Strategie/Wikimedia Movement/2018-20/Berichte
Diese Seite betrifft eine vergangene Phase des Prozesses der Strategie. Für aktuelle Informationen besuche bitte die Hauptseite zur Strategie des Movements. |
Im Folgenden findest du eine Zusammenstellung von Berichten, Artikeln, Updates und Ressourcen zu den Diskussionen über die Movement Strategie seit deren Beginn im Jahr 2017. Dieses Material dient als Leitfaden für den Prozess und ist eine ständige Quelle für die Arbeit der Movement Strategie.
Überblick über den Movement-Strategie-Prozess 2018 bis 2020
- Globale Zusammenarbeit und große Ideen: Wie die Strategieempfehlungen des Wikimedia Movements 2030 entstanden sind
- Movement Strategy Playbook
Gespräche mit der Community
- Finalisierungs-Änderungsprotokoll (Januar - April 2020)
- Zusammenfassung der Movement Conversations 2020
- Board of Trustees on Movement Strategy (Board of Trustees der Wikimedia Foundation, Aushang)
- Zusammengestellte Notizen aus den beiden Sprechstunden am 30. Januar 2020
- Konsolidierte Empfehlungscluster aus Berlin (Dezember 2019)
- Januar 2020: Blogbeitrag Kapazitätsaufbau: Die 5 wichtigsten Themen aus den Gesprächen in der Community (English) von Diane Ranville
- Januar 2020: Blog-Beitrag Wikimedia-Partnerschaften: Top 5 Themen aus Community-Gesprächen (English) von Diane Ranville
- Dezember 2019: Blogbeitrag Wikimedia Produkt & Technik: Die Top 5 Themen aus Community-Gesprächen (English) von Kelsi Stine-Rowe
Einblicke ins Movement
- Februar 2020: Blogbeitrag Top-Themen für Strategiediskussionen in der portugiesischsprachigen Gemeinschaft Template:Sprachsymbol von Lucas Teles
- Dezember 2019: Blogbeitrag Top 5 Gesprächsthemen der Community von frankophonen Wikimedianern (English) von Diane Ranville
- Dezember 2019: Blogbeitrag Was hat die spanische Community bei den Strategiegesprächen 2019 diskutiert?(English)
(English) von Francesc Fort
- December 2019: Blog post Strategic ideas from Arabic Speaking communities – Wikimedia 2030 (English) by Strategy Liaison for the Arabic-speaking Community Anass Sedrati
- November 2019: Blog post Côte d’Ivoire imagines Wikimedia in 2030: Interview with Donatien Kangah Koffi (English) by Strategy Liaison for the French-speaking Community Diane Ranville
Persönliche Erfahrungen
- May 2020: Interviewing Marc Miquel about Wikimedia Strategy 2030: From Recommendations to Gender Gap, Code of Conduct and User Experience (English) Interview between Diversity working group member and writing group member Marc Miquel-Ribé and Tanveer Hasan, Information and Knowledge Liaison with the Movement Strategy Core Team
- December 2019: Blog post Funding utopia when you’re already a free knowledge utopia (English) by Resource Allocation working group member Daria Cybulska
- November 2019: Blog post “We are at a turning point”: Donatien Kangah Koffi tells us about the Wikimedia community in Côte d’Ivoire (English) by Strategy Liaison for the French-speaking Community Diane Ranville
- November 2019: Blog post Wikimedia Portugal participation on Strategy process in 2019 (English) by Strategy Liaison for the Portuguese-speaking Community Lucas Teles
- November 2019: Blog post Wikimedia 2030: South Asian Reflection of the Movement Strategy 2018-20 (English) by Strategy Liaison for the Hindi-speaking Community Rupika Sharma
- November 2019: Blog post My experience as a Strategy Liaison for the Spanish speaking community in 2019 (English) by Strategy Liaison for the Spanish-speaking Community Francesc Fort
- October 2019: Blog post Being a Strategy Liaison for the Portuguese speaking community in 2019. What was it like? (English) by Strategy Liaison for the Portuguese-speaking Community Lucas Teles
- October 2019: Blog post My life as a Strategy Liaison for the French language (English) by Strategy Liaison for the French-speaking Community Diane Ranville
- October 2019: Blog post My Experience as the 2030 Strategy Liaison for the Arabic Speaking Community (English) by Strategy Liaison for the Arabic-speaking Community Anass Sedrati
- November 2019: Blog post Holding a Strategy Salon in Caracas (English) by Strategy Liaison for the Spanish-speaking Community Francesc Fort
- November 2019: Blog post Hosting a Strategy Salon in Morocco – July 2019 (English) by Strategy Liaison for the Arabic-speaking Community Anass Sedrati
- November 2019: Blog post Building a shared vision for Wikimedia 2030: Open Foundation West Africa Strategy Salon (English) by Rupika Sharma
- October 2019: Blog post Building community toward a shared future: the East Africa Strategy Summit (English) by Kelsi Stine-Rowe
- September 2019: Blog post Break from the seasonal activities in Cameroon (English)
- September 2019: Blog post Resourcing the Movement (English)
- August 2019: Blog post Walking the Talk
- August 2019: Blog post Sharing and Connecting at the ESEAP Strategy Summit (English) by MurielMary
- July 2019: Blog post Strategy Salon in Conakry reflects about the future of the Wikimedia Movement (English) by Diane Ranville
- July 2019: Blog post ESEAP Strategy Salon (English)
- Juli 2019: Blogbeitrag Arbeitsgruppe Rollen und Verantwortlichkeiten trifft sich in Utrecht
- Juni 2019: Blogbeitrag Arbeitsgruppentreffen zum Kapazitätsaufbau in Singapur
- April 2019: Blogbeitrag Wikimedia 2030 auf dem Wikimedia Summit 2019
- February 2019: Blog post "At the 2019 Wikimedia Summit, we’re putting the Wikimedia movement under the microSCOPE" (English)
- September 2018: Blog post "What took place during the movement strategy discussions at Wikimania 2018" (English)
Einblicke in den Prozess
- Mai 2020: Blogbeitrag Wie die Empfehlungen zur Movement-Strategie fertiggestellt wurden von Anna Rees
- February 2020: Podcast "Wikimedia 2030, a strategy interview", WikipediaPodden (English)
- August 2018: Podcast "Towards Real Global Collaboration", Source Code Berlin Summer Series by Mark Fonseca Rendeiro (English)
- August 2018: Podcast "Movement Strategy: The Way Forward for Wikimedia", Source Code Berlin Summer Series by Mark Fonseca Rendeiro (English)
Andere Berichte
Reguläre Updates
Movement Strategy updates (originally published on Wikimedia-l mailing list):
- June 2020: [Wikimedia-l] Two years; three weeks; 10 years to go #wikimedia2030
- May 2020: [Wikimedia-l] Movement Strategy: The recommendations are now online
- April 2020: [Wikimedia-l] Movement Strategy: Recommendations to be published in May
- March 2020: [Wikimedia-l] Movement Strategy: Finalizing the recommendations and further process news (see the translations)
- March 2020: [Wikimedia-l] Movement Strategy: Community conversations have finished, what happens next
- June 2019: Send us your submissions: strategy salon grant applications and the movement strategy space at Wikimania (see the translations)
- March 2019: [Wikimedia-l] The latest news from the Movement Strategy Process (English)
- January 2019: [Wikimedia-l] Looking for Liaisons for the Movement Strategy Process (English)
- September 2018: [Wikimedia-l] Movement Strategy Process: Community update August 2018 (English)
- July 2018: [Wikimedia-l] Movement Strategy: First round of Working Group members (English)
- June 2018: [Wikimedia-l] Update #4: Upcoming call for participation in Working Groups (English)
- April 2018: [Wikimedia-l] Movement Strategy Update #3: WMCON and Core Team news (English)
- April 2018: [Wikimedia-l] Movement Strategy core team news: We're recruiting (English)
- March 2018: [Wikimedia-l] Update: Next steps on Movement Strategy (Phase II) (English)
- January 2020: Movement Strategy team presentation at WMF all hands 2020 (English)
- October 2019: Harmonization Sprint report (English)
- July 2019: July Activities Meeting; Wikimedia 2030 presentation (video, min 23:25) (English)
- May 2019: Presentation at the Creative Commons Global Summit 2019, Lisbon (English)
- March 2019: Presentation at the Wikimedia Summit 2019, Berlin (English)
- March 2019: Presentation at Wikimedia Summit India, Delhi (remote) (English)
- October 2018: Keynote at WikiConference North America in Columbus, Ohio (remote) (English)
- October 2018: Wikimedia 2030 workshop slides from CEE Meeting 2018 in Lviv, Ukraine (English)
- October 2018: Wikimedia 2030 presentation slides form CEE Meeting 2018 in Lviv, Ukraine (English)
- October 2018: Wikimedia 2030 presentation at WikiConvention Francophone 2018 in Grenoble, France (French)
- October 2018: Presentation about Wikimedia 2030 at WikiCon 2018 in St. Gallen (German)
- September 2018: Wikimedia Monthly Activities meeting September 2018 (video: from minute 41:25; slides 37ff.) (English)
- July 2018: Wikimania 2018 (English) and Wikimania report (English)
- May 2018: ESEAP Conference 2018 (English)
- April 2018: Wikimedia Conference 2018 (English)
- April 2018: Affiliate Chairpersons meeting @WMCON 2018 (English)
- January 2018: WikiIndaba conference 2018 (English)
- October 2018: Information & Knowledge Management Report (English)
Gespräche mit der Community
Summaries of community discussions throughout online communities during March-November 2019:
- Conversation Starter Drivers (Community Conversations presentation) (English)
Strategy Salons were an opportunity for recognized Wikimedia affiliates to host in-person gatherings to discuss movement strategy. The goal of these events was to allow affiliate leaders to bring together a broad mix of affiliate members who live within their local area to have deeper conversations about one or two strategy themes that are of interest to them.
- Resource Allocation Practices and Models at International Civil Society Organisations – Research commissioned for the Resource Allocation Working Group (by ICSC)
Phase 1
Older materials from Phase 1 of the Movement Strategy (ended in 2017). These reports are referenced in the final product of the Strategy.
Abschlussberichte der Phase 1 |
Cycles 0-3 |
Strategic Direction draft |
New Voices and Final research reports |
Other suggested links and Information about future trends |