Wiki Loves Butterfly/List of butterflies/Nymphalidae/Limenitidinae
This is a list of Limenitidinae taxon of butterfly, which are documented through Wiki Loves Butterfly project. The list is automatically populated by data from Wikidata. |
This list is generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by a bot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!
Name | mating | egg | caterpillar | pupa | adult ventral | adult dorsal |
Athyma asura asura (Himalayan Studded Sergeant) |
Athyma cama cama (Himalayan Orange Staff Sergeant) |
Athyma nefte inara (Himalayan Colour Sergeant) |
Athyma jina jina (Sullied Bhutan Sergeant) |
Athyma kanwa phorkys (Northern Dot-dash Sergeant) |
Athyma opalina opalina (Himalayan Hill Sergeant) |
Athyma orientalis (Elongated Sergeant) |
Athyma perius perius (Oriental Common Sergeant) |
Athyma pravara acutipennis (Assam Unbroken Sergeant) |
Athyma ranga ranga (Himalayan Blackvein Sergeant) |
Athyma selenophora bahula (Sylhet Staff Sergeant) |
Athyma selenophora selenophora (West Himalayan Staff Sergeant) |
Athyma whitei (Blue-bordered Sergeant) |
Athyma zeroca zeroca (Khasi Small Staff Sergeant) |
Auzakia danava danava (Indian Commodore) |
Euthalia durga durga (Himalayan Blue Duke) |
Bassarona teuta teuta () |
Dophla evelina derma (Himalayan Redspot Duke) |
Euthalia aconthea garuda (Northern Baron) |
Euthalia alpheda jama (Himalayan Streaked Baron) |
Euthalia anosia anosia (Assam Grey Baron) |
() |
Euthalia franciae franciae (Himalayan French Duke) |
Euthalia lubentina lubentina (Chinese Gaudy Baron) |
Euthalia monina kesava (Assam Powdered Baron) |
Euthalia nais (Baronet) |
Euthalia nara nara (Himalayan Bronze Duke) |
Euthalia phemius phemius (Sylhet White-edged Blue Baron) |
Euthalia sahadeva sahadeva (Chinese Green Duke) |
Euthalia telchinia (Blue Baron) |
Neptis pseudovikasi (False Dingy Sailer) |
Lexias cyanipardus cyanipardus (Sylhet Great Archduke) |
Lexias dirtea khasiana (Khasi Dark Archduke) |
Lexias pardalis jadeitina () |
Moduza procris procris (Oriental Commander) |
Neptis ananta ochracea (East Himalayan Yellow Sailer) |
Neptis cartica cartica (Himalayan Plain Sailer) |
Neptis clinia susruta (Himalayan Sullied Sailer) |
Neptis harita harita (Bengal Dingiest Sailer) |
Neptis hylas varmona (Indian Common Sailer) |
Neptis jumbah jumbah (Bengal Chestnut-streaked Sailer) |
Neptis magadha khasiana (Khasi Spotted Sailer) |
(West Himalayan Sailer) |
Neptis miah miah (East Himalayan Small Yellow Sailer) |
Neptis namba namba (Indian Namba Sailer) |
Neptis nashona nashona (Khasi Less Rich Sailer) |
Neptis nata adipala (Khasi Clear Sailer) |
(Sikkim Hockeystick Sailer) |
Neptis palnica (Palni Sailer) |
Neptis philyra () |
Neptis radha radha (Great Yellow Sailer) |
Neptis sappho astola (Himalayan Rusty Sailer) |
Neptis soma soma (Sylhet Creamy Sailer) |
Neptis zaida bhutanica (Pale Green Sailer) |
Pantoporia hordonia hordonia (Oriental Common Lascar) |
Pantoporia paraka paraka (Oriental Perak Lascar) |
Pantoporia sandaka davidsoni () |
Parthenos sylvia gambrisius (Bengal Clipper) |
Sumalia daraxa daraxa (Sylhet Green Commodore) |
Sumalia zulema (Scarce White Commodore) |
Tanaecia jahnu jahnu (Darjeeling Plain Earl) |
Tanaecia julii appiades (Changeable Common Earl) |
Tanaecia lepidea lepidea (Himalayan Grey Count) |
End of auto-generated list.