Prikupljanje sredstava 2012/Prijevod/Apel AdrianneW
Za ovaj ogromni roman mi je bila potrebna čitava vječnost, ali sam se zaljubio u njega. U petom razredu smo imali zadatak održati predavanje svojim kolegama o bilo kojoj temi koju odaberemo. Ja sam predavao o književnosti devetnaestog stoljeća.
Danas sam, kao što možete pretpostaviti, profesor engleskog jezika.Također i doprinosim Wikipediji uređujući članke o piscima poput Mary Shelley, autorici Frankensteina, te Jane Austen koja je napisala Ponos i predrasude
When I think of my work on Wikipedia, I don't just think of myself as someone who adds information; I think of myself as a teacher. Through Wikipedia, my reach extends far beyond any classroom. In the past month alone, Wikipedia's article on Jane Austen has been viewed more than 115,000 times.
At my university, I have access to many quality resources. But most people can't access these sources; they’re hidden behind a paywall. By editing Wikipedia, I can help fix this injustice.
I love learning. I always have. Which is why I believe so strongly that it should be available to everyone.
Do you agree? Then please join me in supporting Wikipedia.
Adrianne’s research is focused on 18th century British literature.
As a postdoc for Digital Learning and Research, she also assists her colleagues in finding new ways to integrate Wikipedia into their classrooms.