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Global sysops/pam

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Global sysops and the translation is 13% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

This page outlines the standards and guidelines related to the use of the user rights assigned to the global sysop user group. If you need help from a sysop or a steward on your project, please see Meta:Requests and proposals , Global sysops/Requests and Steward requests/Miscellaneous.

Uling ning kakulangan kareng steward ampo ing taglus-taglus a pamanabusu kareng kekatamung wiki, migmunikala ya ing metung a grupung pangkabilugan king munikalang kareng pangkabilugan a sysop (global sysops). Deng taung deti, misna lang pagtiwalan a talagamit a maki masanting a amlat o record king pamanambag kareng miayaliwang wiki. Mirinan lang makabukud a katuliran o pribilehiu anting sysop deng pangkabilugan a sysop, kareng dakal a mangalating wiki, oneng e la mu kabud talagamit a maki kasangkapan a pang-sysop kareng eganaganang wiki. Bukud kareng karaniwan a kasangkapan, mirinan lang upaya king pangkabilugan a pamaniabat, oneng gamitan da la mu reni kareng casong kailangan a kailangan o mabayat, o para king e controversial o e sasalungatan a pamagmantini. E la mirinan upaya king laman da reng articulo, o king local a comunidad.


Nung alang aliwang maliaring gawa, mirinan yang upaya (enabled) ing pangkabilugan a sysop para king balang proyectong tutuki king metung kareng makatuking kabilian o condicion:

  • mas ditak la kareng apulu deng talapanibala (administrators); o
  • mas ditak la king atulu deng talapanibalang ginawang dapat a makatala (logged) kilub ning aduang bulan.

By default, global sysops may use this global user group's permissions on wikis that meet one or both of the following criteria:

  • fewer than ten administrators exist;
  • fewer than three administrators have made a logged action within the past two months.

Bots and the abuse filter pseudo-account are not counted as administrators for the above calculations.

A wiki set is used to specify a list of wikis where global sysops do not have access (list). This wiki set was originally populated in 2010. Since then, wikis that met the criteria have been removed from the wiki set, but wikis that stopped meeting the criteria have not been added.

Maliari lang makiabe o e makiabe deng proyecto dependi king karelang paglalawe nung akua ra ing pamikasundu ning comunidad. Pabaluan ya mu ing steward ning kapasian ning comunidad. Gamitan ya ing metung a wiki set karen mung wiking kayabe.

Most global sysops also have global rollback . Unlike the global sysop rights, global rollback is truly global.

Check local policies

Should a wiki have an existing local policy regarding the global sysops' scope, global sysops must ensure to conform to the relevant policy before acting.



Kailangan lang ibili king Steward requests/Global deng pakisabi. Tanggapan ne ning steward ing pakisabi nung ating pamikasundung ing talagamit magi yang pangkabilugan a sysop kaibat ning panaun ning pamisabi-sabi, a keraklan manga aduang domingo. E ya pamagbotu ing pamisabi-sabi o discusion; kailangan, deng comento sumabi lang particular a punto para king o laban king pamanggap king talagamit. Kailangan, atin lang pisanmetung a account (unified accounts) deng manambag king discusion kayabe ya ing karelang Meta account.


Mágdependi ing taglus-taglus a pamanatili ning pangkabilugan a sysop king actividad ampo king taglus-taglus a suporta ning comunidad a Wikimedia.

Continued global sysop access depends on both activity and the continued support of the Wikimedia community.

Kealan activad
Tambing lang itabili o milako access deng pangkabilugan a sysop nung iti e megamit kilub ning maigit anam a bulan.
Pamipasiag o pamagbotu ning tiwala (Vote of confidence)
Maliari neng ilako ning sanu mang steward ing katuliran ning pangkabilugan a sysop agiang kapilan nung king palage na, e ustu ing pamangamit kareng kasangkapan, o nung agpang king metung a pamaniad comento, ing maragul o makabaldugang minoria ing e magtiwala king pangkabilugan a sysop. Nung marapat iti at buri nong akuang pasibayu ning pangkabilugan a sysop deng kasangkapan, mika alalan ning pamagtiwala (vote of confidence), nung nu kailangang manatili king pangkabilugan a sysop ing pamikakasundu ning comunidad, bang ibalik ing karelang access o upaya.


Ini ing tala o listaan da reng paintulut, a maki pamipalino o pamag-isplica, a tatalnan da reng pangkabilugan a sysop. Alus pareu la kareng karaniwan a talapanibala (regular administrators) deng paintulut; nanupata, makatuldu la reting paintulut king balang proyecto ning Wikimedia Foundation a e memiling e makiabe king tala da reng tatalnan (access list) da reng sysop a pangkabilugan. Tatalnan de murin deng sysop a pangkabilugan ing Pangkabilugan a pamaniabat (Global blocking), a ala king upaya da reng local a talapanibala.

This is the list of permissions, with explanations, which global sysops have. The permissions are nearly identical to those of regular administrators ; however, these permissions apply to any Wikimedia Foundation project that has not opted out of the global sysops' access list. They are not capable of changing any local userrights either (unless they also have appropriate local permissions).

User rights currently assigned to the global-sysop global group
Right Description Notes
1 abusefilter-log View the abuse log Normally part of the autoconfirmed user group or granted to all users
2 autoconfirmed I-edit la reng bulung a maki dakeng protektadu (semi-protected pages)
3 editsemiprotected Edit pages protected as "Allow only autoconfirmed users"
4 flow-edit-post Edit Structured Discussions posts by other users
5 flow-hide Hide Structured Discussions topics and posts
6 ipinfo Retrieve information about IP addresses attached to revisions or log entries
7 move Iyalis la reng bulung
8 movestable Move pages with stable versions
9 reupload Tumpakanan ya ing simpan (file) a atiu na
10 reupload-own Tumpakanan ya ing file (simpan) a atiu na at linulan na murin ning pareung talagamit
11 skipcaptcha Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
12 spamblacklistlog View the spam block list log
13 upload Maglulan simpan (upload files)
14 abusefilter-log-detail View detailed abuse log entries Governed by local policies where they exist, otherwise part of the sysop user group
15 abusefilter-modify Create or modify abuse filters
16 abusefilter-modify-blocked-external-domains Create or modify what external domains are blocked from being linked
17 abusefilter-modify-restricted Modify abuse filters with restricted actions
18 autopatrol Tambing lang tatakan antimong babanten (patrolled) deng me-edit
19 autoreviewrestore Auto-review on rollback
20 checkuser-temporary-account View IP addresses used by temporary accounts
21 editautopatrolprotected Edit pages protected as "Allow only autopatrollers"
22 ipblock-exempt Lakton (bypass) la reng pamaniabat king IP: IP block, auto-block ampong range block
23 move-categorypages Move category pages
24 move-rootuserpages Move root user pages
25 move-subpages Move pages with their subpages
26 movefile Move files
27 oathauth-enable Enable two-factor authentication
28 patrol Tatakan la reng me-edit a babanten (patrolled)
29 review Mark revisions as being "checked"
30 rollback Gad yang iurung (revert) ing tauling talagamit a mig-edit king partikular a bulung
31 templateeditor Edit protected templates
32 unreviewedpages View the list of unreviewed pages
33 apihighlimits Gamitan la reng matas a angganan a API (API high limits) Normally part of the sysop user group
34 block Sabatan la king pamag-edit deng aliwang talagamit
35 blockemail Sabatan ya king pamagparlang e-mail ing metung a talagamit
36 browsearchive Maintun kareng bulung a mengabura
37 centralauth-createlocal Forcibly create a local account for a global account
38 delete Buran la reng bulung
39 deletedhistory Lon ya ing tala da reng amlat a mengabura (deleted history entries), a e kayabe ing karelang laman a kasulatan
40 deletedtext View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions
41 deletelogentry Delete and undelete specific log entries
42 deleterevision Buran la at iurung pangabura deng partikular a pamagbayu da reng bulung
43 editcontentmodel Edit the content model of a page
44 editinterface I-edit ya ing user interface
45 editprotected I-edit la reng bulung a protektadu/makakambil (alang proteksiun a tuki-tuki o cascading protection)
46 editsitejson Edit sitewide JSON
47 edituserjson I-edit la reng simpan (file) dang JSON deng aliwang talagamit
48 flow-delete Delete Structured Discussions topics and posts
49 import Maglub (import) bulung manibat kareng aliwang wiki
50 ipinfo-view-full Access a full view of the IP information attached to revisions or log entries
51 markbotedits Tatakan la reng edit a miurung (reverted edits) antimong bot edit
52 mergehistory Pisanib la reng amlat (history) da reng bulung
53 noratelimit Not be affected by rate limits
54 nuke Mass delete pages
55 override-antispoof Override the spoofing checks
56 protect Alilan la reng sikan ning pamangambil (protection level) at i-edit la reng bulung a protektadu/makakambil
57 reupload-shared Sabatan la king lokal deng simpan (file) king simpanang pangkabilugan pang-media (shared media repository)
58 sfsblock-bypass Bypass IP restrictions issued by the StopForumSpam extension
59 stablesettings Configure how the stable version is selected and displayed
60 suppressredirect E maglalang pamanaliling direksiun (redirect) manibat king sadiang lagyu potang iyalis ya ing bulung
61 tboverride Override the disallowed titles or usernames list
62 titleblacklistlog View the disallowed titles list log
63 undelete Iurung ya ing pangabura ning metung a bulung
64 unwatchedpages Lumawe kang tala da reng bulung a e babanten
65 editsitecss Edit sitewide CSS Normally part of the Interface administrators user group
66 editsitejs Edit sitewide JavaScript
67 editusercss I-edit la reng simpan (file) dang CSS deng aliwang talagamit
68 edituserjs I-edit la reng simpan (file) dang JS deng aliwang talagamit


Global sysops must have user pages on every wiki they use their global sysop access on, which provides contact information or links to their primary user page (creation bot available). Kailangan, atin lang bulung talagamit o user pages deng pangkabilugan a sysop king balang wiking tatalnan da, a babie informacion nung makananu lang abutan, o makasuglung king karelang manimunang bulung talagamit (primary user page) (creation bot available).

Global sysops must have user pages on every wiki they use their global sysop access on, which provide contact information or link to their primary user page (creation bot available currently). Generally a global user page on Meta will cover that requirement, and those users are asked to include a user language declaration ("Babel").

For urgent help from a global sysop, join the IRC channel #wikimedia-gsconnect and type !gs in the channel to get the attention of global sysops.

Nung e ne alutas ning talagamit ing e pamikasundu kapamilatan ning pamakisabi keng pangkabilugan a sysop, maliaring mangibiling reclamo king Talk:Global sysops, o makiugnayan kenumang steward.

Global sysops may contact each other via the private mailing list.

Users with global sysop access

  • Last updated: 2025-02-06  [edit]
Name IRC nick Languages spoken Global sysop since
1234qwer1234qwer4 ru, de-4, en-3, la-1 2022-05-28
A09 A09 sl, en-3, de-1 2024-11-16
Ameisenigel Ameisenigel de, en-4, nds-2, fr-1, tlh-1 2024-02-18
Amire80 ru, he-5, en-4, ca-3, eo-2, es-2, it-2, fr-1, am-1, ar-1, la-1, lt-1 2017-02-02
AramilFeraxa AramilFeraxa pl, en-3, de-1 2024-05-29
Biplab Anand Biplab ne, mai, hi-4, en-2, bh-2, awa-2, dty-2, sa-2 2016-10-06
CptViraj CptViraj gu, hi-4, en-3 2021-02-02
Daniuu Daniuu / Westvleteren nl, en-4, fr-2, de-2, la-2, vls-2, li-1 2021-11-27
DARIO SEVERI it, pt-4, en-4, es-2, fr-2, gl-2, th-1 2017-07-25
Fehufanga Fehufanga id, en-4, ms-2, zh-2, la-1, su-0 2024-02-01
Iluvatar Iluvatar_ ru, en-1, be-1 2019-11-02
Infinite0694 Infinite0694 ja, en-3, de-3, fr-2, it-1 2016-01-21
LR0725 ko, en-3, ja-1 2023-11-22
M7 M7 it, en-3, es-2, fr-2, de-1, pt-1 2024-10-26
MdsShakil MdsShakil bn, en-3, as-1 2023-07-28
MF-Warburg MF-W de, en-3, fr-1, tet-1, la-1, es-1 2019-03-07
Minorax Minorax en, zh, nan-2, ko-1, ms-1, fr-1, yue-1 2020-12-09
Mtarch11 Mtarch11 it, lij-2, en-1, fr-1 2021-09-01
Praxidicae Praxidicae en 2018-11-11
Renvoy uk, ru-4, en-3, pl-3, lt-1 2023-07-21
SHB2000 SHB2000 en, fr-1 2024-11-16
Superpes15 Superpes it, en-2, fr-1, es-1, la-1 2022-02-22
Syunsyunminmin SyunSyunMinMin ja, en-3 2023-06-28
Tanbiruzzaman Tanbiruzzaman bn, en-4, hi-1, ur-1 2024-10-22
Teles Teles pt, en-3, es-2 2011-05-20
TenWhile6 TenWhile6 de, en-3 2024-11-27
Ternera en, rw-2, es-2 2025-01-15
TheresNoTime TheresNoTime en, de-3 2024-03-26
Turkmen Turkmen az, tr-4, en-2 2019-09-18
Uncitoyen Uncitoyen tr, en-2, fr-2 2021-01-29
WhitePhosphorus WhitePhosphorus / P4-mobile zh, en-3, ja-1, lzh-1, wuu-1, yue-1 2019-12-12
WikiBayer bar, de, en-1 2019-08-18


User:Restu20User:HolderUser:MatiiaUser:Syum90User:NahidSultanUser:AldnonymousUser:AlanUser:KaganerUser:EltonUser:StrynUser:Wiki13User:GlaisherUser:JurgenNLUser:Rschen7754User:Wim bUser:Mh7kJUser:TBloeminkUser:Iste PraetorUser:IgnaUser:VogoneUser:Shanmugamp7User:ÉricoUser:PiRSquared17User:FrigotoniUser:Toto AzéroUser:HerbythymeUser:RadiXUser:MF-WarburgUser:RxyUser:TegelUser:SPQRobinUser:MathoniusUser:SavhUser:VituzzuUser:TelesUser:WikitanvirUser:AjraddatzUser:TrijnstelUser:Jon Harald SøbyUser:Zscout370User:MoiraMoiraUser:Bsadowski1User:Quentinv57User:Hoo manUser:KanjyUser:EffeietsandersUser:Fr33kmanUser:BRUTEUser:JafeluvUser:Maximillion PegasusUser:AxpdeUser:Lofty abyssUser:NuclearWarfareUser:HerculeUser:Luckas BladeUser:.snoopy.User:JuliancoltonUser:VasilievVVUser:Liliana-60User:PmlineditorUser:InnvUser:JamesofurUser:Tiptoety
User:TerneraUser:TenWhile6User:SHB2000User:A09User:M7User:TanbiruzzamanUser:AramilFeraxaUser:TheresNoTimeUser:AmeisenigelUser:FehufangaUser:LR0725User:MdsShakilUser:RenvoyUser:SyunsyunminminUser:Johannnes89User:MelosUser:StyyxUser:Mykola7User:1234qwer1234qwer4User:Superpes15User:DaniuuUser:Mtarch11User:CptVirajUser:UncitoyenUser:MinoraxUser:DannyS712User:Operator873User:Samuele2002User:HasleyUser:Tulsi User:WhitePhosphorusUser:IluvatarUser:TurkmenUser:StanglavineUser:WikiBayerUser:BRPeverUser:VermontUser:AtcoviUser:Esteban16User:PraxidicaeUser:HujiUser:DARIO SEVERIUser:BillinghurstUser:Amire80User:HakanISTUser:Biplab AnandUser:Ah3kalUser:Infinite0694

Lon la murin