Category:Learning patterns
Learning patterns used to capture important lessons, tips, and considerations about activities funded by the Wikimedia Foundation.
This category has the following 22 subcategories, out of 22 total.
- Advocacy learning patterns (1 page)
- Equipment learning patterns (25 pages)
- Fundraising learning patterns (4 pages)
- Learning pattern needed (12 pages)
- Wiki design patterns (40 pages)
Pages in category "Learning patterns"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 610 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- Learning patterns/A concise compendium to catastrophic conference calls
- Learning patterns/A fine selection of mistakes for organizing an international conference (and how to make sure you commit them)
- Learning patterns/A hybrid learning curve from a Wikipedia Education Program
- Learning patterns/A playful logo builds identity and invites interaction
- Learning patterns/A short guide to bad projects
- Learning patterns/A short guide to in-kind donations
- Learning patterns/A short guide to the recording of high-quality audio samples for Wiktionary
- Learning patterns/A Short Guide to Using Twitter for In-event Engagement
- Learning patterns/A successful crowdfunding operation
- Learning patterns/Accommodations at meetups
- Learning patterns/Achievable goals
- Learning patterns/Adapt Wiki Loves contests to prevent burnout
- Learning patterns/Advanced workshop with focused and dedicated participants
- Learning patterns/Afterparty
- Learning patterns/Air travel
- Learning patterns/An advanced editing workshop: a social and professional get-together of new and veteran editors.
- Learning patterns/Analysing effects of offline meetups
- Learning patterns/Annual Wikimedia CEE meeting: drafting the programme
- Learning patterns/Appreciation of Volunteer Work I: Give Individual Feedback
- Learning patterns/Appreciation of volunteer work II: make it tangible
- Learning patterns/Appreciation of volunteer work III: let others know
- Learning patterns/Appreciation of volunteer work IV: towards a culture of appreciation
- Learning patterns/Arranging travel
- Learning patterns/Article assessment for student assignments
- Learning patterns/Asking the right questions
- Learning patterns/Information about FOSSASIA participation/attendees Type
- Learning patterns/Audience response system
- Learning patterns/Automobile travel
- Learning patterns/Avoiding sensory overload at Wikimedia-events
- Learning patterns/Balancing work life and online learning
- Learning patterns/Batch categorizing users' photos in Wikimedia Commons
- Learning patterns/Be flexible and work with the audience you have
- Learning patterns/Be ready to be flexible when creating an organizational retreat
- Learning patterns/Being a judge
- Learning patterns/Being the connector between GLAM partners and community
- Learning patterns/Best practices in training adults
- Learning patterns/Birds of a feather
- Learning patterns/Board handbook − a shared vision of the board role in an evolving organisation
- Learning patterns/Board roles
- Learning patterns/Book swapping table at your event
- Learning patterns/Books from wiki pages
- Learning patterns/Briefing calls with speakers: A simple way to improve conference sessions
- Learning patterns/Bringing women together to work towards gender and linguistic inclusiveness
- Learning patterns/Bringing your students to edit-a-thons
- Learning patterns/Build trust to know what sort of challenges are coming up for the partner organisation
- Learning patterns/Building a community around gender gap issues
- Learning patterns/Business cards and email adresses for volunteers
- Learning patterns/Bytes added to or removed from Wikimedia projects
- Learning patterns/Calculating global metrics
- Learning patterns/Capturing User names at workshops
- Learning patterns/Centering Marginalised Knowledge
- Learning patterns/Charts on wiki pages
- Learning patterns/Checking bias and prejudice in grants advisory processes
- Learning patterns/Child room
- Learning patterns/Choose promising program participants
- Learning patterns/Choosing an education program model
- Learning patterns/Choosing to meet up virtually or in person
- Learning patterns/Clarity of expectations when setting up a partnership
- Learning patterns/Cleaning the Augean stables: DIY discovery of fermented vandalisms, copyvios and other unwelcome stuff
- Learning patterns/Coding da Vinci - the culture hackathon
- Learning patterns/Collaborate with teachers who share your enthusiasm
- Learning patterns/Collaborated with Government organisations, What's next?
- Learning patterns/Collecting data on offline meetups
- Learning patterns/Collecting data on requests for adminship
- Learning patterns/Collecting data with personal information
- Learning patterns/Collecting usernames for in-person events
- Learning patterns/Colored lanyards
- Learning patterns/Communicating results of your survey
- Learning patterns/Communicating with developers through Semantic Versioning
- Learning patterns/Communication as a fully remote, part-time team with different timezones
- Learning patterns/Communications for surveys
- Learning patterns/Communities of Interest to Recruit Volunteers
- Learning patterns/Community check-up: when online and offline communication becomes effective
- Learning patterns/Community Growth via Capacity Building
- Learning patterns/Community impact
- Learning patterns/Como ofrecer una representación equilibrada de hombres y mujeres en nuestras comunicaciones.
- Editing Learning patterns/Como redactar un informe cuando se trabaja con pacientes de salud mental
- Learning patterns/Completing online training courses
- Learning patterns/Conducting a semi-structured interview
- Learning patterns/Conducting expeditions
- Learning patterns/Conducting technical workshops and talks
- Learning patterns/Conducting user experience research
- Learning patterns/Conference venues
- Learning patterns/Conference workshop to help kickstart a project on a smaller language Wikipedia
- Learning patterns/Connectivity issues
- Learning patterns/Consolidate Wikipedia and Education using UNESCO's principles for education
- Learning patterns/Contest bots
- Learning patterns/Contest prizes that motivate
- Learning patterns/Contest scoring systems
- Learning patterns/Contests, giveaways and sweepstakes
- Learning patterns/Continuous engagement of New Wikimedians.
- Learning patterns/Cookies by the exit
- Learning patterns/Cooperative note-taking at meetings and workshops
- Learning patterns/Coordinating Amongst Student Courses
- Learning patterns/Coordinating with a WikiProject
- Learning patterns/Counting featured, quality and valued content in Commons
- Learning patterns/Country editor base survey of South Africa 2015
- Learning patterns/Create a community policy for education programs
- Learning patterns/Create a portal for your education program
- Learning patterns/Create an event page
- Learning patterns/Create groups of academic specialists to prepare training events
- Learning patterns/Creating a network of organizers
- Learning patterns/Creating a prelist of relevant articles before a training session
- Learning patterns/Creating an article right away
- Learning patterns/Creating Guided Tours together with the Community
- Learning patterns/Creating Instructional guides for Wikivoyage
- Learning patterns/Creating new articles
- Learning patterns/Creating portals
- Learning patterns/Creation of an editing workshop or course with patients in an institution.
- Learning patterns/Credit authors and partners
- Learning patterns/Cross chapter collaboration on wiki writing contest
- Learning patterns/Cultivating interest among the editors during activities
- Learning patterns/Data of Wikipedia and Wikidata in your Google spreadsheet
- Learning patterns/Data transfers to Wikimedia Commons: Sharing institutional archives
- Learning patterns/Dealing with authorities for institutional partnerships
- Learning patterns/Define program goals and measures of success
- Learning patterns/Delivering prizes
- Learning patterns/Design of a proposed distance learning resource
- Learning patterns/Designing and developing for an active, existing project
- Learning patterns/Designing portals on wikis
- Learning patterns/Developing a fully internationalized and centralized gadget
- Learning patterns/Developing a mission statement with your community
- Learning patterns/Developing Apertium MT for your language in Content Translation
- Learning patterns/Developing intercompatible components within a complex and often inconsistent system
- Learning patterns/Developing strong relationships with donors - more than communication via banners
- Learning patterns/Developing sustained academic-expert engagement
- Learning patterns/Digital information literacy with Wikipedia for public library staff
- Learning patterns/Digital-o-Mat
- Learning patterns/Digitising books with minimal apparatus
- Learning patterns/Digitizing archival records
- Learning patterns/Disengaging from Wikipedia warfare
- Learning patterns/Division of tasks and responsibilities between board, staff and volunteers
- Learning patterns/Do not overload
- Learning patterns/Documentation Friday
- Learning patterns/Documenting language oral history
- Learning patterns/Documenting your event experience
- Learning patterns/Doing more, with templates: A tutorial for Wikimedia project creators
- Learning patterns/Don't fiddle with the AV
- Learning patterns/Donations segmentation
- Learning patterns/Drop-in demo booth
- Learning patterns/Edit 1 and Challenge 1
- Learning patterns/Edit-a-thon in classroom
- Learning patterns/Edit-a-thon Meetup Takeover
- Learning patterns/Edit-a-thon worklists
- Learning patterns/Editathon evaluation form
- Learning patterns/Editing and writing contest-planning templates
- Learning patterns/Editing leads to media literacy
- Learning patterns/EduWiki resources for Maithili Wikipedia
- Learning patterns/Effect of page visibility on contribution
- Learning patterns/EJemplo
- Learning patterns/Engage with public broadcasters
- Learning patterns/Engaging non-Wikipedian academic experts to identify content gaps
- Learning patterns/Engaging participants through critical theory
- Learning patterns/Engaging Regional US-Based Museums Around the Gender Gap
- Learning patterns/Engaging volunteers with the grants process
- Learning patterns/Enriching lists of monuments with coordinates
- Learning patterns/Ensuring your wiki project is inclusive
- Learning patterns/Establecer un trabajo con enfoque intercultural
- Learning patterns/Establecer vínculos entre los proyectos Wikimedia y organizaciones e iniciativas externas
- Learning patterns/Establish strong local support
- Learning patterns/Estimating and evaluating in-kind resources
- Learning patterns/Estimating time and complexity
- Learning patterns/Evaluate student work
- Learning patterns/Evaluating project outcomes
- Learning patterns/Evaluation of data affected by seasonal or calendar effects
- Learning patterns/Event app for conferences
- Learning patterns/Event planning process
- Learning patterns/Every new page starts off unwatched
- Learning patterns/Expert involvement
- Learning patterns/Extracting usernames listed on a wiki page
- Learning patterns/Facilitate the preparation of an FDC report
- Learning patterns/Facilitating a productive discussion
- Learning patterns/Facilitating social interaction at conferences
- Learning patterns/Facilitator's toolbox
- Learning patterns/Failing at a crowdfunding campaign and what we can learn from it
- Learning patterns/Faire un stand
- Learning patterns/Fear of editing
- Learning patterns/Featured Articles in classroom courses
- Learning patterns/Features requests for a software
- Learning patterns/Feedback cycle
- Learning patterns/Festival advertisement
- Learning patterns/Filling content gaps
- Learning patterns/Find free license videos on YouTube for Wikipedia
- Learning patterns/Find volunteers to support a program
- Learning patterns/Finding programmers for a WMF grant
- Learning patterns/Firm foundation for projects
- Learning patterns/First edit
- Learning patterns/Five tips for preparing a great conference
- Learning patterns/Focus on content
- Learning patterns/Following Wikipedia policies in gender gap events
- Learning patterns/Forms with blank responses can be confusing!
- Learning patterns/Fostering affinity groups
- Learning patterns/Framing survey questions
- Learning patterns/Frugal video production for Wikimedia Commons