Strategy/Wikimedia Foundation/2016/Community consultation/Reach/da
![]() | This phase of the consultation is closed. For information about the outcome, please watch the consultation main page, where a pointer to the next step in this process will be posted on or around February 26.
While you are welcome to continue to use the discussion pages of this phase, please know that future submissions to this phase may not be reviewed by staff. We look forward to talking to you more about the themes that have emerged in the near future! |
Strategiproces 2016 | ||||
Årlig plan sider | ||||
2016-17 Mid-year check-in (February 2017) Final 2016 Annual Plan (21 June) Revideret årlig plan for 2016 (27. maj) FDC recommendations for the WMF (15 May) Draft 2016 Annual Plan (Review discussion) (2 April - 2 May) |
Sider for stadie 2 (4-18. marts) | ||||
Draft WMF strategy (Review discussion) |
Sider for stadie 1 (18. januar-15. februar) | ||||
Information | ||||
Ofte stillede spørgsmål om strategiprocessen 2016 2010-2015 strategi 2015 Strategy community consultation |
Please observe the Friendly Space Expectations when sharing your thoughts or discussing those of others. | ||||
One of the broad topic areas on which the Wikimedia Foundation will focus in our upcoming annual plan is reach: our ability to distribute knowledge to the largest number of people possible. We believe this is the area where the Wikimedia Foundation can make the greatest impact.
When ready to answer questions, please click the button on the bottom of the page.
Et afgørende spørgsmål vedrørende rækkevidde
While Wikimedia content has been increasingly reused by others, traffic to Wikimedia projects has been decreasing since 2013. This is a severe challenge, because fewer people will explore related content, have the chance to become contributors, or donate. Declining reach is a significant risk to the movement’s relevance, sustainability and the way we operate, and thus to our shared vision of reaching every human being.
What do you think is the best way to encourage traffic to come to our projects while also supporting free, external content reuse?
Mulige strategiske tilgange til at understøtte rækkevidde
- Below are several approaches the Wikimedia Foundation might take towards reach. Please read through these six options and let us know by approach "number" up to two or three of the six approaches you would most support. We also invite you to share your idea.
Tilgang et
- Forøg hyppigheden af henvendelser og antallet af brugere ved at tilpasse brugernes oplevelse til deres behov (det kan måske føre til flere formater i indholdet, hvad der vil gøre mere Wikimediaindhold lettere at finde, forøge den sproglige dækning osv.).
Tilgang to
- Forstærk vores forståelse af, hvordan og hvorfor vore brugere når frem til og bliver på vore projekter, sådan at vi bedre kan servicere deres behov.
Tilgang tre
- Understand how Wikimedia content is reused on external platforms and explore how to encourage users of such content to go to Wikimedia projects.
Tilgang fire
- Increase awareness and use of Wikimedia projects in two Global South countries.
Tilgang fem
- Enable others to reuse our content and build their own products by improving and documenting our APIs (application programming interfaces).
Tilgang seks
- Forbedr Wikipedias mobile applikationer, for at øge brug af dem.
Forslå en tilgang
- Har du en anden ide vi bør prioritere for at hjælpe os med at forbedre rækkevidde? Giv os besked!
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