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Fundraising 2012/Translation/Donor survey/eo

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This page is a translated version of the page Fundraising 2012/Translation/Donor survey and the translation is 30% complete.


Email subject

Wikimedia Foundation Donor Survey - Please help us with your feedback

Email body

Kara <nomo>,

Vi ricevas ĉi-tiun retpoŝtaĵon ĉar vi donis mondonacon al la Vikimedia Fondaĵo dum nia ĉiujara akiro de financa subteno. Via subteno estas tre valora; dankegon!

We would love to receive feedback from you on your experience donating. This is important feedback to help us provide you and donors from your country with a better experience, so please take a moment to answer a few questions about our fundraising.

To see the Donor Survey, click here: <survey link>.

If you have any other feedback or would prefer to email instead, please feel free to send your thoughts to donorsurvey@wikimedia.org. We appreciate your support!

Thank you, The Wikimedia Fundraising Team

Donor survey

Wikipedia needs supporter feedback to learn about specific information regarding individual countries and the best ways to create a great donor experience. Your answers to the questions below will help us provide all local donors with a better donation experience. Please take a moment to review the donation page to help you answer the questions below.

Kio estas la plej grava kialo por via donaco?

  • Mi subtenas liberan scion por ĉiuj.
  • La apelacio estis sincera kaj rekta.
  • Mi ĉiam uzas Vikipedion kaj mi volis ĝin subteni.
  • To keep Wikipedia ad-free.
  • Alia (bonvolu priskribi)

2. What was your impression of the personal appeal from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales?

  • Ĝi estis mesaĝo efika kaj mi povis ĝin kompreni.
  • Ĝi estis klare skribata en lingvo kiun mi povis kompreni.
  • La lingvostilo estis neklara aŭ malfacile komprenebla.
  • Partoj de la mesaĝo ŝajnis al mi konfuzaj.
  • La mesaĝo plejparte estis malklara.
  • Ĝi estis malforta mesaĝo kaj mi ne povis konsenti kun ĝi.
  • Alia (bonvolu priskribi)

3. Per kiu valuto preferus vi donaci?

  • South African rand (ZAR)
  • West African CFA franc (XOF)
  • Central African CFA franc (XAF)
  • Kenyan shilling (KES)
  • Euro (EUR)
  • United States dollar (USD)
  • Alia (bonvolu priskribi)

4. Would you consider donating even if your local currency was unavailable?

  • No, I would only donate with my local currency.
  • Yes, I would donate regardless, even in a foreign currency.
  • Yes, but I would donate only with the following currencies:

(please list more than one if necessary)

5. Which payment method(s) would you prefer to use?

  • Credit card
  • Debit card
  • Bank transfer
  • Prepaid card
  • PayPal
  • Charged to your cell phone bill
  • Alia (bonvoli skribi pli ol unu laŭnecese)

6. Would you consider donating even if your favorite payment method (credit card, bank transfer, etc.) was unavailable?

  • No, I would only donate if my favorite payment method was available.
  • Yes, I would donate regardless.
  • Other (please specify)

7. Do the amounts on the right side of the form seem appropriate for the currency available? [URLGOESHERE Click here] to see the link.

  • Yes, they seem appropriate
  • No, the amounts seem too high
  • No, the amounts seem too low
  • If no, what would be a more appropriate amounts:
  • Yes, it matches the way I write my address
  • No, there were fields missing/too many fields
  • If no, let us know what was wrong or give us an example of the correct address format of your country:

9. Overall were the pages, links, and information fields easy to understand and in a language that you feel comfortable using?

  • Jes, mi komprenis ĉion
  • Ne, kelkaj ejoj/tradukoj/elektoj estis malklaraj aŭ malĝustaj
  • If no, let us know how to improve:

10. What was your overall impression of the donation page?

  • It used local terminology and local options created specifically for my country.
  • It used local terminology and local options, but had a few elements that were incorrect.
  • It used some local terminology and local options, but had many elements that were incorrect.
  • It looked like it was created for a different country.
  • Other (please specify)

11. Bonvolu uzi la ĉi-malsupran spacon por skribi pluajn detalojn aŭ komentojn kiujn vi eble havas pri la donaco-pago kaj la mesaĝo.

Denove dankon pro via subteno de Vikimedio, la neprofitcela asocio kiu subtenas Vikipedion.

Your privacy is important to us. Except as required by law, we will only share your responses with Wikimedia and its contractors. We may, however, publicly share anonymous responses and statistics about the survey. We will never publish your name or email address; however, we may use that information to contact you about Wikimedia and its activities. Wikimedia is a worldwide organization. By answering these questions, you consent to the transfer of your responses to the United States and other places as may be necessary. You can find information on Survey Monkey’s privacy policy: URLGOESHERE