Grants:PEG/Yorg/Wiki Loves Africa 2016/Report
- Report accepted
- To read the approved grant submission describing the plan for this project, please visit Grants:PEG/Yorg/Wiki Loves Africa 2016.
- You may still comment on this report on its discussion page, or visit the discussion page to read the discussion about this report.
- You are welcome to Email grants at wikimedia dot org at any time if you have questions or concerns about this report.
Project status
[edit]- Did you comply with the requirements specified by WMF in the grant agreement?
- Is your project completed?
Activities and lessons learned
[edit]Music and dance are the very beat of this vibrant continent. It was therefore fitting that for the third Wiki Loves Africa media competition, the focus was on Music and Dance. From 1st December 2016 through to the and 31st of January 2017, Wiki Loves Africa encouraged participants to contribute media - photographs, video or sound files - to illustrate this theme that was chosen by Wikipedia volunteers across Africa.
- The photographs that were entered to the competition can be viewed here: Commons:Category:Images from Wiki Loves Africa 2016
- The videos that were entered to the competition can be viewed here: Commons:Category:Video from Wiki Loves Africa 2016
- The audio that was entered into the competition can be listened to here: Commons:Category:Audio from Wiki Loves Africa 2016
- The winners are: c:Commons:Wiki Loves Africa 2016/Winners
Beyond the theme focus, in 2016 was important for the team this year to be held to pre-plan their event, be held to a high financial accountability, and to plan for an event that ensured image integration into the Wikimedia projects beyond the contest.
[edit]The competition took place between the 1st of December 2016 and 31st of January 2017. It was followed by post-contest events such as local ceremonies in some countries. The jury was chosen and the judging set up on Montage, the winners were announced. The teams were asked to feedback their experiences both as to what they had done at their events, and what they thought of the competition as a National Team group.
Local Teams
[edit]To be part of the contest the groups submitted proposals for their involvement. This year, we did not give the teams a set budget to work with but gave them a maximum amount ceiling and extensive submission guidelines. This gave the teams the freedom to decide their level of engagement.
Communications and driving public participation
[edit]The contest was communicated through:
- a Facebook account: 4,612 likes
- a twitter account: 699 tweets, 666 followers
- Pages on Wikimedia Commons : Wiki Loves Africa 2016
- Pages on Meta : Wiki Loves Africa
- A site notice was displayed on top of pages of all Wikimedia projects for all African countries during the two months of the competition.
During the contest, other venues for communication were also used, including:
- Wikimedia France blog - 06 Dec 2016
- Wikimedia Foundation blog - Because Wikipedia is a place for everyone - 13 Dec 2016
- Press releases :
Launch PR (English)
Communiqué de presse au lancement (Français)
- An English news alert for the launch was sent to 2335 email addresses via the Wiki In Africa database
- A French news alert for the launch was sent to 746 email addresses via the Wiki In Africa database
- Information was sent out via the African Wikimedians mailing list [1].
Some of the continental media coverage can be found here: [2]
Unesco partnership for communications
In January 2017, through the intervention of User:John_Cummings, UNESCO's Unite4Heritage campaign promoted Wiki Loves Africa 2016. This was because it was deemed that the Wiki Loves Africa competition supports the goals of Unite4Heritage through:
- encouraging people to explore intangible heritage and share their images online,
- supporting the creation of very high quality open access photographs that are free for everyone to reuse,
- and spreading the Unite4Heritage message to a larger audience through Wikimedia. Images above were received for the
- contest and used to encourage participation.
The impact of the partnership
Social media promotion on UNESCO Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts used both Unite4Heritage and WikiLovesAfrica hash tags. UNESCO messages were shared widely by Wikimedia groups and individuals on social media bringing Unite4Heritage to a new audience;
- UNESCO tweets received 67,257 impressions and 1,008 total engagements (retweets, likes and replies).
- On Instagram, posts received 178,900 impressions, reached 127,900 people and received 9,536 likes and comments.
- Facebook posts reached 44,785 people and received 768 reactions. UNESCO Visibility Report, January 2017.
the logo
WLA 2016 A2 poster
WLA 2016 A5 double-sided flyer
WLA 2016 A5 double-sided French flyer
WLA English language email banner
WLA French language email banner
WLA PhotoComp2016 Pull Up banner
Print-ready WLA Stickers (round, square and rectangular)
See more ...
Local events
[edit]The contest was accompanied by focus events in 10 countries.
All events data were collected on the following googledoc : Local teams event report and images from the events
As of mid March 2017, the events reported were
Zimbabwe was a wild card. It turned out to be much more complicated than expected. Although one event was held, and several media engagements too place, political issues, and ongoing problems with the financial sector, provided a challenging environment that did not lead to any results. Extensive private feedback has been given to Marti and Alex about the situation.
The Nigeria group travelled the places that they had planned, but they did not allow these use of cameras as they are considered taboo. There was no way of knowing this previously.
Generally... countries seemed quite motivated and active (though some were more than others...).
Problem is that most teams clearly
- do not like reporting (though we really tried to make it as easy as possible). Over 5 reminders (during the contest, after the contest...) were sent to ask that event reports be made, with limited outcome.
- this trend is not improving (events reports turned in more easily last year)
- most teams communicate about their events essentially on Facebook. Event pictures are being shared on Facebook, rarely on Commons. Which might be just as well actually, but make reporting and illustrating more complicated.
The Jury and selection process
[edit]This year, the jury was constituted of 6 people.
David Brazier (Zimbabwe) born in Cape Town in 1962, and studied photography at the Harare Polytechnic after which he travelled extensively round Europe, South-East Asia, Australia, North America, Canada, Central, East and Southern Africa with his camera. In the early 1990’s he founded a small professional studio in Harare focusing on architectural, environmental and development assignments. During the early 90’s Brazier worked as a stringer for Agence France Press in Harare. His architectural work has been published in the New York Times, the International Ove Arup Journal and the Architectural Review. He has contributed and his photos have been featured in the Zimbabwean Review journal, Revue Noire, the cover of TIME Magazine (Africa), National Geographic Africa, Claiming Landscapes, Warscapes, Ogogii magazine.
Doris Anson-Yevu (Ghana) aka Kafui is a photographer and social entrepreneur. She is the founder of Photowalk Ghana and works as Programme Manager at Impact Hub Accra. Find her work on Flickr. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter.
Michael Maggs (United Kingdom) is the Chair of Wikimedia UK and is an administrator and bureaucrat on Wikimedia Commons. He has been a keen photographer for many years. Examples of recent projects to record theatre and opera performances can be found here and here.
Habib M'HENNI (Tunisia) is a long time Wikipedian and Wikimedia, amateur photographer, and contributor to Wikimedia Commons. He is very actively involved in Wikimedia Tunisia User Group. He also was a member in Wiki Loves Africa Jury in 2014 and Jury in 2015. Contact:
Jacques KOUAO (Côte_d'Ivoire) is a professional photographer who, with bloggers and friends, decided to visit various cities of Ivory Coast in search of these men and women that provide real and pragmatic solutions to the problems of their communities. The story of their adventures since January 2015 is available on Jacques is also co- founder of the Wikimedia User Group Ivory Coast.
Théo Bondolfi (Switzerland) is a Consultant and trainer in eCulture, the president of several associations and regional organizations that work on social, economic and cultural issues. He is a lecturer, artist photographer and communicator. Currently he is the president and co-founder 1998) of His work with yorg includes the coordination of research and development, conferences, publications and training in eCulture (EU programs, North / South cooperation).
The winning photographs and winners
[edit]The Juror Winners - 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes
The photo contest entries were reviewed by a panel of six photographic experts from around the world (see make up of jury above). The Jurors used the Montage tool for the 3 rounds of judging. The jury identified three winners.
1st Prize: The Kuru Dance Festival at Dqae Qare Lodge, Botswana by SanDanceVR
2nd Prize: A pot and drum seller on his way to work in Rwanda by Tuyizere Nkinzingabo Jean Pierre
3rd Prize: Kiduku dance in Tanzania by Rasheedhrasheed
Organisers prize
The Organisers Prize was awarded to photograph of the Nubian Flute Player by Ahmed Emad H. Additionally, the collection of photographic and media work that Ahmed Emad H contributed to Commons during the competition has provided a wonderful spotlight on singers and musicians in Egypt.
The 4th Prize (Organisers Prize): Nubian Flute Player by Ahmed Emad H (Egypt)
Community prize
The Community Prize of the photo contest was cancelled for the 2016 competition as there was not enough participation from within the community. Of those that did vote, a few seemed to be concerned about tampering with the vote. After a long and hard decision, and time spent going through the contributions of each voter, the organisers decided not to award the Community Prize at all this year. This was tough decision – the bid to influence the vote is not within the spirit of the Wikimedia movement. As the organising team, we felt that, as the stewards of the WMF’s grant, we could not justify awarding the prize under this dark cloud.
Participation acknowledgement
All African countries were welcome to participate to the contest. The winning country in terms of participation was Côte d'Ivoire with 1155 pictures. The team achieved this level of contribution due to the energy they put into the contest with a total of 19 events.
Lessons learned
[edit]We gave detailed lessons here : Results_and_best_practices#What_we_learned. Below is a summary.
- What worked well?
- social media communication Most teams now are well installed on social medias, with significant activity, audience and editorial activity, making social media powerful means to relay the information toward already sensitized people.
- Jury tool and jury engagement : the jury tool was an issue the two previous years. This year we adopted the new tool Montage was adopted this year. There were a few, small teething issues with the interface and backend functionality, but it was a much better tool for the jury. Members of the jury were encouraged to give feedback about the usability of the tool, and some of them provided excellent feedback for improvements.
- Release of funds : this was done in a timely manner. (The only issue was Zimbabwe which had to do with the banking system and the availability of the person receiving the money.)
- Shipping of gifts : we gave up sending from the Wikimedia shop as we did previous years (material lost, shipping slow, orders cancelled etc.). We gave up sending from Amazon as we did previous years (does not deliver everywhere...). We sent direct gifts (a power pack), money and online annual subscription to software.
- Site notices/ banner : Initially there was an issue when we discovered that the visibility of the banner had been reduce to minimum after the first week (and without telling us). We discussed the problem with Seddon at the WMF, who worked with us to greatly improve the effectiveness of the banner which brought good results and a lesser reader fatigue.
- Categorization of images : this became a real point of concern; however this was largely fixed due to a bot (CivBot) built by the team member African Hope
- Team input : there was more input from the team with elements outside of the events, etc. Some of the team members volunteered to help solve some of the project's global issues (one example was the development of bots to fix the categorizing issue). The ability to discuss the project at Wiki Indaba
- Outreach : In Cameroon, the relationship with professional photographers brought about real results. We would like to work closer with this element for 2017.
- Partnership and other collaborations : the relationship with Goethe-Institut. The input of the Wiki Loves Women teams
- What didn’t work so well?
- Engaging Zimbabwe : a whole collection of issues (mostly, unavoidable) prevented any events or media coverage relating to the contest from happen in a productive manner.
- Timing : for 2016 it was decided to take place later in the year so as not to be in competition with Wiki Loves Monuments, however it collided with Christmas season and the long school holidays. This caused the momentum to be lost across the 2 months.
- Translation (of main page or subpages) : this was an issue previous years. It remains an issue - team members seem reluctant to be involved in this essential part of the project. The negative result is that their participants do not really understand the theme, what they can win or understand the criteria for submission properly when they access the competition pages.
- Local reporting (of events and documentation of expenses) : still very painful to do for some teams, though there is a general large increase in the quality of reporting every year. Some teams get it just right. Other teams are slower to respond or too short in their replies ...
- Content : given the theme, we had hoped to get a lot more audio files and videos that we ended up with. The media section seems hard to get across to the participants.
- Events : key music or dance events that would have been perfect to capture by local teams or photographers happened outside the dates of the contest, and pre-planning by the teams meant that these key events were not captured.
Selected quotes from the local teams : collected from Wiki Loves Africa 2016/Team survey
In Nigeria : As a community, our participation in the annual contest can not be overemphasised because of the following:
- Global reach survey conducted in Nigeria shows that 23% of Nigerians are aware of Wikipedia. However, our participation helps to introduce the project to groups within our focal point- Music and Dance. Hence, increase in awareness of Wikipedia.
- It helps us as a community to strengthen our ties with organisation outside Wikimedia community eg Goge Africa, Lagos State University etc. This arrangement has metamorphosed to a partnership that has led to the proposed Wikipedia in Residence with GogeAfrica an organisation which focus on African based cultural heritage .
- Numerically speaking ,our community membership has increased by 30% within the course of the project in Nigeria.
In Cameroon
Cela a contribué à l’agrandissement du futur user group et la mise sur pied d'une solide équipe
In Côte d'Ivoire
A challenge they faced : Nous avons été refusés à un spectacle dans un centre culturel à Abidjan, pour défaut d'accréditation. Nous avons dû faire faire face à quelques soucis de connexion Internet. La pluie nous a fait manquer une chasse à l'image. Excepté ces faits, tout s'est bien passé dans l'ensemble.
In Algeria
It was not very easy when the festival dates are organized during the summer and spring, but we found some photographers, they took pictures during this period and they agreed to share their work in the contest
The first challege is to present the philosophy of Open and Free - freely sharing a job without demanding anything - Many Algerians do not understand that any digitized work requires creative licenses of community if we want to use it without pay. It is this obstacle of understanding that one must pass by launching each contest.
In Ghana
Lack of media accreditation made us miss out on some very important programmes we could have captured.
Outcomes and impact
[edit]- Provide the original project goal here.
Wiki Loves Africa's goals and intentions are to:
- Draw attention to, and increase the coverage of, content relating to Africa on the Wikimedia projects.
- Introduce the benefits of, and ability to, contribute to Wikimedia Common to new communities.
- Support new volunteer communities as they work together around an important local project.
- Reward people for contributing the right kind of material to Wikimedia projects.
- Engender pride in local heritages, traditions, cultures and communities across Africa.
The aim of the Wiki Loves Africa project is to provide support for national organisers, and organise the continental layer of WLA. This is done by the continental project team.
The goals of the continental team are to:
- Assure the practicability and the legality of the contest.
- Liaise with Wikimedia community to ensure smooth running of the project.
- Support the local teams as they work with local communities and photographers to submit their entries.
- Provide the right frame work and structure to ensure that there is a high level of accountability from the volunteer groups.
- Assure a minimum number of pictures and media that are of high quality.
- Highlight the contest, the events and teams, its result and enhance the communication around all aspects of the contest.
- Did you achieve your project goal? How do you know your goal was achieved? Please answer in 1 - 2 short paragraphs.
Yes, we achieved our project goals. We ran a continent-wide media contest on the theme of Music and Dance that drew a wide geographical range of 7,840 entries, that in 10 countries were driven by national teams of Wikipedian volunteers. Over and above that it raised the profile in other countries (and new Commons contributors) enough for there to be contributions from countries as far apart as Botswana, Senegal, Morocco and South Africa. The project attempted to seed a new community in Zimbabwe, but due to unforeseen political and financial reasons did not take shape.
Results and metrics
[edit]- All pictures are listed here: Commons:Category:Images from Wiki Loves Africa 2016
- Quality images : Commons:Category:Quality images from Wiki Loves Africa 2016
- Featured images : Commons:Category:Featured pictures from Wiki Loves Africa 2016
- There were 315,757 pageviews to the participate page from 1st November 2016 to 22nd March 2017.
These are the results and metrics gleaned for the 2016 competition (Results draft only - still being refined)
- There were 7917 files contributed to Wiki Loves Africa 2016 via the Commons portal. This has been taken down to 7844 images after some cleaning of copyvios.
- The files were contributed by 836 individual usernames (although another query by Mounir says that 765 people participated)
- A CatScan query discovered quality ratings on 14 images so far (±2 months after the competition.
Progress towards targets and goals
[edit]Project metrics
Project metrics | Target outcome | Achieved outcome | Explanation |
Ave. 900 media files uploaded to the contest by each NT | The contest average was 585 media files per country | We are not sure exactly why this is hard to get beyond. We believe it could be a combination of elements. | |
Min. 600 uploaders from across the continent | 836 individual uploads | target exceeded | |
Min. 10 countries to join the contest as NTs | 10 countries joined | achieved | |
Min. 8 events per country | 5.6 is the average of events based on all countries (1 country has not yet finished their report). | This might have been an unrealistic expectation. After the grant request we asked the teams to motivate for a budget based on the number of events and interventions they wished to hold. Even if the original proposals had been perfectly implemented, the average would have been 6 per country. | |
Min. 1 post-contest entry incorporation event | unknown | Although it was a requirement this year for the country teams to host a post-contest integration event, there was no time limit. It will be reported in report on next year's contest. | |
Reuse on Wikimedia projects of at least 10% | The report was compiled 4 months after the contest. This is too soon to get a valuable reading. | ||
9 months after the contest has ended, at least 25 new users are active contributors. | n/a | This report is compiled 4 months after the contest has ended. | |
A grant request is accepted successfully, and a report is produced according to the request. | done. | The last prizes have to be sent and the financials finalised. This is expected by the first week of June. | |
A survey is conducted among local organisers, showing high levels of satisfaction with the continental project team | Great and helpful (2) on average | ||
A list of improvements is proposed for the following year | yes | A discussion took placed at Wiki Indaba and is listed here. Full list of suggested improvements here | |
The African finale is successfully completed. | it is successfully completed | done. | |
The prizes are handed out before end of May 2017, with a possible exception for travel-related prizes | yes | Final prizes posted and received. | |
Documentation is available for all those organising a local Wiki Loves Africa contest | done | all on commons and meta | |
A sound local expenses reporting system has been set up, allowing timely tracking of budgeted versus documented for each NT and public reporting at the end of the project. | done | see the table below |
Global Metrics
[edit]We are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across our grantees. In addition to the measures of success for your specific program (in above section), please use the table below to let us know how your project contributed to the Global Metrics. We know that not all projects will have results for each type of metric, so feel free to put "0" where necessary.
- Next to each required metric, list the actual outcome achieved through this project.
- Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome. For example, if you were funded for an edit-a-thon which resulted in 0 new images, your explanation might be "This project focused solely on participation and articles written/improved, the goal was not to collect images."
For more information and a sample, see Global Metrics.
Metric | Achieved outcome | Explanation |
Bytes Added (absolute sum) | 12,805,212 | |
Pages created (Metric captured: 2017-05-25 21:41:18) | 21,840 | |
Rolling active editors (metric captured: 2017-03-22 21:03:24) | 110 | |
Newly registered (Metric captured: 2017-01-31 22:26:21) | 622 |
Please note: the cohort size for the metrics was set at 7646 that were considered valid, 10 were considered invalid. The cohort came off the Quarry page. The invalid entries seemed to be because the Arabic or non-latin formed usernames could not be picked up. ADDITIONALLY; the global metrics "magic button" does not seem to work. We have tried it several times over the last few months. This information has been grabbed from metrics individually. Metrics itself is also not working currently as we wanted to update the information.
- Learning question
- Did your work increase the motivation of contributors, and how do you know?
- 81% of contributors were existing Wikimedia users. Although it might indicate that not enough outreach had been done during the project, it also could indicate that many of the people who were involved in last year’s project re-entered. Which would show increased motivation.
[edit]What impact did this project have on WMF's mission and the strategic priorities?
How did you increase participation in one or more Wikimedia projects?
How did you improve quality on one or more Wikimedia projects?
How did you increase the reach (readership) of one or more Wikimedia projects?
Over the last three years, Wiki Loves Africa has not just had an increasing impact on the amount of content that reflects different aspects of cultural life across Africa. It has also been absolutely pivotal in raising the level of engagement for the groups and providing a strong focus around which to test each other's strengths and to pull together as a team.
Increased diversity by getting African content on Wikimedia projects
Since 2014, the contest has seen the contribution of 21,460 photographs to Wikimedia Commons for potential use on Wikipedia. In the first year, under the theme Cuisine, 873 people contributed 6,116 photographs. Cultural fashion and adornment was the theme for the next year, 2015, which saw 722 people contribute over 7,500 photographs. In 2016, 7844 images were contributed by 836 individuals. We acknowledge that more work has to be done about integrating the photographs within the Wikimedia projects, but this has been addressed by the post-contest integration events the teams have yet to complete.
From Glamarous:
- Wiki Loves Africa 2016 - 4 months after the close of the competition, the usage of images used within the Wikimedia projects at 255 total images placed from 182 distinct images. (2.32% of all images contributed.)
- Wiki Loves Africa 2015 - a year and 2 months after the close of the competition, the usage of images is 817 total images placed from 537 distinct images. (7.4% of all images contributed.)
- Wiki Love Africa 2014 - 2 years, 2 months after the close of the competition, the usage of images is 1371 total images placed from 799 distinct images. (13.62% of all images contributed.)
From Baglama2:
- Total monthly page views for images from Wiki Loves Africa 2014 as of April 2017 were 2,326,700. Total views in all time: 9,591,813
- Total monthly page views for images from Wiki Loves Africa 2015 as of April 2017 were 1,376,376. Total views in all time: 6,233,576
- Total monthly page views for images from Wiki Loves Africa 2016 as of April 2017 were 493,461. Total views in all time: 1,468,524
Skills transfer to grow communities
The project has also been instrumental in transferring essential project management, communications and event planning skills via individual mentoring and support for each group of volunteers that have been involved. Over the 3 years, there have been various levels of interaction between the project management team and the leaders of national teams, but in most cases, this mentorship and the structure of the project has provided many skills, that are not just related to adding photographs to Commons. The skills that have been developed or honed through the project include, but is not limited to:
- project management
- financial management and fiscal accountability
- reporting and feedback
- a greater understanding of larger Wikimedia events, Wikimedia grant making and expectations around accountability
- communications strategy and implementation, including social media, blogging, knowing which audience needs which materials
- public relations and working with media,
- working with service providers,
- navigating group dynamics,
- community outreach, engagement and cohesion
- event planning, implementation
- partner negotiations, etc,
Several of the groups that regularly take part in Wiki Loves Africa were either started as a result of Wiki Loves Africa, such as Tanzania, or is the main annual touch point for a major intervention, such as in Uganda, or was the first project where the community found cohesion, such as in Nigeria. It is an important annual event for local Wikimedia groups, whether formally affiliated or not.
Increased awareness among Africa's photographers about Commons and Creative Commons or Open licences
Since 2014, the project has had a great impact on how many photographers (professional and amateur) have been exposed to, and seen the benefits of contributing to an alternative openly licenced repository. In 2016, 828 photographers from a notoriously copyright confused continent has been exposed to CC-BY-SA. Unfortunately, we have not yet seen how many photographer have entered returned to the contest year after year, although we know a few on the teams who have contribute religiously!
For the few that we hear from, this has been a life changing experience. The 1st prize winner, Kevin Ruck has expressed his delight at winning: "Thank-you so very much I am humbled to have won, especially considering the quality of work submitted. This has inspired me to work harder and do a photographic course. A career change at 47. [emphasis ours] I carry my camera more often now, which lead me to take the attached image at the park where I live.
Greater pride and understanding of the value of sharing local culture with a global audience
The project allows both the national teams and the contributors to look at their local customs, histories, contemporary practices and cultures with a global eye. To celebrate the value of their local knowledge broadening the global knowledge around what music and dance means to different people. This adds to the personal belief that working on this project, or entering a photograph is important, has meaning. By doing so, it changes the image that people have of themselves as Africans. It gives personal value to their local customs and knowledge that are sometimes viewed as secondary or inferior to more commercially pushed culture from the US and Europe. Again, this is an intangible development, but it is the reason why the project was developed from the beginning.
Reporting and documentation of expenditures
[edit]- Did you send documentation of all expenses paid with grant funds to grants at wikimedia dot org, according to the guidelines here? Answer "Yes" or "No".
- All local receipts are available here
- Continental receipts are available there
The full expense sheet, with local countries itemized report, plus visual representation of expenses per country is available on this document.
Wiki Loves Africa Financial Country Reporting as of 04 05 2017
[edit]- Please list all project expenses in a table here, with descriptions and dates. Review the instructions here.
Category | Item description | Budget 2016 in dollars | Budget 2016 in CHF | Actual spendings CHF | Actual balance CHF |
1 | Project Staffing | 14'250.00 | 14'250.00 | 14'518.02 | -268.02 |
2 | Communication | 1'000.00 | 1'000.00 | 1'458.66 | -458.66 |
3 | In-country actions | 10'000.00 | 10'000.00 | 10'163.76 | -163.76 |
4 | Prizes | 2'200.00 | 2'200.00 | 2'146.26 | 53.74 |
5 | Judges/Sponsors | 200.00 | 200.00 | 239.93 | -39.93 |
6 | Additional elements | 2718.5 | 2'718.50 | 1'903.95 | 814.55 |
30'368.50 | 30'368.50 | 30'430 | -62 |
Full reporting sheet available here
Remaining funds
[edit]- Are there any grant funds remaining?
- Please list the total amount (specify currency) remaining here. (This is the amount you did not use, or the amount you still have after completing your grant.)
- no fund remaining at the global level. Egypt reported not having used all its funding (580 spent/1000)
- If funds are remaining they must be returned to WMF, reallocated to mission-aligned activities, or applied to another approved grant.
- Please state here if you intend to return unused funds to WMF, submit a request for reallocation, or submit a new grant request, and then follow the instructions on your approved grant submission.
- na