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Groupes d’utilisateurs de Wikimedia/Accord et code de conduite

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia user groups/Agreement and code of conduct and the translation is 28% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Comment La version en anglais de cet accord est celle à laquelle vous vous engagez lorsque vous candidatez pour devenir un groupe d’utilisateurs de Wikimedia. Les traductions sont fournies uniquement à des fins d’information. Veuillez ne pas modifier le texte original de l’accord.

Accord de groupe d’utilisateurs et code de conduite

La Fondation Wikimedia (« nous ») est une organisation à but non lucratif qui se dédie à de donner au monde l’envie et les moyens de rassembler et développer des ressources éducatives, sous licence libre ou dans le domaine public, pour les diffuser dans le monde entier.

Vous et votre groupe d’utilisateurs (« vous ») acceptez les conditions de cet accord en cliquant sur « J’accepte » dans votre candidature de groupe d’utilisateurs.

The Affiliations Committee (“AffCom”) is a body established by the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees to advise on matters related to affiliate recognition and the affiliate ecosystem.

Vous suivrez la politique de marques commerciales

  • Vous avez lu et vous acceptez de suivre notre politique de marques commerciales. Cette politique présente les cas où vous pouvez utiliser les logos Wikimedia librement, et les cas où vous devez demander la permission.

Vous êtes indépendant de la Fondation Wikimedia et des autres groupes

  • Cet accord ne crée pas une relation d’emploi, d’agence ou de partenariat entre vous et la Fondation Wikimedia et toute autre organisation Wikimedia. Vous reconnaissez et comprenez que vous et la Fondation Wikimedia êtes indépendants l’un de l’autre. Vous et votre groupe d’utilisateurs ne devez pas parler et agir au nom de la Fondation Wikimedia, quelqu’en soit la raison.

Vous êtes reconnu comme un groupe d’utilisateurs tant que vous respectez cet accord.

  • This agreement will last for 15 months, beginning on the date of the last signature. This agreement will automatically terminate at the end of the initial 15-month term unless it is affirmatively renewed by the Wikimedia Foundation, on the advice of AffCom. If we choose to renew this agreement, you will receive notice in writing from us or from AffCom. If renewed, the renewal term will be for one year, and it will automatically renew for additional one-year terms unless it is otherwise terminated.
  • We may terminate the agreement at any point by providing written notice at least 30 days in advance of the termination date. The Affiliations Committee may terminate this agreement immediately if you violate the terms of this agreement. You may terminate this agreement at any time by sending written notice to the Affiliations Committee.

Your user group's name and logo

  • Your initial approved name is [Name of User Group]. Any changes to your approved name, or additional translations or localizations you wish to use, must be approved by the Affiliations Committee and must be consistent with the naming guidelines for Wikimedia user groups.
  • The Wikimedia Foundation gives you permission to use your approved name for activities that are consistent with the code of conduct and this agreement. This permission ends if your agreement is terminated.

Activity requirements

Your group’s activities must comply with the following:

  1. Your group's goals and activities should be consistent with the Wikimedia mission. You must not engage in activity that poses significant risk to other Wikimedia organizations or Wikimedia projects.
  1. You must follow the Wikimedia Trademark Policy, including our Visual Identity Guidelines.
  1. You should strive to run a friendly and respectful group. You and your group must follow the Universal Code of Conduct, and you should ensure your group's events are consistent with the Wikimedia Friendly Spaces Policy.
  1. You must make clear in your communications that you are an independent group of volunteers, and you are not the Wikimedia Foundation or Wikipedia.
  1. You must behave transparently, including maintaining a Wikimedia project wiki page describing your group and its activities, and providing an annual update of your activities to the Wikimedia community and the Wikimedia Foundation. You should post this report as an update on Meta-Wiki.
  1. You must provide the Wikimedia Foundation the names and contact information for two representatives for your user group. These representatives must agree to this agreement. Upon the Wikimedia Foundation's request, your representatives will need to provide additional information to confirm their identity. The names of your representatives may be used publicly to identify your group.
  1. You may not engage in illegal activity, and you must comply with all applicable financial and privacy laws and regulations.
  1. You must maintain and satisfy all relevant license requirements and other legal obligations to operate your group.

Autres termes

This agreement is governed by the laws of the State of California, USA, without regard to conflict-of-laws principles. The parties will first attempt to resolve all disputes through mediation. If mediation fails, then we will resolve that dispute, and consent to personal jurisdiction exclusively, in a state or federal court in San Francisco County, California.

This agreement is in the English language, with any translations provided for informational purposes only.

It may be necessary for the Wikimedia Foundation to modify this User Group Agreement from time to time. Your representatives will receive 30-days prior notice by email of any changes to this agreement.


Fondation Wikimédia



Nom : ____________________________

Agissant en tant que : ___________________________



[Name of User Group]

Affiliate Representative #1



Individually and as agent for User Group

Nom : _____________________________

Pour :




Affiliate Representative #2



Individually and as agent for User Group





