
Behörigheten autopatrullerade (autopatrol) markerar automatiskt alla redigeringar som en användare utför som patrullerade, vilket i sin tur sparar tid för patrullörer. Rättigheten tilldelas erfarna användare som har demonstrerat e förstående för Metas policyer och riktlinjer.
The autopatrol user right is intended to reduce the workload of patrollers and causes edits made by autopatrolled users to be automatically marked as patrolled. It means that the user can be trusted not to submit inappropriate material, deliberately or otherwise, and that the user submits new material often enough that it is more efficient to mark it all as approved preemptively.
Any administrator can grant this right at their discretion to trusted users who have demonstrated they are familiar with Meta's policies and guidelines.
Utöver det som registrerede användare kan så kan autopatrullerade också:
- Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled