User talk:Alhen
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Hola Alhen :)
no me gusta este enlace rojo :))
Abrazos de la pajarita --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 02:50, 1 April 2006 (UTC)
About Wikiversity
[edit]Hello. Sorry to write in English, but I only know English and French :)
You have expressed interest in the Wikiversity project, so here is some news about the project. English and German language Wikiversities are now open. Wikiversity Beta is a global platform aiming at coordinating Wikiversity projects in several languages. This multilingual coordination intends to deal with Wikiversity's mission and general guidelines of the project's scope (for example, about original research). Wikiversity Beta is also a place where Wikiversity projects which don't have a subdomain yet can develop. If you intend to open or join a future Wikiversity project, you are encouraged to take part in discussions on Beta, since those discussions are going to concern all Wikiversity projects.
You will find more information in Wikiversity Beta FAQ. You can also take a look at the reports to get some news from Wikiversity projects in all languages. Feel free to ask your questions at Wikiversity:Babel, or ask me.
I hope you will enjoy the Wikiversity experience :)
[edit]Muchas gracias por tus traducciones sobre la página por los nuevos steward. --M/ 14:26, 17 November 2006 (UTC)
IRC cloak request
[edit]I am Alhen on freenode and I would like the cloak wikimedia/alhen. Thanks. --Alhen 00:08, 16 January 2007 (UTC)
WikiLove campaign
[edit]Thank you for the help with the trnslation! --Sabine 17:02, 9 September 2007 (UTC)
[edit]Hola Alhen. Ni lo uno ni lo otro. Trabajo nunca me faltó de todos modos. Te deseo la mejor de las suertes para ti también. Quizá vuelva algún día, quizás no. Sólo Dios lo sabe y el tiempo lo dirá. Un abrazo y cuídate. —Dferg ☎ 20:36, 23 May 2010 (UTC)
[edit]Hola, Alhen. Alhen, a mí me gusta mucho la traducción. Y yo hablo portugués e estoy aprendiendo y mejorando mi español. Tú puedes traducir ésta página: Wikimedia Belgium para Wikimedia Belgium/es? Eduardo P 02:07, 19 July 2010 (UTC)
[edit]Hola Alhen. Ya te he puesto los botones en aywiki, por 3 meses como solicitaste. Si los necesitases por más tiempo regresa a SRP y pide una extensión unos días antes de que finalice el periodo de validez de tus permisos temporales. Un saludo y a tu disposición, -- Dferg 10:44, 26 August 2011 (UTC)
Solicitud de inscripción en Iberocoop.
[edit]Hace un mes mandé a la lista de coreo de Iberocoop la solicitud de inscripción de Amical Viquipèdia. Galio me comentó por correo que había problemas en la lista por lo que una semana mas tarde colgué una copia de la solicitud en la página de discusión de Iberocoop.
Como no hemos recibido todavía ningún comentario supongo que la lista sigue con problemas y quizá nadie tiene vigilada la página de Iberocoop. Por ello os dejo este mensaje a un representante de cada uno de los chapters participantes.
Si os parece podemos mantener en la página de discusión los comentarios i el diálogo que creáis oportunos. --Gomà 10:50, 10 November 2011 (UTC)
Fundraising translation feedback
[edit]Hey Alhen,
I wanted to ask for your help. As you may be aware we have been running banners on many language wikis. We have a lot of new content this year and I really want to conduct a thorough review of our translations. This is a combination of feedback from the community, readers, donors as well as those with professional translator experience. This will help us ensure the highest quality of translations used in our messaging.
To help us out with this I wonder if you would be willing to give us feedback for Spanish using This Link
Simply follow the simple instructions on that page and if you have any questions feel free to contact me on my talk page.
Many Thanks
Jseddon (WMF) (talk) 19:40, 1 April 2013 (UTC)
[edit]Alhen gracias por la ayuda, siempre confundo from con to, jijiiji, entonces si quiero traducir algo te lo dejo aquí? lo únicoq ue quiero es que alguien habilite la opción de multilenguaje en las páginas!!! --Caleidoscopic (talk) 23:40, 30 July 2013 (UTC) No era para la pa´gina de discusión, si no para la página principal, y ya lo habilitaron gracias.--Caleidoscopic (talk) 15:09, 31 July 2013 (UTC)
Thank you for signing up on the AffCom talk page, we are currently looking for members.
Best regards, -Bence (talk) 17:15, 11 November 2013 (UTC)
The Affiliations Committee is looking for new members. The committee's work requires communication with volunteers all over the World, negotiating skills and cultural sensitivity and the ability to understand legal texts. We try to get a healthy mix of different skill sets in our members.
Members are usually selected every twelve months for staggered two-year terms. The applications will be voted on by the current members not seeking re-election, taking into account comments put forward by the committee's members, advisers, WMF staff and board liaisons based on the membership criteria. A final decision will be made by the end of October 2014, with new members expected to join on or around 1 November 2014.
Please read the full call for candidates for more information, membership criteria, and details on how to apply.
Best regards,
Carlos Colina
Chair, Affiliations Committee
Posted by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of the Affiliations Committee, 07:38, 5 September 2014 (UTC) • Translate • Get help • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Superprotect status
[edit]Dear Alhen, since you are an administrator on a wiki from which no user participated in this discussion, I'd like to make sure you are aware of some recent events which may alter what the Wikimedia Foundation lets you do on your wiki: Superprotect.
- Request for comment: Requests for comment/Superprotect rights
- An open letter about its implementation: Letter to Wikimedia Foundation: Superprotect and Media Viewer
Peteforsyth 09:04, 12 September 2014 (UTC)
Petición a la Ombudsman Commission
[edit]Hola Alhen, ayer hice una petición formal a la OC. Conoces el asunto, ya que también eres checkuser en la wikipedia en español. Quiero pensar que comprendes lo urgente de esta petición y lo necesario que es, al menos para mí, efectuar una verificación checkuser global que permita exonerarme de la acusación de que Pelayo Calderón y yo somos la misma persona. Ni siquiera he recibido un acuse de recibo ni una referencia con la que seguir aportando datos. ¿Puedes confirmarme que, al menos, la petición ha sido recibida? Muchas gracias --Discasto (talk) 21:27, 19 July 2015 (UTC)
- Hola Ahlen, la verdad es que dudé mucho esta mañana si correspondía que te escribiese a ti o a Montgomery. Al final he dejado mis dos centavos en su discu, porque parece ser la instancia primera y yo recién me estoy sumando a esta petición, pero te dejo un enlace, por si os sirviera en la comisión. Un saludo Mar del Sur (talk) 11:17, 29 July 2015 (UTC)
- Hola de nuevo, parece que la primera instancia está agotada. ¿Podrías indicarme cuál es la mejor forma de acudir a vuestra comisión? La única vez que Rapel y yo escribimos allí, no vimos realmente interés por analizar el caso. Solo obtuvimos al cabo de muchísimos meses una crítica de que "todo era muy extenso", que dijéramos brevemente dónde se violaba la política de privacidad. ¿Te parece mejor que me ponga de acuerdo con Ecemaml/Discasto y me sume a su petición o que haga una propia y nueva? Si no es esta comisión la encargada de ver el caso ¿me indicas por favor quién? Saludos Mar del Sur (talk) 08:23, 1 August 2015 (UTC)
- Hola Alhen, muchas gracias por la orientación. Sin embargo, tal como te he enlazado más arriba, creo que ese trámite "interno" en Wikipedia en español ya lo hice(bueno, no puse la denuncia en el tablón de los checkusers, porque esa página ¡¡¡está semiprotegida desde hace diez meses e indefinidamente!!! (quiero creer que la protección es por algún vandalismo y se os ha olvidado, pero da muy mala impresión, la verdad. Parece que quisierais impedir que alguien cometa allí el atrevimiento :-( de defenderse de las imputaciones que se le hacen). Pero igual: Ya he hecho una solicitud, lo más formal y públicamente que puedo, aquí a un checkuser de :es:wp, quien concluye que es correcto el dictamen inicial de Bernard sobre una "relación clara" entre Pelayo Calderón y Discasto. Como yo estoy segura de que eso no es así ¿qué instancia externa a Wikipedia en español podría revisarlo? Dices que vuestra comisión no, porque "solamente tiene que ver con violaciones a la política de privacidad" y (quizás, aunque no lo sé con precisión) no se haya violado con esta acción la privacidad de Discasto (y probablemente tampoco la de quien sea que esté tras la cuenta Pelayo Calderón). Pero aquí se ha violado el derecho que tiene toda persona a que lo dejen en paz, a que su integridad y dignidad no sea puesta en tela de juicio una y otra vez. La forma precisa que esta vez ha tomado el asunto, a mí por lo menos, me parece un montaje, una intriga con el intento deliberado de desacreditar y difamar a un usuario. Y, dado que se trata de un colaborador de varios proyectos de Wikimedia ¿en serio no existe una instancia externa que revise estos casos globalmente? Yo averigüé entretanto, que a partir de 2008 los chechusers de un proyecto no pueden ver el log que registra las acciones de checusers de otros proyectos (antes sí podían, porque era un registro único) Pero si los stewards mantienen esa facultad interwiki (excluidas convencionalmente las wikis en que existen checkusers) quiere decir que técnicamente no es ningún problema. Mi pregunta entonces es ¿qué instancia está autorizada para aclarar este asunto, accediendo a esos datos interwiki sin que sea necesariamente la política de privacidad la que se ha violado?
- Pero tal vez tú te refieras a otra cosa, distinta de lo que ya intenté con Montgomery, al decirme que puedo "pedir allá una revisión formal del caso". ¿Qué me sugieres precisamente que haga y cómo? Un saludo Mar del Sur (talk) 05:37, 5 August 2015 (UTC) PD: Por otra parte, ¿donde y cuándo se cambiaron los términos de esta resolución de creación?, porque ahí yo leo clarito:The ombudsman will take charge of investigating cases of privacy policy breach or checkuser abuse for the board in an official manner.
Dos semanas más tarde...
[edit]¿Qué tal Alhen?, Me vas a perdonar que insista (imagino que estarás muy ocupado) pero ya ha transcurrido otro par de semanas y este asunto me parece que no puede quedar eternamente sin resolución. Lo que no entiendo es por qué las teorías de los checkusers acerca de cuál es su función difieren tanto de lo que aparece escrito, negro sobre blanco, en las políticas de los proyectos. Por ejemplo, este texto de Wikipedia en alemán, que antecede a la lista que encabezas, describe clarísimo para qué sirve la comisión:
Bei Verletzungen der Datenschutz- und der Checkuser-Richtlinien können Benutzer sich direkt (möglichst per E-Mail) an die Ombudsmann-Kommission [1] wenden. Die Ombudsleute nehmen diese Beschwerden entgegen und untersuchen im Auftrag der Wikimedia Foundation Verstöße gegen die Datenschutz-Vorgaben oder einen möglichen Checkuser-Missbrauch. Sie vermitteln zwischen Beschwerdeführern und -adressaten, klären nötigenfalls Benutzer mit Checkuser-Rechten über die Datenschutzrichtlinie auf und können den Entzug von Checkuser-Rechten vorschlagen.Derzeit (Stand Februar 2015) sind folgende Benutzer projektübergreifend als Ombudsleute tätig:
Alhen (Meta) (es)
Avraham (Meta) (en)
Barras (Meta) (simple, meta)
Gnom (Meta) (de)
Huji (Meta) (fa) (beratend)
PhilKnight (Meta) (en)
Polimerek (Meta) (pl)
Rubin16 (Meta) (ru)
Thogo (Meta) (de) (beratend)
(Traduzco y las negrillas son mías):
Posibilidad de reclamar
En caso de violaciones de las directrices sobre protección de datos o de la política de Checkusers, los usuarios pueden dirigirse directamente a la Comisión de Defensores del Pueblo (Ombudsman commission).[2] Los miembros de esta comisión reciben las reclamaciones e investigan por encargo de la Fundación Wikimedia violaciones de las normas de protección de datos o un posible abuso en la verificación de usuarios. Median entre denunciantes y denunciados, explican, si es necesario, las políticas de protección de datos a los usuarios con permisos de checkuser y pueden proponer la retirada de los permisos a los checkusers. Actualmente (actualizado en febrero de 2015), los siguientes usuarios actúan como defensores del pueblo de manera transversal en todos los proyectos:
Alhen (Meta) (es)
Avraham (Meta) (en)
Barras (Meta) (simple, meta)
Gnom (Meta) (de)
Huji (Meta) (fa) (beratend)
PhilKnight (Meta) (en)
Polimerek (Meta) (pl)
Rubin16 (Meta) (ru)
Thogo (Meta) (de) (beratend)
- ↑ Die Wikimedia Foundation hat im Juli 2006 die Einrichtung einer Ombudsmann-Kommission für Checkuser-Angelegenheiten beschlossen. Siehe Resolution Ombudsperson checkuser, Wikimedia Foundation, 1. Juli 2006.
- ↑ La Fundación Wikimedia resolvió en julio de 2006 la formación de una Comisión de Defensores del Pueblo para los asuntos de Checkuser. Véase Resolution Ombudsperson checkuser, Wikimedia Foundation, 1 de julio de 2006.
A mí me parece que hay un claro abuso si un checkuser, a todas luces movido por sus prejuicios acerca de un usuario, declara públicamente que entre ese usuario (colaborador de varios proyectos) y un títere "hay una relación clara", atribuye identidad con una base dudosa, para nada concluyente, y si el afectado reclama y pide al checkuser que demuestre su acusación, este se niega a explicar de manera plausible cómo ha llegado a sus conclusiones. Ya sé que eso es de perogrullo, pero creo que más no me corresponde hacer a mí. Está en las funciones de los miembros de la comisión que integras investigar los hechos y los abusos, no es mi rol demostrar a esa comisión, con pelos y señales (pero además "brevemente, por favor") en qué punto preciso se ha violado la política de privacidad o la política de Checkusers. Eso es poner las cosas exactamente al revés: la carreta delante de los bueyes. Aun así, aceptaría el desafío. Pero si voy a ser yo la que tiene que investigar, porque la comisión no lo hará, pues entonces exijo acceso a la información para poder hacerlo. Cualquier otra cosa es "indefensión" ante los "defensores" del pueblo. Saludos y de antemano gracias por tu comprensión, atención y respuesta. Mar del Sur (talk) 13:27, 19 August 2015 (UTC)
How can we improve Wikimedia grants to support you better?
[edit]Hi! The Wikimedia Foundation would like your input on how we can reimagine Wikimedia Foundation grants to better support people and ideas in your Wikimedia project.
After reading the Reimagining WMF grants idea, we ask you to complete this survey to help us improve the idea and learn more about your experience. When you complete the survey, you can enter to win one of five Wikimedia globe sweatshirts!
In addition to taking the the survey, you are welcome to participate in these ways:
- Respond to questions on the discussion page of the idea.
- Join a small group conversation.
- Learn more about this consultation.
This survey is in English, but feedback on the discussion page is welcome in any language.
With thanks,
I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, Wikimedia Foundation.
(Opt-out Instructions) This message was sent by I JethroBT (WMF) (talk · contribs) through MediaWiki message delivery. 01:23, 19 August 2015 (UTC)
Last call for WMF grants feedback!
[edit]Hi, this is a reminder that the consultation about Reimagining WMF grants is closing on 8 September (0:00 UTC). We encourage you to complete the survey now, if you haven't yet done so, so that we can include your ideas.
With thanks,
I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, Wikimedia Foundation.
(Opt-out Instructions) This message was sent by I JethroBT (WMF) (talk · contribs) through MediaWiki message delivery. 19:08, 4 September 2015 (UTC)
This is a message from the Wikimedia Foundation. Translations are available.

As you may know, the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees approved a new "Access to nonpublic information policy" on 25 April 2014 after a community consultation. The former policy has remained in place until the new policy could be implemented. That implementation work is now being done, and we are beginning the transition to the new policy.
An important part of that transition is helping volunteers like you sign the required confidentiality agreement. All Wikimedia volunteers with access to nonpublic information are required to sign this new agreement, and we have prepared some documentation to help you do so.
The Wikimedia Foundation is requiring that anyone with access to nonpublic information sign the new confidentiality agreement by 15 December 2015 (OTRS users have until 22 December 2015) to retain their access. You are receiving this email because you have access to nonpublic information and are required to sign the confidentiality agreement under the new policy.
Signing the confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information is conducted and tracked using Legalpad on Phabricator. The general confidentiality agreement is now ready, and the OTRS agreement will be ready after 22 September 2015. We have prepared a guide on Meta-Wiki to help you create your Phabricator account and sign the new agreement: Confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information/How to sign
If you have any questions or experience any problems while signing the new agreement, please visit this talk page or email me ( Again, please sign this confidentiality agreement by 15 December 2015 (OTRS users have until 22 December 2015) to retain your access to nonpublic information. If you do not wish to retain this access, please let me know and we will forward your request to the appropriate individuals.
Thank you,
Gregory Varnum (User:GVarnum-WMF), Wikimedia Foundation
Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 23:33, 15 September 2015 (UTC) • Translate • Get help
This is a message from the Wikimedia Foundation. Translations are available.

As you may know, the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees approved a new "Access to nonpublic information policy" on 25 April 2014 after a community consultation. The former policy has remained in place until the new policy could be implemented. That implementation work is now being done, and we are beginning the transition to the new policy.
An important part of that transition is helping volunteers like you sign the required confidentiality agreement. All Wikimedia volunteers with access to nonpublic information are required to sign this new agreement, and we have prepared some documentation to help you do so.
The Wikimedia Foundation is requiring that OTRS volunteers sign the new confidentiality agreement by 31 December 2015 to retain their access. You are receiving this email because you have been identified as an OTRS volunteer and are required to sign the confidentiality agreement under the new policy. If you do not sign the new confidentiality agreement by 31 December 2015, you will lose your OTRS access. OTRS volunteers have a specific agreement available, if you have recently signed the general confidentiality agreement for another role (such as CheckUser or Oversight), you do not need to sign the general agreement again, but you will still need to sign the OTRS agreement.
Signing the confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information is conducted and tracked using Legalpad on Phabricator. We have prepared a guide on Meta-Wiki to help you create your Phabricator account and sign the new agreement: Confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information/How to sign
If you have any questions or experience any problems while signing the new agreement, please visit this talk page or email me ( Again, please sign this confidentiality agreement by 31 December 2015 to retain your OTRS access. If you do not wish to retain this access, please let me know and we will forward your request to the appropriate individuals.
Thank you,
Gregory Varnum (User:GVarnum-WMF), Wikimedia Foundation
Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 21:20, 28 September 2015 (UTC) • Translate • Get help
Reminder: Please sign new Wikimedia confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information by 15 December
[edit]This is a message from the Wikimedia Foundation. Translations are available.

I wanted to follow-up on an message I sent you in September regarding the need for you to sign a confidentiality agreement by 15 December 2015 (OTRS users have until 31 December 2015) in order to maintain your access from Wikimedia to nonpublic information.
As you may know, the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees approved a new "Access to nonpublic information policy" on 25 April 2014 after a community consultation. The former policy has remained in place until the new policy could be implemented. That implementation work is now being done, and we are transitioning to the new policy.
An important part of that transition is helping volunteers like you sign the required confidentiality agreement. All Wikimedia volunteers with access to nonpublic information are required to sign this new agreement, and we have prepared some documentation to help you do so.
The Wikimedia Foundation is requiring that anyone with access to nonpublic information sign the new confidentiality agreement by 15 December 2015 (OTRS users have until 31 December 2015) to retain their access. You are receiving this message because you have access to nonpublic information and are required to sign the confidentiality agreement under the new policy. If you do not sign the new confidentiality agreement by 15 December 2015, you will lose your access to nonpublic information.
Signing the confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information is conducted and tracked using Legalpad on Phabricator. We have prepared a guide on Meta-Wiki to help you create your Phabricator account and sign the new agreement: Confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information/How to sign
If you have any questions or experience any problems while signing the new agreement, please visit this talk page or email me ( Again, please sign this confidentiality agreement by 15 December 2015 (OTRS users have until 31 December 2015) to retain your access to nonpublic information. If you do not wish to retain this access, please let me know and we will forward your request to the appropriate individuals.
Thank you,
Gregory Varnum (User:GVarnum-WMF), Wikimedia Foundation
Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 08:11, 16 October 2015 (UTC) • Translate • Get help
Reminder: Please sign new Wikimedia confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information by 15 December
[edit]This is a message from the Wikimedia Foundation. Translations are available.

I wanted to follow-up on an message I sent you in September regarding the need for you to sign a confidentiality agreement by 15 December 2015 (OTRS users have until 31 December 2015) in order to maintain your access from Wikimedia to nonpublic information.
As you may know, the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees approved a new "Access to nonpublic information policy" on 25 April 2014 after a community consultation. The former policy has remained in place until the new policy could be implemented. That implementation work is now being done, and we are transitioning to the new policy.
An important part of that transition is helping volunteers like you sign the required confidentiality agreement. All Wikimedia volunteers with access to nonpublic information are required to sign this new agreement, and we have prepared some documentation to help you do so.
The Wikimedia Foundation is requiring that anyone with access to nonpublic information sign the new confidentiality agreement by 15 December 2015 (OTRS users have until 31 December 2015) to retain their access. You are receiving this message because you have access to nonpublic information and are required to sign the confidentiality agreement under the new policy. If you do not sign the new confidentiality agreement by 15 December 2015, you will lose your access to nonpublic information.
Signing the confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information is conducted and tracked using Legalpad on Phabricator. We have prepared a guide on Meta-Wiki to help you create your Phabricator account and sign the new agreement: Confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information/How to sign
If you have any questions or experience any problems while signing the new agreement, please visit this talk page or email me ( Again, please sign this confidentiality agreement by 15 December 2015 (OTRS users have until 31 December 2015) to retain your access to nonpublic information. If you do not wish to retain this access, please let me know and we will forward your request to the appropriate individuals.
Thank you,
Gregory Varnum (User:GVarnum-WMF), Wikimedia Foundation
Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 20:17, 16 November 2015 (UTC) • Translate • Get help
Help decide the future of Wikimania
The Wikimedia Foundation is currently running a consultation on the value and planning process of Wikimania, and is open until 18 January 2016. The goals are to (1) build a shared understanding of the value of Wikimania to help guide conference planning and evaluation, and (2) gather broad community input on what new form(s) Wikimania could take (starting in 2018).
After reviewing the consultation, we'd like to hear your feedback on on this survey.
In addition, feel free to share any personal experiences you have had at at a Wikimedia movement conference, including Wikimania. We plan to compile and share back outcomes from this consultation in February.
With thanks,
I JethroBT (WMF) (talk), from Community Resources 22:01, 12 January 2016 (UTC)
Towards a New Wikimania results
Last December, I invited you to share your views on the value of Wikimedia conferences and the planning process of Wikimania. We have completed analysis of these results and have prepared this report summarizing your feedback and important changes for Wikimania starting in 2018 as an experiment. Feedback and comments are welcome at the discussion page. Thank you so much for your participation. I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, 22:47, 8 February 2016 (UTC)
Inspire Campaign on content curation & review
I've recently launched an Inspire Campaign to encourage new ideas focusing on content review and curation in Wikimedia projects. Wikimedia volunteers collaboratively manage vast repositories of knowledge, and we’re looking for your ideas about how to manage that knowledge to make it more meaningful and accessible. We invite you to participate and submit ideas, so please get involved today! The campaign runs until March 28th.
All proposals are welcome - research projects, technical solutions, community organizing and outreach initiatives, or something completely new! Funding is available from the Wikimedia Foundation for projects that need financial support. Constructive feedback on ideas is welcome - your skills and experience can help bring someone else’s project to life. Join us at the Inspire Campaign to improve review and curation tasks so that we can make our content more meaningful and accessible! I JethroBT (WMF) 05:38, 29 February 2016 (UTC)
(Opt-out Instructions) This message was sent by I JethroBT (WMF) (talk · contribs) through MediaWiki message delivery.

Through June, we’re organizing an Inspire Campaign to encourage and support new ideas focusing on addressing harassment toward Wikimedia contributors. The 2015 Harassment Survey has shown evidence that harassment in various forms - name calling, threats, discrimination, stalking, and impersonation, among others - is pervasive. Available methods and systems to deal with harassment are also considered to be ineffective. These behaviors are clearly harmful, and in addition, many individuals who experience or witness harassment participate less in Wikimedia projects or stop contributing entirely.
Proposals in any language are welcome during the campaign - research projects, technical solutions, community organizing and outreach initiatives, or something completely new! Funding is available from the Wikimedia Foundation for projects that need financial support. Constructive feedback on ideas is appreciated, and collaboration is encouraged - your skills and experience may help bring someone else’s project to life. Join us at the Inspire Campaign so that we can work together to develop ideas around this important and difficult issue. With thanks,
I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) 17:46, 31 May 2016 (UTC) (Opt-out instructions)
[edit]Español por ser usuario títere de un tal LeonardoAbenis(No sé quién es).
Le pido que revise ese bloqueo, pues yo(AshSXXI) no soy un usuario títere.
Nota: Sigo editando en la Wikipedia en Gallego, en la que no fui bloqueado. AshSXXI (talk) 10:41, 1 October 2017 (UTC)
Bienvenido a WikiSP
[edit]- You can find us on IRC at #wikimedia-spconnect. We also have a group on Telegram:
- If you wish to subscribe to the mailing list:
- Please list yourself at our task list and help us in the organization. Your contribution to the group is very valuable.
- Note that you have been added to our internal member list. You may also like to add your username to our newsletter list in order to be notified about WikiSP updates.
Extract of member functions |
You were assigned the category of "active member" because you have 300 valid edits and a time of more than six months. You can:
Althair (talk) 22:28, 8 July 2022 (UTC)
Translations for Wikimania 2023
[edit]Hi Alhen,
You are receiving this notification because you have listed yourself as a volunteer for Wikimania 2023 either on Meta or on Wikimania wiki or because you have subscribed on Meta. We already have a few pages related to Wikimania 2023 available for translation on Wikimania wiki. Your help with translating the following pages in your languages would be highly appreciated:
- wikimania:2023:Health
- wikimania:2023:Scholarship Questions
- wikimania:2023:Scholarships
- wikimania:2023:Scholarships/FAQ
- wikimania:2023:Scholarships/Samples
- wikimania:2023:Scholarships/Travel Scholarship application
- wikimania:2023:Tech Subcommittee
- wikimania:2023:Tech Subcommittee/Request for Proposal
- wikimania:2023:Visas
If you do not want to reiceive further notifications about pages related to Wikimania 2023, which are available for translation, you may remove your name from this list.
Thanks for your help! --Ameisenigel (talk)
This message was delivered through Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 14:50, 22 January 2023 (UTC)
We need your feedback on a tool from the Wikimedia Summit
Hi! I'm contacting you as one of the participants in the Wikimedia Summit 2022, to kindly ask for your feedback through a 5-10 minute survey to evaluate 'Baserow' (note: the survey is on a Google form).
Baserow was a tool through which participants in the Summit co-created a database of Movement Strategy activities. We hope to learn from you how useful it may be to keep using it in the future to help document and connect on Movement Strategy work.
You are welcome and encouraged to fill out the survey in any language. Your feedback would be very appreciated --Abbad (WMF) (talk) 14:51, 16 February 2023 (UTC).
Translations for Wikimania 2023
[edit]Hi Alhen,
You are receiving this notification because you have listed yourself as a volunteer for Wikimania 2023 either on Meta or on Wikimania wiki or because you have subscribed on Meta. Your help with translating the following pages on Wikimania wiki in your languages would be highly appreciated:
- wikimania:2023:Attendees
- wikimania:2023:Program Subcommittee
- wikimania:2023:Program/FAQ
- wikimania:2023:Program/Form Questions
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- wikimania:2023:Satellite events
- wikimania:2023:Scholarship Subcommittee
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