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Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/Candidates/Ashwin Baindur/ja

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アシュウィン・バインドゥル大佐(引退) (AshLin)

AshLin (talk meta edits global user summary CA  AE)

  • 活動:
    • ウィキメディア参加時期: 2006年3月26日
    • 活動中のウィキ: 英語版ウィキペディア、ウィキメディアコモンズ
所信表明 (450語以内) ナマステ


私は自分自身をリベラルだと思っていますヒューマニスト。 私の未来像は、「多くのコミュニティの要求に最も適した方法で、世界の知識を人類のすべての部分に提示する、公平で、持続可能で、安全で、包括的で、アクセス可能なウィキメディア運動」です。


私は2006以来ウィキメディア財団の参加者であり、655の新しい記事(547の生物多様性関連)を作成し、566の画像をウィキメディアコモンズにアップロードしています。 私は2006年にウィキプロジェクト・レピドプテラを設立し、ウィキプロジェクトインド軍事史で働いていました。

2011年、私はプネーでウィキペディアの10周年記念を開催しました(ブログ投稿)。 私はウィキメディアに関する最初のインド全国会議の主要な主催者でした— 2011年インドウィキ会議。 私は計画に携わり、「生産的な編集」と「ウィキペディアへの貢献方法(英語)」を実施しました。 私は、アウトステーションの編集者への助成金の支払いを監督しました。 私は注目すべきWikimedianRecognitionイベントの審査員でした。 WP:INCOTMを復活させました。 私はWikimediaindia-lメーリングリストWikiProjectIndia掲示板に10年以上定期的に参加しています。 Tag&Assess 2012(84,274記事)Tag&Assess 2014(17,582記事)を復活させて実施しました。

プネームンバイベンガルールチェンナイ コルカタカラグプルイタナガル、およびヴィシャーカパトナムのさまざまなウィキワークショップでトレーニングを行いました。

I have advised India Education Program, Wikimedia India Chapter (2011–2013), and CIS-A2K. I was part of the 2015 panel constituted by CIS to appoint the Program Director for CIS-A2K. I headed the host-city selection committee for WikiConference 2016. I am active in the Marathi Wikimedian community.

I was the Library Officer of a library in the College of Military Engineering, Pune (1987–1990). I personally categorised the Library using dBASE III on an IBM PC. I have been the Director, Corps of Engineers Museum & Archive, for eight years, involving all aspects of GLAM, that I revived and for which I received a commendation. I am presently an Honorary GLAM consultant, Bombay Sappers Museum & Archive, Pune. I am doing a military oral-history project.

I am acutely aware of how power, inequity, and systems of discrimination work. I support the causes of historically discriminated-against groups and I would like to encourage leadership from marginalised communities to lead and build our movement. I, therefore, support equal rights for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, class, caste, or religion, while understanding the limits of free speech especially when it comes to spreading hate, prejudice, or disinformation.

Stay safe!


1. Give a voice to the emerging communities of the Global South.

2. Capacity building across the entire Wikimedia Movement.

3. Support the successful fulfilment of the Movement Strategy.


While I believe all the recommendations of the Movement Strategy have their unique significance and importance, the following are of top priority to me:

1. Provide for Safety and Inclusion (Recommendation 3). (Stakeholders: Users & Community).

2. Ensure Equity in Decision-making (Recommendation 4). (Stakeholders: WMF, Users, and Community).

3. Invest in Skills and Leadership Development (Recommendation 6). (Stakeholders: WMF, Users, and Community).

確認 完了した確認作業
立候補資格: 確認済み
確認者: Matanya (talk) 20:44, 1 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]
身分証明: 確認済み
確認者: Joe Sutherland (Wikimedia Foundation) (talk) 01:20, 1 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]
<1 1–2 2–5 5–10 10+

ウィキメディアにおける経験 候補者には、ウィキメディア運動への献身的な貢献者であることが求められます。要件を満たす貢献には以下を含みます:ウィキメディア・プロジェクトへの貢献、ウィキメディア財団や提携団体の構成員であること、ウィキメディア運動の取りまとめ役としての活動、もしくはウィキメディア運動の協力組織への参加。

15 years (2006–2021).
I am an editor from the Wikimedian community in Pune, Maharashtra, India since 2006, with over 30,000 global edits. I am active in the online English Wikipedia community of Indians and the local Marathi community. I have been an active volunteer, participant, and a resource person in the Indian community from 2006 to date but eschewed formal/paid positions and the like. Have advised India Education Program, Wikimedia India Chapter (2011–2013), to the CIS-A2K program on movement matters in an informal and unpaid capacity. I was an organiser of WikiConference India 2011 and headed the host city selection committee for WikiConference India 2016. I was part of the panel that was constituted by CIS to appoint the Program Director for CIS-A2K program in 2015. My contributions have been recognised by the Indian Community, which publicly felicitated me in Chennai in 2019.

理事としての経験 候補者が、全国的もしくは世界的な組織(非営利、営利、もしくは政府)において理事や取締役などを務めたことがあるか。

10 years (2012–2021).
I am on the Board of the The Army Philatelic Society. Though this is a national non-profit of renowned philatelists who hail from the Indian Defence Services background, it is miniscule and very low-profile. I am a member of the Managing Committee and the job involves keeping an open mind, ability to see all points of view, derive a consensus amongst strong-willed people who felt passionately about issues, and working for win-win solutions. In my opinion, while the scale has absolutely no comparison to that of the WMF, it is still an exposure in the concerned field.

役員経験 候補者が、規模、複雑性、活動範囲においてウィキメディア財団に匹敵するかそれを上回る規模の組織、部門もしくはプロジェクトにおいて役員を務めたことがあるか。

32 years (1984–2016).

I have been a commissioned officer in the Corps of Engineers (combat and infrastructure engineer department) of the Indian Army for 32 years (1984–2016). My entire career has been upholding the military values of integrity, courage, and upholding the Chetwode credo of the Indian Army. I reached the rank of Colonel, which I held for 10 years. Medical issues prevented further promotion.

During my service, I commanded a field company during the Kargil War (1999) for which I received a commendation, and later commanded an engineer regiment in a border area. I consider these the epitome of my executive experience.

I was the scientific team leader for the 1993 Corps of Engineers Expedition to Nanda Devi (7816m), (where I also conducted a scientific survey of the butterflies of the National Park). Leading, organizing and working with a team of multi-disciplinary scientists from culturally-widely-disparate institutions successfully is an achievement that I am proud of.

I was the Chief Administrator for the Army Pre-Primary School, Fort William, Kolkata for three years (2012–2015). It involved looking after all aspects of the school, including recruitment of Principal and 15 teachers, 20 other Staff, and over 300 children.

I have been the AA&QMG (chief administrator) of the National Defence College, New Delhi (July 2001–July 2004), a prestigious defence institution for senior defence and civil government officers from India and nations around the world. I was responsible for all functions including human resources (120 very senior defence and government officials of India and foreign countries, about 100 staff from all three armed forces and variety of government agencies), management of infrastructure, transport, liaison with foreign embassies and other government departments, international travel, financial management, and legal issues, and had an annual budget equivalent to around USD 115,000 today. I had to conduct about a hundred events each year, including two foreign tours for six delegations to one/two countries each, twice a year, and six other tours within the nation.

In my last appointment, I was the coordinator for the military Married Accommodation Project (MAP) scheme in HQ Eastern Command of the Indian Army (2012–2015). I was responsible for coordination of all MAP projects in West Bengal and all states east of it in Eastern and Northeast India, of a total value of 982 crores INR (132 million USD in 2015).

I am also an avid amateur naturalist who founded and mentors an award-winning children’s nature club, an activity which requires different skills and experience.

内容領域専門性 候補者が、ウィキメディア財団と理事会の活動に関連する分野において働いたか、もしくはかなりのボランティア活動を行ったことがあるか。これらの分野は毎年決定され、グローバル運動の構築やコミュニティの組織化、企業レベルのプラットフォーム技術と製品の開発、公共政策と法律、知識分野(例:学術/GLAM/教育)、人権と社会正義、オープンインターネット/フリー・オープンソースソフトウェア、組織戦略と運営、財務と財務監督、非営利の資金調達、人材管理、理事会のガバナンスのような分野を含みます。

14 years (2008–present). Besides my experience in operations, administration, human resources and management (outlined in previous sections of the Trustee form), I have hands-on domain experience in GLAM.

  • I have been the Director of the Corps of Engineers Museum & Archive, CME, Pune, for eight years, which involved all four aspects of GLAM, an organisation that I revived and for which I received a commendation.
  • I was Library Officer of the Officer’s Mess Library in College of Military Engineering, Pune (1987–1990). I personally categorized the Library using dBASE III on a PC with two floppy drives and no hard disk, in which process I was the first person in my institution to discover the first virus ever - Brain.
  • I am an honorary GLAM consultant for the Bombay Sappers Museum & Archive, in Pune.
  • I am presently involved in a military oral history project concerning the documentation of personal reminiscences of all ranks of 20 Field Company (1812–present) and 110 Engineer Regt (1965–present).

多様性:経歴 候補者が、権力構造の中で歴史的差別や低代表に直面してきた集団に属しているか、属していたか(例えば、性、人種、民族、障害、LGBTQ+、社会階級、経済的地位、もしくはカースト)

Yes. I am a 59-year old, medically challenged person, being a Chronic Myeloid Leukemia survivor (2007–present). I mentor two children/young adults with Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy in my children’s nature club. I am acutely aware and concerned about accessibility especially for physically, developmentally and medically challenged people.

多様性:地理的 候補者が地理的な居住地域に基づき、理事会の全体的な地理的多様性に貢献するか。

Yes. I hail from Pune, Maharashtra, in India, a Global South nation that has not been represented in the Community volunteers of the Board of Trustees so far. India has 27 language communities and total of 96 Wikimedia projects (to the best of my knowledge) and is the single-most linguistically-diverse, and complex nation having Wikimedians. It is also one of the nations that have the largest number of consumers of knowledge from Wikimedian projects.

多様性:言語 候補者が、英語以外の言語のネイティブスピーカーであるか。

Yes. My first language (mother tongue) is Konkani. My other daily use languages are Hindi and Marathi, I have near-native proficiency in both languages. As an Indian armed forces officer, I have had to interact with people from all parts of India (22 scheduled languages) who have little ability to speak either English or Hindi. I speak English with near native fluency. I have elementary German because I studied it in school and college.

多様性:政治システムの経験 候補者に、非民主的・検閲国家・抑圧的な状況において長く居住もしくは就労した経験があるか。

No. However, while India is one of the largest democratic countries in the world, its democratic institutions have been at risk in recent years and in the prevailing environment, including some recent legislation, censorship is a current issue of serious concern and threatens aspects of free speech and legitimate dissent.