire project is successful but we faced many challenges, such as, damaged works, large time taken for the copyright research work, problems in the Wikisource project during the contest period affecting the participation and the stats, the time period of the contests which had exams for the university students affecting the number of participants, complex copyrights and metadata research for the museum works and inadequate equipment for the museum. Additionally, at-least put two months for mid point and final report which means the tasks must be done one month before the report needs to be created.

Next steps and opportunities


Are there opportunities for future growth of this project, or new areas you have uncovered in the course of this grant that could be fruitful for more exploration (either by yourself, or others)? What ideas or suggestions do you have for future projects based on the work you’ve completed? Please list these as short bullet points.

  • We are very excited about the next part of the project. When we began, we started mapping this work of partnerships, government collaborations and open access initiatives, community growth and Wikisource development from the scratch but now, we have gained a foothold, and have gotten good understanding with our learning experiences about batch upload, copyrights, partnerships challenges, digitization and preservation of old work challenges and many more things. There is a lot of growth and development yet to be done like Wikibase for the online catalogues of our partner institutions, introducing quality metrics in Wikisource development and sharing and expanding this work in other regions and institutions.
  • We have planned capacity building initiative for Wikisource project with an education program in SEABA school. We will run a certification course in partnership with the school that will run in 2020 annual year for senior high school students.
  • We will be doing a series of initiatives for open access and re-licensing, copyrights and content donation with the modern artists and authors to bring their works on free licenses on Commons.
  • We have been working on determining the copyright status of the artworks from museums and in the next steps, we will be working with professional studio to digitize the museum. The metadata of these museums has been recorded in our system in spreadsheet format and the next part would be to do batch upload and start sum of all paintings for the museum collections on Commons and Wikidata. This has been more time and resource consuming task than we originally anticipated because of the large number of collections from art gallery and the museums.
  • To introduce quality metrics by different capacity building programs, including WikiEduCamp at SEABA Educational Institution where we will be teaching the school faculty and the high school students about Wikisource, wiki commons, and other sister projects. Running edit-a-thon and training sessions Wikisource Summer Camp that is aimed at leadership and advanced skills such as patrolling, adminship and structured designing of Wikisource project to improve quality and readership of the project
    • Assessment of books - Validation workflow
    • Integrating Wikisource content with other Wikimedia projects such as Wikipedia and Wikidata
    • Adminship training
    • Redesigning of the Wikisource main landing page

These initiatives will grow the community leadership and empower the wiki projects with advanced quality and much needed structure. We would like to take support and advice from WMF Tech team, design and GLAM team to implement this more professionally. Additionally, we plans for the next project with Municipal Library Ludhiana that is under the state municipality and contains rich sources in different languages.

We will continue our efforts to keep the technology and GLAM work updated with new tools that work locally for our projects and the institution.

Part 2: The Grant




Actual spending


Please copy and paste the completed table from your project finances page. Check that you’ve listed the actual expenditures compared with what was originally planned. If there are differences between the planned and actual use of funds, please use the column provided to explain them.

Expense Approved amount Actual funds spent Difference
Project Manager(20 hours a week for 45 weeks) 5630.625 USD 5630.625 0
Travel, accomodations and Occasional contractors (project assistant, digitization professionals) 5280.365 USD 5280.365 0
Equipment 5174 USD 5271.95 USD (including 1098 USD customs fee not included in initial estimate from company that shipped scanner) -97.95
Events 2530 USD 2325.53 204.47 USD
Total 18614.99 USD 18508.47 116.72

Remaining funds


Do you have any unspent funds from the grant?

Please answer yes or no. If yes, list the amount you did not use and explain why.

If you have unspent funds, they must be returned to WMF. Please see the instructions for returning unspent funds and indicate here if this is still in progress, or if this is already completed:




Did you send documentation of all expenses paid with grant funds to grantsadmin(_AT_)wikimedia.org, according to the guidelines here?

Please answer yes or no. If no, include an explanation.


Confirmation of project status


Did you comply with the requirements specified by WMF in the grant agreement?


Is your project completed?


Grantee reflection


We’d love to hear any thoughts you have on what this project has meant to you, or how the experience of being a grantee has gone overall. Is there something that surprised you, or Ωthat you particularly enjoyed, or that you’ll do differently going forward as a result of the Project Grant experience? Please share it here!



This project would not have been possible without Heritage GLAM team, our volunteer community, GLAM Staff from our partners, different subject experts and WMF Staff who shared their inputs and advise freely.

Deepest gratitude to our Grant Program Officers Marti Johnson and Chris Shilling who with their experience and insights guided us throughout the process all year around and supported us during the challenges. This journey would not have been possible without their recommendations.
Gratitude to Program Officer, GLAM and Underrepresented Knowledge, SGill (WMF) who supported the entire process and provided guidance for many technical aspects of project with trainings for Wikisource, OpenRefine and Access to Arts Conference design.
Deepest appreciation to Yann Forget (our Copyrights Guru) who supported the project from before it was designed. His consistence guidance on Copyrights, Commons editing, and Open Access is the reason our partnerships with cultural institutions bore real fruit. We couldn't have understood the correct way to license the works without his guidance.
Deepest gratitude to our GLAM partners for collaborating with us to make this work a reality. Without their support and permission, we could not bring important and rare works on the internet on free licenses and support millions of people who can access much needed sources of local knowledge of Indian heritage.
We are grateful to our Project Advisor KCVelaga who contributed with the advisory work on the design of the project, and participating as an active collaborator in various meetings in the first half of the project. His special contribution includes supporting the Access to Arts Conference conference program, assembling the DIY scanner, and support for selection of Equipment.
Immense Gratitude to Jay Prakash who is the OUTSTANDING Mediawiki Developer from India who has been instrumental in not only creating tools for this project but also to support the Indic Wikisource project as our volunteer developer. There had been several technical issues that stopped the editors from any contributions and brought the Wikisource project in different editions to STANDSTILL and without Jay Prakash's consistent support the growth and smoothness of Wikisource projects would not be the same. His contributions are backbone for Indian Wikisource communities.
Heartfelt appreciation to Hardarshan Benipal to support the Heritage GLAM project as Wikisource training officer and volunteer supporter for numerous tasks that made this project possible.
Special thanks to Charan Gill for introducing open access with modern authors and supporting re-licensing of their works with Creative Commons licenses. His constant support for copyrights analysis work, Wikisource workshops and zealous participation and motivating all our community members on personal level in all online campaigns and contests have enriched Wikisource project and open community with greatness and success.
Thanks to WIR Jagseer S Sidhu for introducing SEABA school for this project by co-organizing workshops and contests with us and consistently motivating and mentoring the students with follow ups. The partnership with SEABA school will continue in our community efforts to expand and grow Punjabi Wikisource.
A warm gratitude to Jassu Gill, who emerged as a strong leader from the marginalized community and became the honorable Punjabi Ambassador for Wikisource. She consistently contributed to Wikisource project and welcome new members and mentored many new people to contribute on Wikisource project.
Gratitude to our digitization contract staff who have worked earnestly in very difficult working environment that was challenging on health and personal level and consistently supported us to digitize all the works from our partner libraries.
Special Thanks to Indian conceptual artist Diwan Manna who supported our efforts to activate the Open Access movement among artist community successfully as an active partner, ally and an advocate. His energy and efforts as Punjab Lalit Kala Akademy President to co-organize the Access to Arts conference and inviting the right audience to the program have been invaluable. He has been active advocate for open access and Wikimedia for the artists in India and his donation of collections to Wikimedia Commons will be a valuable gift to art lovers and a powerful message to artists at large about beauty of openness, gratitude and creativity.
Finally, special thanks to Project Assistant Shubham who did OUTSTANDING work (pulling additional pro bono hours each week) throughout the year supporting with all tasks for uploading, copyright analysis, management and coordination with digitization team at GLAM institutions in challenging work environment, post scanning work, immense support for event management, including, Access to Arts Conference, organizing photo walk with photographers to Government Museum and Art Gallery. His enormous efforts and experience of working in challenging scenarios made this project truly successful.
Lastly, this program would not exist without many individuals from Punjab who joined this journey as Punjabi Wikisource editors and made contributions along the way in spirit of supporting the documenting our cultural heritage and collaborating for making knowledge sources for Punjabi language so it can be accessed anywhere in the world and helped it grow into top four Wikisource project with highest transcribed works in South Asia.