الاستراتيجية/حركة ويكيميديا/2018-20/نظرة عامة/الجدول الزمني
نداء مفتوح للمشاركة في 9 مجموعات عمل | تقييم المرشحين واختيارهم | الإعلان عن أعضاء مجموعات العمل وأول اللقاءات وجها لوجه | مواصلة التأسيس وعملية تنويع مجموعات العمل | جولة جهود مجموعات العمل في جمع آراء المجتمع من أجل تحديد النطاق | تحليل المواد والأبحاث، ويشمل ذلك جولة نقاش وجها لوجه وجمع آراء وملاحظات المجتمع | لقاءات مجموعات العمل وجها لوجه، ونقاش الاستراتيجية وجها لوجه واستشارة المجتمع على الإنترنت، صياغة مسودة التوصيات، ختام نقاش مجموعات العمل والمجتمع | إضافة مجموعات العمل آخر لمسات على عملهم؛ فض مجموعات العمل | تجميع التوصيات وتحليلها، نقاش المجتمع، عرض التوصيات المجمعة على الحركة ومجلس أمناء المؤسسة | دمج الآراء والملاحظات في التوصيات والانتهاء من التوصيات | نشر التوصيات النهائية؛ الانتقال من مرحلة التوصيات إلى مرحلة التنفيذ |
12 يونيو/حزيران إلى 2 يوليو/تموز 2018 | 3 إلى 19 يوليو/تموز 2018 | ويكيمانيا 2018 | يوليو/تموز إلى أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 2018 | نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني 2018 إلى فبراير/شباط 2019 | مارس/آذار إلى يونيو/حزيران 2019، قمة ويكيميديا 2019 | يوليو/تموز إلى سبتمبر/أيلول 2019، ويكيمانيا 2019، جولة التعريف السريعة في تونس | أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 2019 | نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني 2019 إلى فبراير/شباط 2020 | مارس/آذار - أبريل/نيسان 2020 | مايو/أيار إلى يونيو/حزيران 2020 |
نظرة عامة
- In 2016, Wikimedia turned 15 and we started wondering about what we want to build or achieve together over the next 15 years.
- In 2017, the Movement embarked on a participatory and adaptive Movement Strategy Process, to define what Wikimedia will look like in 2030, and how we want our projects, our communities and the free knowledge ecosystem to evolve. The first major milestone was the publication and endorsement of the Strategic Direction.
- In 2018, we started to explore how we can update our structures and programs so that we can successfully and strongly advance in our Strategic Direction. Movement organizations began to incorporate the concepts of Knowledge Equity and Knowledge as a Service in their strategic and annual plans. In addition, a coordinated, exploratory process was initiated at WMCON 2018 to define what structural changes are necessary for the movement to be ready for the future.
- In the second half of 2018, working groups were established to develop concrete recommendations for structural changes in 9 thematic areas that would help us move forward in our strategic direction. Close to 100 Wikimedians formed into nine working groups, each focused on one thematic area. Work began by the end of the year.

- In March 2019, the working groups produced scoping documents outlining a set of guiding questions that would help them analyze the Movement. Based on the initial scope, conversations, and research, the working groups began developing the first draft of the recommendations. While this was happening, broad-reaching conversations were also conducted on- and offline to identify needs and priorities from online communities and affiliate groups that could help shape the recommendations.
- In June 2019, strategy salons - in-person meetings hosted by affiliate groups with their community members and a few external partners - started taking place. Between June and September, 48 strategy salons were held in 29 countries.
- In August 2019, draft recommendations for change were published online and presented at Wikimania 2019. The Movement shared input, perspectives, and thoughts in person and online that the working groups could use to refine the recommendations.
- In September 2019, the working groups developed the second iteration of the recommendations, 89 in total across the nine groups. Working groups dissolved by the beginning of November. At the end of 2019, a small team of writers (made up of former working group members) began synthesizing the recommendations to create one comprehensive, coherent set.
- In early 2020, the synthesized, pre-final set of recommendations were published for the Movement to understand them, reflect on what they mean in their project, local, or thematic context, and provide feedback.
- From March to April 2020, the extensive feedback was integrated into the recommendations. The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees also reviewed the recommendations once more following an earlier review in February, and requested some final revisions. After discussions, the revisions were integrated and the recommendations finalized.
- In May 2020, the Wikimedia 2030 Movement Strategy Recommendations were published and shared with the Movement to start conversations to transition to implementation. It features 10 recommendations and 10 underlying principles and outlines a guide for change for how we will collaboratively create the future of our Movement.
- Following the publication of the recommendations, the focus of Movement Strategy will be shifting, starting from June 2020, toward how to transition to the implementation phase.
Process steps, from scoping to recommendations
Discussing scoping documents at the Wikimedia Summit 2019. March 2019
Getting community input on draft recommendations at Wikimania 2019. August 2019
Synthesizing 89 recommendations into one set. October 2019 to January 2020
Community conversations. January to February 2020
Integrating input to create the final recommendations. March to April 2020
The Wikimedia 2030 Movement Strategy Recommendations are published. May 2020
Movement Strategy Conversations and Presentations at Events
Event | التاريخ | الموقع | Core Team participants | Working Group participants |
Wikimedia Foundation All Hands | January 27-31 | San Francisco, USA | Nicole Ebber, Tanveer Hasan, Jodi McMurray, Mehrdad Pourzaki | |
2019 | ||||
WikiConference North America 2019 | November 8-11 | Cambridge, MA, USA | Mehrdad Pourzaki, Kelsi Stine-Rowe, Ellie McMillan | |
WikiIndaba | November 8-10 | Abuja, Nigeria | Tanveer Hasan, Douglas Ssebaggala | |
WikidataCon | October 25-26 | Berlin, Germany | Nicole Ebber | |
Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2019 | October 11-13 | Belgrade, Serbia | Kaarel Vaidla, Tanveer Hasan | |
WikiCon | October 4-6 | Wuppertal, Germany | Nicole Ebber, Abbad Diraneyya | |
ويكي العربية | أكتوبر 4-6 | مراكش ،المغرب | Mehrdad Pourzaki | |
Harmonization Sprint | September 20-22 | Tunis, Tunisia | Nicole Ebber, Kaarel Vaidla, Bhavesh Patel, Mehrdad Pourzaki, Tanveer Hasan, Abbad Diraneyya | |
East Africa Strategy Summit 2019 | September 7-8 | Kampala, Uganda | Kelsi Stine-Rowe, Douglas Ssebaggala | |
Wikimania | August 14-18 | Stockholm, Sweden | Nicole Ebber, Kaarel Vaidla, Bhavesh Patel, Mehrdad Pourzaki, Tanveer Hasan, Kelsi Stine-Rowe, Anna Rees | |
ESEAP Strategy Summit | June 29-30 | Bangkok, Thailand | Mehrdad Pourzaki, Tanveer Hasan, Kelsi Stine-Rowe | |
Wikimedia Hackathon | May 17-19 | Prague, Czech Republic | ./. | |
Creative Commons Summit | May 9-11 | Lisbon, Portugal | Nicole Ebber, Kaarel Vaidla | |
re:publica | May 6-8 | Berlin, Germany | Nicole Ebber | Alice Wiegand (Advocacy) |
Wikimedia+Education Conference 2019 | April 5-7 | San Sebastián, Spain | ./. | |
Internet Freedom Festival | April 1-5 | Valencia, Spain | ./. | |
Wikimedia Summit | March 29-31 | Berlin, Germany | All Core Team | |
IberoConf | February 8-10 | Santiago, Chile | Tanveer Hasan | |
Wikimedia Foundation All Hands | January 27-Feb 2 | San Francisco, USA | Nicole Ebber, Kaarel Vaidla, Jodi McMurray, Tanveer Hasan | |
Wikisammelan Kolkata 2019 | January 11-13 | Kolkata, India | ||
2018 | ||||
GLAM Wiki Conference | November 3-5 | Tel Aviv, Israel | Anna Lena Schiller, Kaarel Vaidla | |
Mozilla Festival | October 26-28 | London, United Kingdom | Nicole Ebber, Bhavesh Patel | |
Technology Conference | October 22-25 | Portland, Oregon, USA | no Core Team, but WG representatives | Ryu Cheol (Product and Technology) |
WikiConference North America | October 18-21 | Columbus, Ohio, USA | Jodi McMurray | |
CEE Meeting | October 13-15 | Lviv, Ukraine | Kaarel Vaidla, Tanveer Hasan | |
Northern Europe Meeting | October 6-7 | Stockholm, Sweden | no Core Team representatives | |
Wikiconvention francophone | October 5-7 | Grenoble, France | Kaarel Vaidla | |
WikiCon | October 5-7 | Sankt Gallen, Switzerland | Nicole Ebber | |
Wikimania | July 18-22 | Cape Town, South Afrika | Nicole, Kaarel, Jodi, Bhav, Anna Lena, Douglas, Anne |