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:*I'm clarifying these things just for the record. However, this is not my reason for voting against his reelection, but mainly the fact that I disagree with his way of resolving conflicts, and still more with the way he has handled problems arising with novice users, as well as his behaviour solving problems outside of Wikipedia.
:*I'm clarifying these things just for the record. However, this is not my reason for voting against his reelection, but mainly the fact that I disagree with his way of resolving conflicts, and still more with the way he has handled problems arising with novice users, as well as his behaviour solving problems outside of Wikipedia.
I'm sorry for the extension [[User:Mar del Sur|Mar del Sur]] 14:49, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
I'm sorry for the extension [[User:Mar del Sur|Mar del Sur]] 14:49, 11 February 2012 (UTC)

::Bla, bla, bla... The political machiche members and Magister always lying. Only for information: [[:en:Psychopathy]] [[User:Thor8|Thor8]] 15:03, 11 February 2012 (UTC)

Revision as of 15:03, 11 February 2012


These steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

  • Sprachen: es, en-4 (und kann einfache Texte in verschiedenen romanischen Sprachen lesen).
  • Informationen zur Person: Wie in jedem Jahr melde ich mich wieder, um euch um Rückmeldung zu meiner Stewardarbeit zu bitten. Ich fungiere seit vielen Jahren als Steward, und wenn die Gemeinschaft erwägt, dass ich meine Arbeit ordentlich durchgeführt habe, würde ich sie gerne fortsetzen.

    In diesem Jahr habe ich mich hauptsächlich um das Ausfindigmachen von Spambots und das Sperren von offensichtlichen Vandalen gekümmert, auch um andere Gebiete (hey ptwiki, würdet ihr bitte wieder Checkuser-Berechtigte bestimmen? ;)

    Wenn es mir gestattet ist, würde ich gern diesen knappen Raum nutzen, um den wundervollen Leuten zu danken, die unsere Projekte aufgebaut haben (erinnert euch, wir sind nicht nur Wikipedia) ;), und besonders auch denen, die mir durch dieses Jahr geholfen haben, als ich (und einige andere Benutzer) Ziel einer feigen Belästigungskampagne (coward harassment campaign) geworden bin, deren Ursprung außerhalb von Wikimedia lag und die dazu führte, dass ich einen großen Teil des Jahres abwesend war und meinem Heimatwiki dabei geholfen habe, mit dieser Störung/Belästigung umzugehen. An all diese wundervollen Leute, die Rückhalt geben: Ihr seid außergewöhnlich (amazing).

    Ich beteilige mich quer durch Wikimedia in verschiedenen Funktionen, und wie jedes Jahr lasse ich meine Diskussionsseiten 365 Tage lang offen (ebenso Wiki-Mail und die ganzen anderen Kommunikationswege), da Rückmeldungen zu meinen anderen Rollen auch immer willkommen sind. Und zum Bestätigungsthema: Ich danke euch im Voraus für alle Kommentare hier unten. Wenn es Unterstützungskommentare sind, weiß ich sie zu schätzen, und wenn nicht, schätze ich sie ebenso. Ich versichere euch, dass ich sie beachten werde, wie jedes Jahr, um meine Arbeit zu verbessern.
  • Languages: es, en-4 (and can read simple texts in several romance languages).
  • Personal info: Again, as every year, I come forward asking for input about my steward work. I've been serving as steward for many years and, if community considers I've been doing my job properly, would like to continue doing so.

    During current year I've been busy mostly investigating spambots and blocking blatant vandals, and other areas (hey ptwiki, would you please get checkusers again? ;)

    If I'm allowed, I'd also like to use this brief space to thank the wonderful people building our projects (remember, we're not just wikipedia ;) and particularly those who helped me over this year as I've been target (and some other users) of an ongoing coward harassment campaign originating outside wikimedia which led to me spending a large part of the year away, helping my home community dealing with this disruption. To all those wonderful people that give support: you are amazing.

    I participate in several roles across wikimedia, and as every year, I leave my talk pages open 365 days (and wiki mail and all the rest of communication ways) as input on my other roles is also always welcomed. And on the confirmation topic: I thank you in avance for all the comments below, if they're a support note I appreciate them and if not, I appreciate them as well. I assure you I will take note of them, as every year, in order to improve my work.

    Now.. how can I help you?
  • Idiomas: es, en-4. Y puedo entender textos simples en varios idiomas romances
  • Información personal: De nuevo, como cada año, vengo a pedir sus comentarios sobre mi trabajo de steward. He colaborado en esta área por varios años y, si la comunidad me da la oportunidad, quisiera hacerlo por un año más.

    Durante este año me he dedicado principalmente a investigar bots de spam, bloquear vándalos y otras áreas (hey ptwiki ¿hora de elegir nuevos checkusers, no? ;).

    Si se me permite, quisiera usar este breve espacio para agradecer a la maravillosa gente que colabora en nuestros proyectos (recuerden, no somos sólo wikipedia ;) y particularmente a los que me ayudaron este año en el que he sido objeto (junto con otros usuarios) de una campaña de acoso cobarde originando fuera de wikimedia y que hizo que pasase gran parte del año ocupado ayudando a mi comunidad a lidiar con esta disrupción. A toda esa gente maravillosa que ayuda: ustedes son lo mejor.

    Participo en varios roles en Wikimedia y, como cada año, mis páginas de discusión (así como el wikicorreo y todos los demás canales de comunicación) están abiertas los 365 días del año para escuchar comentarios sobre cada uno de mis roles y los comentarios son siempre bienvenidos. Acerca de la confirmación: agradezco de antemano por las notas que dejen, si son de apoyo las agradezco, y si no, también. Te aseguro que las tomaré en cuenta y, como cada año, me servirán para mejorar mi trabajo.

    Y entonces.. ¿en qué puedo ayudarte? es:Magister Mathematicae 14:59, 24 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]
  • Langues: es, en-4 (Je peux lire des textes simples dans plusieurs langues romanes)
  • Renseignements personnels: De nouveau, comme chaque année, je viens vous demander vos commentaires sur mon travail de steward. J'ai collaboré dans ce domaine depuis plusieurs années et, si la communauté me donne l'occasion, je voudrais le faire une autre année. Au cours de celle-ci, j'ai consacré mon temps principalement à enquêter sur les spambots, bloquer des vandales et d'autres domaines divers (Hey! ptwiki c'est peut-être le moment de choisir de nouveaux checkusers, non? ;).

    Je souhaite utiliser ce bref espace pour remercier toutes les merveilleuses personnes qui collaborent dans nos projets (n'oublier pas que nous ne sommes pas seulement Wikipedia ;) et particulièrement ceux qui m'ont aidé cette année dans laquelle j'ai fait l'objet (avec d'autres utilisateurs) d'une campagne de harcèlement lâche hors wikimedia et qui a m'a obligé à passer une grande partie de l'année occupé aider mon home-wiki à traiter cette perturbation. À toutes ces merveilleuses personnes qui nous aide : vous êtes les meilleurs!

    Je participe dans plusieurs rôles dans Wikimedia et, comme chaque année, mes pages de discussion (ainsi que mon wikimail et tous les autres canaux de communication) sont ouvertes 365 jours par an pour recevoir des observations sur chacun de mes rôles, bien sûr les messages sont toujours bienvenus. En ce qui concerne ma confirmation: Je vous remercie d'avance pour tous les commentaires s'ils sont d'appui je les remercie d'avance et sinon, également. Je t'assure que je les prendrai en compte et, comme chaque année, ils me serviront à améliorer mon travail.

    Et maintenant... tu as besoin de mon aide pour quelque chose?
  • Idiomas: es, en-4 E podo comprender os textos simples en varias linguas románicas
  • Informacións persoais: De novo, como cada ano, veño a pedir os seus comentarios sobre o meu traballo de steward. Estou colaborando nesta área hai varios anos e, se a comunidade me da a oportunidade, quixera facelo por un ano máis.

    Durante este ano dediqueime principalmente a investigar bots de spam, bloquear vándalos e outras áreas (hey ptwiki ¿hora de elegir nevos checkusers, no? ;).

    Si se me permite, gustaríame usar este breve espazo para agradecer a esta maravillosa xente que colabora nos nosos proxectos (recorden, non somos só wikipedia ;) e particularmente a os que me axudaron este ano do que fun obxecto (xunto con outros usuarios) de unha campaña de acoso cobarde orixinando fora de wikimedia e que fixo que pasase gran parte do ano ocupado axudando a miña comunidade para xestionar con esta ruptura. A toda esa xente maravillosa que axuda: ustedes son o mellor.

    Participo en varios papeis en Wikimedia e, como cada ano, as miñas páxinas de discusión (así como o wikicorreo e todos os demáis canles de comunicación) están abertas os 365 días do ano para escoitar comentarios sobre cada un dos meus roles e os comentarios son sempre benvidos. Acerca da confirmación: agradezo de anteman por as notas que deixen, se son de apoio as agradezco, e se non, tamén. Prometo que vou ter en conta e, como cada ano, me servirán para mellorar o meu traballo.

    Entón.. ¿en qué podo axudarte? es:Magister Mathematicae 14:59, 24 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Tiếng Việt:
  • Ngôn ngữ: es, en-4 (và có thể đọc các văn bản đơn giản viết bằng nhiều ngôn ngữ Roma khác).
  • Thông tin cá nhân: Một lần nữa, như mọi năm, tôi đến đây để yêu cầu các bạn cho ý kiến về công việc tiếp viên của tôi. Tôi đã làm tiếp viên trong nhiều năm, và nếu cộng đồng đã xem xét và cho rằng tôi đã làm tốt phần việc của mình, xin hãy cho tôi tiếp tục làm thêm một năm nữa.

    Trong năm qua tôi đã bận rộn với việc điều tra spambot và cấm tài khoản phá hoại, và những khu vực khác (và ptwiki, các bạn có thể tiếp tục giao tôi quyền kiểm định viên không? ;)

    Nếu được phép, tôi xin sử dụng không gian nhỏ này để cảm ơn những người tuyệt vời đã xây dựng các dự án của chúng ta (nên nhớ: chúng ta không chỉ là Wikipedia ;) và đặc biệt là những người đã giúp đỡ tôi trong năm qua (và một số người dùng khác) trong việc chống lại một chiến dịch phá rối hèn nhát diễn ra bên ngoài Wikimedia, khiến tôi phải giành phần lớn thời gian của năm để giúp đỡ cộng đồng wiki nhà của tôi đối phó với sự việc này. Gửi đến tất cả những người tuyệt vời đã hỗ trợ chúng tôi: các bạn thật tuyệt vời!

    Tôi tham gia một số vai trò trên Wikimedia, và như mọi năm, trang thảo luận của tôi đã mở cửa suốt 365 ngày (cũng như wiki mail và một số trang liên lạc khác) để nghe ý kiến của bạn về vai trò của tôi và mọi ý kiến luôn được hoan nghênh. Đối với trang xác nhận này: tôi cảm ơn các bạn trước vì những bình luận bên dưới, dù đó là những ý kiến ủng hộ hay phản đối tôi, tôi cũng đánh giá cao chúng. Đảm bảo với bạn là tôi sẽ luôn cân nhắc chúng, như mọi năm, để cải thiện công việc của tôi.

    Và bây giờ.. tôi có thể giúp gì cho bạn?

Comments about Magister Mathematicae

-Usa Wikipedia como su facebook personal, Ejemplo 1, poniendo su foto en artículos de varios proyectos, Ejemplo 2, Ejemplo 3--AeroPsico 20:59, 10 February 2012 (UTC),[reply]
-Bloquea de forma desmedida, especialmente con los nuevos, y sin avisar ni informar de las políticas infringidas. Creo que este es un motivo por el que muchos usuarios nuevos, y no tan nuevos, dejan de editar en Wikipedia.--AeroPsico 11:00, 11 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
-Admite tener una cuenta títere aquí, pero no especifica que cuenta es, violando la política de Wikipedia:Usuarios títeres, ya que entre otras cosas, podría participar en votaciones con dos cuentas.--AeroPsico 14:27, 11 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I think someone with such an important position in wikipedia (Steward) should not sabotage the donations to the foundation using your user page, threatening the existence of the project. "Magister. Why not donate to Wikipedia"[1] ¿A steward sabotaging Wikipedia?, it looks crazy
"I understand that Wikipedia is one of the 5 most visited pages on the Internet. I understand that maintenance costs are very high. I understand that hosting a site and cost $ 2 million. I do not understand is that $ 9 million earmarked for salaries. Magister. Why not donate to Wikipedia"
Honestly I found the mentioned private data by simply clicking a "history" button, if you care of your privacy you'd better ask for some revdelete or oversight. --Vituzzu 20:53, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
These proxies are listed on several spamlist, do you have some evidence of some mistakes? NOP is a general policy, basically local Wikipedias couldn't allow proxy editing. --Vituzzu 20:53, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Clarification. A couple years ago, the "Beard" article on eswiki had no picture. So I added mine. Eventually it got replaced and I never protested, nor reverted nor discussed it. And it is now being argued as proof I should not be steward?Now, how is this related to steward issues, once again, I point that this is a movement to use steward confirmation as a mean to vent local grudges. Now what, should I be punished for making an encyclopedic video (that even got featured on main page) and added it on es:Parábola (matemáticas) just because I briefly show up on it? es:Magister Mathematicae 20:59, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
And relating to the block of proxies, I talked about it on the local pump in order to proceed and it is not related to my steward tools but a merely local issue,the action was prompted after several weeks of banned trolls abusing proxies (since their main ips were already blocked) in order to vandalize and harass on articles and userpages. So I applied m:NOP to put temporary blocks on many IP proxies. es:Magister Mathematicae 20:57, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I think a better beard might solve this matter of life and death. --Vituzzu 21:04, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
It was eventually replaced. I merely added an image to an article that 2 years ago lacked one. Then someone thought replace it with a better one and I'm completely fine with it. That's my sin. es:Magister Mathematicae 21:09, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
You are not understanding my point and did not clarify anything, at least in my eyes. The bottom line is not whether the picture is suitable for the articles, or wheter it is a good idea to public private information of other users in the village pump, or calling "son of a bitch" to users (who, to be honest, deserved that) but rather allowing yourself do edits that nobody else does. If everybody would behave like you es.wikipedia would be a jungle. As admin, checkuser, oversight and steward you should be an examplar user, and, in my opinion, you are far from that. Rather your style is -at least in es.wikipedia- as already said rude to others and haughty.
Regarding the proxies, of course I know NOP, and that is the reason why I suggested to him to coordinate something like that in meta instead of doing that in a local wikipedia. I am not aware of that there was any consensus anywhere.
Vituzzu, please, don´t ridicule my diff about the picture of the beard (there are other cases), I am talking serious. In fact I didn´t ever started this kind of discussion in meta, but in the last year I feel that Magister went far beyond the line and it needs an stop. Of course that all this applies mainly to a local Wikipedia, but I believe that if the job as admin in es.wikipedia is out of his depth, let alone the job as steward.
If you feel I abused my sysop tools on eswiki and I need to "be put a stop", there's a proper procedure to follow on eswiki in that regars. Meanwhile, I stand this is a grudge vote. es:Magister Mathematicae 23:16, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Grudge of what? Is this your way to presume good faith? You really seem not to know me a very little bit. If flags were the world to me I wouldn´t just give them up. About your suggestion to follow the proper procedure in eswiki, I will consider it. Anyhow, as I said, a steward job is a bigger number than sysop in any wiki and if I don´t consider that you cope with the latter, just cannot support you here. --Poco a poco 23:44, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Vituzzu, I would also like to use this opportunity to ask you to remove my sysop/bureacrat flags, as I asked 2 days ago. Keeping it in "hold" makes no sense anymore. I was a low profile (but one of the most actives) sysop user until now and will be a low profile user tomorrow, no big change. I am exactly missing a bit of that and of modesty in Magister. --Poco a poco 22:49, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Done btw I didn't ridicule you diffs, as you can see I'm paying attention to all other accuses, but frankly the "beard case" doesn't seem relevant to me. --Vituzzu 23:20, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I'd like to add that drini and his obsession for notorioty made him include this image of the adorable teddydrini in an essay and God knows where else. --Billyrobshaw 05:05, 11 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
  • Keep Keep Laura Fiorucci 21:06, 9 February 2012 (UTC) Ha realizado un trabajo estupendo. Siempre confliable.[reply]
  • Keep Keep Rastrojo (DES) 11:48, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
  • Oppose Oppose --Maragm 13:54, 10 February 2012 (UTC) MM believes that everyone who is opposing his candidacy holds a grudge against him and that is not precisely the case. I don't doubt that he is useful in other wiki projects but in es.wiki his behavior is arrogant, disruptive, uncontrolled, he does not respect confidentiality, discloses private info about other users at his whim whenever he feels threatened, has no qualms about insulting others, complains about being harasssed in an external blog but my impression is that he is reaping what he has sowed. The atmosphere in es.wiki is not very pleasant now for many users and not everybody who has voted so far against him has been blocked or holds a personal grudge against him.[reply]
  • Oppose Oppose Wikisilki 15:02, 10 February 2012 (UTC) Recientemente ha divulgado información personal sobre una usuaria durante una denuncia en el TAB.[reply]
Of course you have some link, don't you? --Vituzzu 18:37, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
And what does the abbreviation TAB mean? --Geitost diskusjon 19:07, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Here reveals the name of a user: Marjorie Apel/Mar del Sur [2] --Petruss 20:05, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Revealing? I thought she had her real name as her username not so long ago. Everyone can see it in the logs.--Jcaraballo 20:16, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, revealing. Mar del Sur pidió el cambio de nombre de usuario (y el borrado de alguna edición en que salía, si mal no recuerdo) hace más de un año, poco antes de su candidatura a bibliotecaria, precisamente para evitar que se la identificara por su nombre real. Magister sabía esto perfectamente y ha vuelto a sacar a la luz dicha información personal sin que tuviera relación con la denuncia. Saludos, Wikisilki 20:28, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
It was necessary to mention the previous username to sustain a local case related to her sockpuppetry.
I merely pointed to username changes log, and she never asked to oversight it (since privacy violation is claimed here) SHould it be oversighted, I would not have linked to the public log showing the previous username. es:Magister Mathematicae 20:30, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
This is just false: there is no evidence at all of sockpuppetry, and certainly no need to mention his real name. Wikisilki 20:42, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
This is currently being discussed locally on wiki by other administrators. I merely linked a public log since I considered when making my statement it was relevant. I repeat should it had been oversighted, I would not have linked it. es:Magister Mathematicae 20:54, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Please correct me if I'm wrong, Drini is told to have outed another user by posting a link to a public log? --Vituzzu 20:46, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
"His real name"? Are you talking about Rapel? Is his real name Marjorie Apel? Nixón 21:23, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Your statement, Magister, has absolutely no relation with her previous username, there was no need to point her real name again.
Yes, vituzzu, the log is public, but you have to know her previous username to find it, so he actually revealed this to all the users (and there's a lot) registered after the change, people that didn't knew (till now) what was her real name. This is graver since she is also suffering the same harassment from the same people Magister points below, something he knows well.
You know pretty well who are we talking about, so you are purposely misunderstanding the point, Nixón. Wikisilki 21:29, 10 February 2012 (UTC) Ps: I'm doing a real effort writing in english here, it's not polite to make fun on others limitations, Nixón.[reply]
If you need I can understand "plain" Spanish quite well. Well, you can see MM "lacked of grace" but this wasn't, definitely, a privacy violation. --Vituzzu 22:57, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Of course you have some link, don't you? --Vituzzu 18:37, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, this is the link for the user comment [3] --Petruss 19:32, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Of course, half a year harassment on and off wiki, from Petruss among others. Including harassment via private mail from this user. But of course I can't handle conflicts.
In any case, the opposes listed here as mostly a vent or revenge over local issues and not related to steward issues. I wont' further argue them now since I'm being accused of not being able to stay calmed on a conflict and engaging on rehashing discussions going on locally will only funnel the fire. I'll simply wait until confirmation closes to debunk the claims and present a long documented evidence for my case to the committee, showing the origin of the revenge votes and the proof of the ongoing campaign to manipulate this confirmation, and the missrepresentations here. Thank you. es:Magister Mathematicae 20:32, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
An user started using Wikipedia's email system to harass Magister Mathematicae and then he posted one of these email? Am I right? --Vituzzu 20:46, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, The case by the way was already sent and resolved by the OMbudsman Commitee and it was resolved that no misuse of privacy-related tools was done. I will forward the email from the OC to the election commitee when it asks me for it. es:Magister Mathematicae 20:52, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Afaik the was really a strong abuse: the abuse of Wikipedia's email system to send insults and the natural consequence is the block of the email function for the the abuser. Several users lost even their internet connections because of email abuses, emails are not a free-place for harassment. --Vituzzu 21:04, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I will discuss the matter when the election committee asks us our feedback on the opposed. Meanwhile, let's not extend a thread with pointless comments. es:Magister Mathematicae 21:09, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
It won't be necessary I'm investigating opposes as an ElectCom member :)
--Vituzzu 22:57, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
(Un)fortunately I can understand Spanish and I can see deleted/suppressed revs: here there's the email you sent to MM and it was sent via Wikipedia but, actually, it's quite worse than you said. Can you give me a link about the outing MM made about you? You can answer in Spanish if you like. --Vituzzu 22:57, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
  • Hadn't seen this answer befor, sorry. The insults you see on that previous log where after he blocked me infinite, being an interested party, for calling him via mail sinvergüenza. The next insults I've said and always will that where because I went absolutely mad, and I've always said I'm sorry for having said them, but I was out of my mind. --Billyrobshaw 04:10, 11 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
  • [4] Here he even reveals my facebook. This will be my last comment here. I don't care no more for wikipedia. Magis and other sysops made me hate the place, after 25000 edits, and dozens of FA and GA's.--Billyrobshaw 23:07, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
  • Comment Comment Maybe this blog with nearly 150.000 visits may help see the situation and how unhappy many spanish users are or where. --Billyrobshaw 23:11, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry but attackblogs are not allowed since they are definitely canvassing and quoting them is itself a personal attack. I'm about to put it on the blacklist. --Vituzzu 23:20, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
  • Comment Comment Sorry, that wasn't my intention. Magister used to be very active in that type of blogs, until things turned around. Anyway, my intention was to show that a blog with 150.000 visits in about a year, explains a bit of the es-wiki situation, permanent blocks, and other things happened around Mr Drini and other totalitarian spanish sysops. --Billyrobshaw 23:28, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
  • Keep Keep --Taichi - (あ!) 23:19, 10 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
  • Oppose Oppose a) Unnecessary disclosure of personal data of Billyrobshaw and Mar del Sur. There is a precedent that Mar del Sur did not like her name to be used anymore [5].
b) Furthermore, it seems Magister used his personal blog to continue the conflict with this user: [6] (!!!). Sorry. Jaontiveros 00:08, 11 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
In the last 24 hours, pl created 173 articles and es did 267. But certainly you're not implying that somehow I'm the sole cause that eswiki is declining. Wait. What does that linked page shows? Compare [7]. Facts, facts, facts. es:Magister Mathematicae 02:19, 11 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
  • Keep Keep Magister is not perfect, but his huge contribution to the project clearly makes up for this faults (which I don't consider that terrible). Experienced, capable and very devoted. Wikipedia works better wiht him aboard --3coma14 05:56, 11 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
  • Comment Comment 3coma14 y muchos otros usuarios y bibliotecarios de la wikipedia en español que ahora le votan, son todos pertenecientes al mismo grupo de desalmados que trata con desdén al resto de usuarios de la wikipedia y que provoca la salida, la expulsión de muchos excelentes usuarios de nuestra wikipedia. No solo eso, los nuevos usuarios salen espantados ante el trato de esta red clientelar. Aunque Magister está fuera de ella no deja de jugar un papel fundamental en sus relaciones de poder con esta red y el resto del bibliotecariado, llegando incluso a usar sus privilegios de checkuser para chantajear a otros usuarios. Ejemplo de Mar del Sur, perteneciente a esta red clientelar que tiene a la wikipedia en español en decadencia (por mucho que digas que no, no te lo crees ni tú Magister, muchos artículos destacados en portada son patéticos porque ha bajado el nivel de exigencia). Mar del Sur tenía una cuenta títere (Rapel) que Magister ocultó y usó en forma de chantaje para ganarse a alguien de esa red de indeseables (muchos penosos editores, prepotentes y con un claro grado de psicopatía). Así que Magister, ahí donde lo tienen, es un ser desalmado, que no le importa en absoluto nada wikipedia, salvo el poder que le confiere respecto a otros usuarios (para él "inferiores"). Por favor, no hagan que Meta se convierta en el nuevo juego de este psicópata. Thor8 12:15, 11 February 2012 (UTC) Inappropriate comment struck (Election Committee action) PeterSymonds (talk) 14:09, 11 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I request this to be struck. Thor8 already had a chance to speak his mind, but he's using it now for personal attacks. es:Magister Mathematicae 14:04, 11 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Decir la verdad siempre fue inapropiado en una dictadura. No te he atacado, simplemente te he descrito, ahí no cabe insulto o ataque. Thor8 14:20, 11 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]
  • Comment Comment
  • There is not such network or group of users to which 3coma14 or I myself would belong to, neither now nor has been in the past.
  • I have not been blackmailed by Magister on this issue. I don't know about other users being subject to pressure by him.
  • I don't have any sockpuppets nor meatpuppets. I do have a husband, who is a Wikipedia user. This information and the fact, that we share one IP address was given to Magister as a checkuser by me via e-mail, shortly after my husband registered at Wikipedia (April 02,2010).
  • I also asked Magister for directions on how to globally change my user name on September 06, 2010. He knows well, I had (and have) profesional reasons to do so.
  • Since the editor/owner of the blog mentioned by Magister above in his presentation (and many visitors editing comments there) have also raised suspicions against me and Rapel, and I have also been a victim of spam, apparently originating from this blog, where they also insisted in linking my nick with private data (profession, real name, family relationships), I insisted with other sysops on the need of removing the links of my previous signatures in Wikipedia Discussions. I really do not think it was necessary for Magister to refer to my real name again.
  • The theory that Rapel and I are the same person was released by Magister in another external blog, which currently doesn't exist any more, but many sysops of es:WP, other Wikipedians (over 140 members, and many of the here voting pro and contra) participated. He came up there saying that this where results obtained by him as checkuser. I thought it was an error (it is most irregular to discuss checkuser information in a external site whitout asking Rapel or me before) but just a mistake. He saids, he has forgotten my e-mails and I forgive him. But I see that he still defends this theory and he changed a Wikipedia policy in order to declare sockpuppets people because of the mere fact of being members of the same family. It was not possible to discuss calmly about this, because he refused to restore the previous consensus. He asked for me to be blocked and for the expulsion of Rapel and both sanctions were executed within a few minutes, without letting us speak out in our defense.
  • I'm clarifying these things just for the record. However, this is not my reason for voting against his reelection, but mainly the fact that I disagree with his way of resolving conflicts, and still more with the way he has handled problems arising with novice users, as well as his behaviour solving problems outside of Wikipedia.

I'm sorry for the extension Mar del Sur 14:49, 11 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Bla, bla, bla... The political machiche members and Magister always lying. Only for information: en:Psychopathy Thor8 15:03, 11 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]