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Forvaltere/Valg 2016

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Stewards/Elections 2016 and the translation is 86% complete.
The following discussion is closed: This election is closed and these pages are an archive of that event.
  • New stewards are elected roughly once per year. Stewards perform technical tasks on all Wikimedia wikis based on community consensus and on the Stewards policy: changing user access, viewing user information in cases of abuse, and so on (see details).
  • Candidate submissions were open from 15 januar 2016, 00:00 (UTC) until 28 januar 2016, 23:59 (UTC). Questions to the candidates can be submitted until the election concludes.
  • The voting will begin on 08 februar 2016, 14:00 (UTC) and end on 28 februar 2016, 13:59 (UTC). Candidates must meet the criteria and obtain at least 30 votes in favor with an 80% support ratio. You can track the results with collected statistics.


Candidate Ja Nej Neutral Spørgsmål Resultat
BlackBeast Yes No Neutral Questions Not elected
Cekli829 Yes No Neutral Questions Not elected
Érico Yes No Neutral Questions Not elected
Hindustanilanguage Yes No Neutral Questions Not elected
Masti Yes No Neutral Questions Elected
MIKHEIL Yes No Neutral Questions Not elected
NahidSultan Yes No Neutral Questions Elected
Richwales Yes No Neutral Questions Not elected
Rxy Yes No Neutral Questions Not elected
Viswaprabha Yes No Neutral Questions Not elected
Confirmation of current stewards


Følgende kandidater har trukket deres kandidatur tilbage:

Candidate Ja Nej Neutral Spørgsmål Resultat
Defender Yes No Neutral Questions Withdrawn
Matiia Yes No Neutral Questions Withdrawn
Syum90 Yes No Neutral Questions Withdrawn
Tufor Yes No Neutral Questions Withdrawn


Følgende kandidater opfylder ikke de krav, som er beskrevet i retningslinjer og er derfor blevet diskvalificeret.

Kandidat Resultat
Aursani Disqualified
Jogi don Disqualified
Varg Disqualified


Forvalterne organiserer selv valgene. Bestyrelsen (Board of Trustees) besluttede i 2009, at de vil afstå fra at godkende resultatet af valgene. Derfor må forvalterne danne en valgkommité for hvert valg bestående af frivillige til følgende opgaver:

  • Afslutning af valg til forvalter;
  • Fastslå resultatet af valgene efter at alle de afgivne stemmer på samtlige kandidaturer forud er kontrolleret for valgbarhed;
  • Udnævnelse af de valgte kandidater;
  • Afslutning af godkendelse af forvalterne;
  • Afveje konsensus hos vælgerne og forvalterne efter afslutningen af godkendelsen og så at beslutte, om de kan godkendes eller ej.


De, som gerne vil hjælpe til med at organisere valgene af forvaltere i 2016, bedes se coordination page .
Hvis man har brug for hjælp, kan man roligt spørge på #wikimedia-stewards-electionstilslut eller hos talk page.


Results: The following candidates were elected as stewards:

  1. Masti (talk · contribs)
  2. NahidSultan (talk · contribs)

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