Shared Knowledge/Projects/Wikimedian-in-Residence at MANU
Wikimedian-in-Residence — Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MANU) | |
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The Wikimedian-in-Residence at the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MANU or MASA) was appointed in October 2015 to work in the Lexicographic Department and the MANU Library to improve the presence of archival heritage of Macedonia on Wikipedia and its sister projects. This is achieved by scanning and processing the material, uploading it on Wikimedia Commons, describing, collecting and sorting it, and ultimately, using it in existing articles or creating new articles inspired by the material in question.
Beginning with 1 October 2015, this position is held by Mario Šarevski (user Македонец), after an agreement was signed between the Academy and Shared Knowledge. |
[edit]The library fund of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts includes more than 160.000 units of which 56.310 books and 110.000 volumes of journals from different fields of sciences and arts. Having this in mind, the work of Wikimedian-at-residence is of great importance for making valuable contributions to Wikipedia with accurate, reliable and scientifically sound referenced information and data on various topics. Hence, the work of the Wikimedian-in-Residence at MANU is primarily focused on providing files and materials for creating, editing and improving articles with files uploaded on different scope of scientific topics and themes such as geography, physics, archaeology, ethnology, history, economy, agriculture, medicine, linguistics, biology, chemistry, arts etc.
All uploaded files can be seen at Category:Files provided by MANU at Wikimedia Commons.
In order to view the usage of the uploaded files measured in numbers and percentage see the GLAMorous tool.
[edit]- Таор (improved). Image content provided
- Кале (Стари Град) (created). Image content provided
- Бистра (планина) (improved). Image content provided
- Македонци (improved). Image content provided and rework with appropriate stemmed text done
- Тауресиум (improved). Image content provided
- Сточарство (improved). Image content provided
- Анастас Лозанчев (improved). Image content provided
- Младотурска револуција (improved). Image content provided
- Комптонов ефект (improved). Image content provided
- Миликенови експерименти (created). Image and text content provided
- Атом (improved). Image content provided
- Вепрчани (improved). Image content provided
- Мариово (improved). Image content provided
- Крсте Петков Мисирков (improved). Image content provided
- Мариовци (improved). Image content provided
- Хераклеа Линкестис (improved). Image content provided
- Хавзипашини конаци (improved). Image content provided
- Македонска академија на науките и уметностите (major re-working). Image content provided. The Wikimedian-in-Residence at the institution made photos of different sectors of the interior of the academy's building, and they were then uploaded and added to the article.
- Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (improved). Image content provided
- Воен конфликт во Македонија, 2001 (improved). Image content provided
- Јоаким Крчовски (improved). Entire scientific articles (two books of 8 and 18 pages) dedicated to Joakim Krchovski and his books written by Blaze Koneski in 1973 and Haralampie Polenakovik in 1983 were scanned and uploaded and they were then added to the article. Image content of the cover page of Krchovski's school book from 1819 was also provided.
- Кирил Пејчиновиќ (improved). Image content provided
- Црква „Пресвета Богородица Перивлептос“ - Охрид (improved). Image content provided
- Мариовско-прилепска буна (1564-1565) (improved). Entire scientific article (a book of 12 pages) dedicated to Mariovo Rebelion in 1688/89 written by Aleksandar Matkovski in 1970 was scanned and uploaded and it was then added to the article. Image content of copies of government official reports of that time were also provided.
- Манастирски манастир (improved). Image content provided
- Црква „Св. Никола“ - Манастир (improved). Image content provided
- Дуње (improved). Image content provided
- Ѓорѓија Пулевски (improved). Entire scientific article (a book of 25 pages) dedicated to Gjorgjija Pulevski written by Blaze Ristovski in 1996 was scanned and uploaded and it was then added to the article.
- Васко Ташковски (major re-working). Image content provided
- Сликарство (improved). Image content provided
- Painting (improved). Image content provided
- Ѓорче Петров (improved). Entire book of 15 pages, consisting speeches of Dimitar Mitrev and Blaze Koneski held on the solemn gathering dedicated to Georche Petrov organized at MANU in 1971, was scanned and it was then added to the article.
- Геополитика (major re-working). Image content provided
- Радерфордов модел на атом (improved). Image content provided
- Правопис и правоговор на македонскиот јазик (improved). Entire book of 18 pages of the first edition from 1945 was scanned and uploaded and it was then added to the article
- Ефект на стаклена градина (improved). Image content provided
- Глаголица (impoved). Entire book of 103 pages dedicated for the Macedonian glagolitic letters and manuscripts written by Gjorgji Pop-Atanasov in 2015 was scanned and uploaded and it was then added to the article
- Ѓорѓи Поп-Атанасов (imrpoved). Image content provided
- Георги Старделов (improved). Image content provided
- Народноослободителна борба во Вардарска Македонија (improved). Image content provided
- Народноослободителна војска на Македонија (improved). Image content provided
- Псача (improved). Image content provided
- Камен од Розета. (Improved). Entire research paper "Tracing the script and the language of the ancient Macedonian" - research of the script of the Rosseta stone on 71 pages was scanned and uploaded and it was then added to the article. Entire new section was created and edited in the article.
- Македонско дешифрирање на средниот текст од Каменот од Розета (Imrpoved). Entire research paper "Tracing the script and the language of the ancient Macedonian" - research of the script of the Rosseta stone on 71 pages was scanned and uploaded and it was then added to the article. Image content provided
- Манастир „Св. Никола“ - Псача (created). Image content provided.

- Трета македонска ударна бригада (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in Serbian: Трећа македонска ударна бригада, Russian: 3-я македонская ударная бригада and Bulgarian: Трета македонска ударна бригада
- Петта македонска ударна бригада (improved). Image content provided
- Боро Петрушевски (improved). Image content provided
- Јован Трифуноски (improved). Image content provided
- Македонска револуционерна организација (improved). The entire document of the Constitution from 1905 on 3 pages was scanned and uploaded and it was then added to the article. Image content provided
- Устав на ВМОРО (improved). The entire document of the Constitution from 1905 on 3 pages was scanned and uploaded and it was then added to the article. Image content provided
- Секуларност (improved). Entire article "Religious hatred and secularism as a response" written by Aleksandar Markoski on 20 pages was scanned and uploaded and it was then added to the article.
- Владо Камбовски (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (Bulgarian) Владо Камбовски and (German) Vlado Kambovski
- Милан Ѓурчинов (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Bulgarian) Милан Гюрчинов
- Милко Ѓуровски (imrpoved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (English) Milko Gjurovski and (Italian) Milko Ǵurovski
- Исправи се, Делфина (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Serbian) Исправи се, Делфина
- Кожуф (improved). Image content provided
- Цветан Грозданов (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (English) Cvetan Grozdanov and (Bulgarian) Цветан Грозданов
- Ксенте Богоев (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (German) Ksente Bogoev, (Russian) Ксенте Богоев and (Bulgarian) Ксенте Богоев
- Глигор Чемерски (improved). Image content provided
- Зографско евангелие (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text from the book „Македонската глаголица“ (Macedonian glagolitic) previously uploaded to the Category:Files provided by MANU at Wikimedia Commons
- Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis (improved). Image content provided
- Stress (biology) (improved). Image content provided
- Sawfly (improved). Image content provided
- 2001 insurgency in the Republic of Macedonia (improved). Image content provided
- Geopolitics (improved). Image content provided
- Фотосинтеза (improved). Image content provided
- Artificial photosynthesis (improved). Image content provided
- 2-я македонская ударная бригада (improved). Image content provided
- Мариинско евангелие (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text and image content provided from the book „Македонската глаголица“ (Macedonian glagolitic) previously uploaded to the Category:Files provided by MANU at Wikimedia Commons
- Геополитика (improved). Image content provided
- Васил Тупурковски (improved). Image content was also provided to the articles in (English) Vasil Tupurkovski, (Serbian) Васил Тупурковски, (Bulgarian) Васил Тупурковски, (Croatian) Vasil Tupurkovski and (Bosnian) Vasil Tupurkovski
- Таки Фити (improved). Image content was also provided to the articles in (English) Taki Fiti, (Russian) Фити, Таки and (Bulgarian) Таки Фити
- Среќна Нова ’49 (improved). Image content was also provided to the articles in (English) Happy New Year '49, (Serbian) Срећна нова ‘49. and (French) Bonne Année 49
- Јордан Поп Јорданов (академик) (improved). Image content was also provided to the article in (Bulgarian) Йордан Попйорданов (академик)
- Клоцов зборник (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text and image content provided from the book „Македонската глаголица“ (Macedonian glagolitic) previously uploaded to the Category:Files provided by MANU at Wikimedia Commons
- Економија на Македонија (major re-working). The entire short resume of the National strategy for economic development of Macedonia on 15 pages was scanned and uploaded and it was then added to the article. Image and text content was also provided
- Приватизација (improved). Image content provided
- Галичица (improved). Image content provided
- Национален парк Галичица (improved). Image content was also provided to the articles in (Polish) Park Narodowy Galiczica, (Croatian) Nacionalni park Galičica, (French) Parc national de Galitchitsa, (Dutch) Nationaal park Galičica and (Georgian) გალიჩიცის ეროვნული პარკი

- Радомирово евангелие (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library
- Радомиров псалтир (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library
- Паскал Сотировски (improved). Image content was also provided to the article in (Bulgarian) Паскал Сотировски
- Јордан Хаџи Константинов-Џинот (improved). Image content of his book - the primer "Tablica Pervaja" was provided
- Васил Хаџиманов (improved). Image content provided
- Наде Проева (improved). Image content provided
- Национален парк Маврово (improved). Image content was also provided to the articles in (Polish) Mawrowo, (Croatian) Nacionalni park Mavrovo and (French) Parc national de Mavrovo
- Железо (improved). Image content provided
- Олово (improved). Image content provided
- Мермер (improved). Image content provided
- Сивец (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library
- Руда (improved). Image content of 28 mineral ores from Macedonia was provided
- Титан (improved). Image content provided
- Манган (improved). Image content provided
- Алшар (improved). Image content provided
- Цинк (improved). Image content provided
- Хром (improved). Image content provided
- Метал (improved). Image content provided
- Рудник „Дамјан“ (improved). Image content provided
- Добрево (рудник) (improved). Image content provided
- Хематит (improved). Image content provided
- Рудник „Бучим“ (improved). Image content provided
- Јордан Витанов (improved). Image content provided
- Наце Димов (improved). Image content provided
- Илија Димовски - Гоче (improved). Image content was also provided to the article in (Bulgarian) Илия Димовски
- Дончо Димовски (improved). Image content provided
- Блаже Ристовски (improved). Entire scientific articles "Macedonian colony in St. Petersburg and its activities in the Balkan and First World War" on 39 pages, "A word for the work of Vapcarov" and a book dedicated to Dimitar Makedonski on 64 pages written by Blazhe Ristovski were scanned and uploaded and then they were added to the article
- Македонско научно-литературно другарство во Санкт Петербург (improved). Entire scientific article "Macedonian colony in St. Petersburg and its activities in the Balkan and First World War" on 39 pages written by Blazhe Ristovski was scanned and uploaded and then it was added through a hyperlink to the article
- Киро Димитровски - Дандаро (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library

- Народноста на македонските Словени (improved). Entire Macedonian translation of the Karl Hron's 1890 book: "Das Volksthum der Slaven Makedoniens" (Ethnicity of the Macedonian Slavs) on 40 pages was scanned and uploaded and than it was added to the article
- Карл Хрон (improved). Entire Macedonian translation of the Karl Hron's 1890 book: "Das Volksthum der Slaven Makedoniens" (Ethnicity of the Macedonian Slavs) on 40 pages was scanned and uploaded and than it was added to the article
- Дуње (improved). Image content provided
- Дуњска Река (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library
- Синајски псалтир (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text and image content provided from the book „Македонската глаголица“ (Macedonian glagolitic) previously uploaded to the Category:Files provided by MANU at Wikimedia Commons
- Крсто Љондев (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library
- Стојан Киселиновски (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library
- Страшо Ончев (improved). Image content provided
- Подлес (improved). Image content provided
- Охридска архиепископија (improved). Image content provided
- Круши (improved). Image content provided
- Електрон (improved). Image content provided
- Polyomaviridae (improved). Image content provided
- JC virus (improved). Image content provided
- Георги Сталев Поповски (improved). Image content was also provided to the article in (Bulgarian) Георги Сталев Поповски
- Саме Лимани - Жарноски (improved). Image content was also provided to the articles in (Serbian) Саме Лимани - Жарноски, (Bulgarian) Саме Лимани Жарноски and (Croatian) Same Limani - Žarnoski
- АСНОМ (improved). Entire scientific articles "The role and significance of ASNOM in the national, constitutional and legal history of the Macedonian people" written by Aleksandar Hristov in 1997 on 7 pages and "The constitutional character of the fist session of ASNOM" written by Gjorgji Caca in 1995 on 14 pages were scanned and uploaded and than they were added to the article
- Социологија (improved). Entire Dictionary of sociological terminology consisting 1521 definitions on 350 pages (171 double pages on the pdf-file) was scanned and uploaded and then it was added to the article

- Димитар Македонски (improved). Entire book dedicated to Dimitar Makedonski written by Blaze Ristovski in 1999 on 64 pages was scanned and uploaded and then it was added to the article
- Павле Раковски (improved). Image content was also provided to the article in (Bulgarian) Павле Раковски
- Петопрст на Веленовски (improved). Image content provided
- Петнаесетта македонска ударна бригада (created). The article was created through redirection of the former article 15. Поречка Бригада whose text was improved with image and information from printed publications at MANU library. Image content was also provided to the articles in (Serbian) Петнаеста македонска ударна бригада, (Bulgarian) Петнадесета народоосвободителна поречка бригада and (Slovenian) 15. makedonska brigada (NOVJ)
- Потрчано (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library
- Македонски ора (improved). Image content provided
- Македонци (improved). Text, image and scanned book content provided
- Владислав Ковачев (major re-working). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library
- Земјоделство во Македонија (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library (large scale editing in progress)
- Коле Чашуле (improved). Image content was also provided to the articles in (English) Kole Čašule and (Bulgarian) Коле Чашуле
- Слободан Чашуле (improved). Image content was also provided to the articles in (English) Slobodan Čašule, (Bulgarian) Слободан Чашуле, (Russian) Чашуле, Слободан and (Ukrainian) Слободан Чашуле
- Тринаесетта македонска ударна бригада (Improved). Image content was also provided to the articles in (Serbian) Тринаеста македонска ударна бригада, (Russian) 13-я македонская ударная бригада and (Slovenian) 13. makedonska brigada (NOVJ)
- Мрморец (improved). Image content provided
- Македонски петопрст (improved). Image content provided
- Востание на Петар Делјан (improved). Image content provided
- Благој Јанков - Мучето (improved). Image content provided
- Никола Вапцаров (improved). Entire scientific article "A word for the work of Vapcarov" written by Blaze Ristovski in 1990 on 23 was scanned and uploaded and the it was added to the article
- Милош Линдро (improved). Image content was also provided to the article in (Bulgarian) Милош Линдро
- Бистрица Миркуловска (improved). Image content provided
- Петнаесетти македонски корпус (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library
- Богоја Фотев (improved). Image content was also provided to the article in (Bulgarian) Богоя Фотев
[edit]- Напон (improved). Image content provided
- Томсоново расејување (improved). Image content provided
- Електрон (improved). Image content provided
- Алексо Мартулков (improved). Image content was also provided to the article in (Bulgarian) Александър Мартулков
- Александар Матковски (improved). Image content was also provided to the article in (Bulgarian) Александър Матковски
- Претприемништво (improved). Entire introductory chapter of entrepreneurship from Macedonian translation the book "Entrepreneurship: successfully launching new ventures" written by Bruce Barringer and Duane Ireland (on 23 pages) and the entire chapter dedicated on entrepreneur's intention and corporate entrepreneurship from the Macedonian translation of the book "Entrepreneurship" written by Robert D. Hisrich, Michael P. Peters and Dean A. Shepherd (on 19 pages) were scanned and uploaded and then they were added to the article
- Рисима Рисимкин (improved). Image content provided
- Каменолом (improved). Image content provided
- Рударство (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library
- Загоричани (improved). Image content provided
- Масакр кај Пуста Кула (improved). Image content provided
- Никола Мартиноски (improved). Image content was also provided to the articles in (English) Nikola Martinoski, (Aromanian) Nicola Martinoschi and (Polish) Nikoła Martinoski
- Димитар Масевски (major re-work). Image and text content provided
- Полог (improved). Text content provided from a the book Dissapeared rural settlements and villages with changed names in Polog written by Ilija Petrushevski on 91 pages (double scanned) in 2009 which was scanned and uploaded, and added as a reference and external link into the article
- Атентат врз Киро Глигоров (improved). Image content provided
- ЕУПОЛ „ПРОКСИМА“ (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library
- Википедија:Уредувачки маратони 2016 - Прв маратон - Егејска Македонија & Macedonia report: Wikipedia 15 Section: First edit-a-thon at the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts- first edit-a-thon held at the MANU Library on 22.01. on the topic "Aegean Macedonia". The three-hour editing marathon was attended by 3 wikipedian users - editors, as well as by 2 students in philology from Poland. With the support of the staff, the rich scientific library book fund provided 30 books on various topics and areas related to Aegean Macedonia such as settlements, geography, dialects and accents, historical events and personalities of the Ilinden Uprising, National Liberation War in WWII and the Greek Civil War of which on the Wikipedia in Macedonian language were edited a total number of 26 articles of which 15 created and 11 significantly improved.
- Полог (improved). Image content was also provided to the articles in (English) Polog, (Russian) Полог, (Ukrainian) Полог, (Spanish) Polog and (Croatian) Pološka kotlina
- Земјоделство во Македонија (improved). Image content provided
- Манчу Матак (improved). Image content provided
- Матеја Матевски (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (English) Mateja Matevski, (Polish) Mateja Matewski, (Russian) Матевский, Матея and (Bulgarian) Матея Матевски
- Око (improved). Image content provided
- Сетилни органи (improved). Image content provided
- Синајски евхологиј (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text and image content provided from the book „Македонската глаголица“ (Macedonian glagolitic) previously uploaded to the Category:Files provided by MANU at Wikimedia Commons
- НОПО „Димитар Влахов“ (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library
- Горазд Росоклија (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Ukrainian) Ґоразд Роксолія
- Народноослободителен баталјон „Страшо Пинџур“ (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library

- Меморандум за независноста на Македонија (1913) (improved). Image content provided
- Материјали по изучувањето на Македонија (created). Image content provided
- Ѓорче Петров (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (English) Gyorche Petrov
- Кичево (improved). Historical image content was also provided and added to the articles in (English) Kičevo and (French) Kitchevo (Macédoine)
- Партизански баталјон „Мирче Ацев“ (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library
- Народносолободителен баталјон „Стив Наумов“ (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library
- Ендру Росос (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library. Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (English) Andrew Rossos and (Bulgarian) Андрю Росос
- Чистец (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library. Image content was also provided and added to the article in (English) Stachys

- За Македонската нација (created). Entire book "On the Macedonian Nation" on 173 pages, written by Dragan Tashkovski in 1976 was scanned and uploaded and than it was added to the article which was created as a short overview of its content.
- Драган Ташковски (major re-work). His book "On the Macedonian Nation" on 173 pages was entirely scanned and uploaded and then it was added to the article which was improved with a text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library
- Тодор Симовски (improved). Image content provided
- Кукуш (improved). Image content provided
- Хрупишта (major re-work). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library. Image content was also provided and added to the article in (English) Argos Orestiko
- The two volumes of the book Settlements in Aegean Macedonia were entirely scanned (on 723 pages in total) as a referent scientific material for the purposes of the forthcoming editing competition dedicated on the villages Aegean Macedonia (see: Википедија:Уредувачки натпревар/Села во Егејска Македонија) and for the further editing activities on the Macedonian Wikipedia
- Загоричани (major re-work). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library.
- ХЕ „Матка“ (improved). Image content provided
- Алфа-честичка (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (English) Alpha particle
- Електрон (improved). Image content provided
- Артемида (improved). Image content provided
- Вошка (improved). Image content provided
- Црква „Св. Недела“ - Матка (improved). Image content provided

- Славјанско-маќедонска општа историја (created). Entire book „Slavic Macedonian General History“ on 1005 pages with the facsimile of the original manuscript of its foreword on 8 pages written by Gjorgjija Pulevski in 1892, were scanned and uploaded and than they were added to the article which was created as a short overview of its content.
- Ѓорѓија Пулевски (improved). His book „Slavic Macedonian General History“ on 1005 pages with the facsimile of the original manuscript of its foreword on 8 pages were entirely scanned and uploaded and then they were added to the article.
- Земјоделство во Македонија (improved). Image ant text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library.
- НОПО „Димитар Влахов“ (improved). Image content provided.
- Вранешнички апостол (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library.
- Горазд Европски (improved). Image content provided
- Горанци (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (English) Gorani people
- Време без војна (филм) (created). Image and text content provided File:Артефакт во Бадеријана 3.jpg.
- Флора на Македонија (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (English) Flora of the Republic of Macedonia and (Georgian) მაკედონიის ფლორა
- Габи (improved). Image content provided
- Молекул (improved). Image content provided

- Зошто ние Македонците сме одделна нација (improved). The entire article "Why, we the Macedonians, are separate nation" written by Vasil Ivanovski in 1934 on 7 pages was scanned and uploaded and then it mkwas added to the article
- Васил Ивановски (improved). The entire article "Why, we the Macedonians, are separate nation" written by Vasil Ivanovski in 1934 on 7 pages was scanned and uploaded and then it was added to the article
- Струмички (Македонски) апостол (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library.
- Скопско Кале (improved). Image content provided
- Вера Стојчевска - Антиќ (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Bulgarian) Вера Стойчевска Антич
- Петре Пирузе (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (Serbian) Петре Пирузе, (Bulgarian) Петре Пирузе and (Serbo-Croatian) Petre Piruze
- Гоце Тодоровски (improved). Image content provided
- Долни Дисан (improved). Image content provided
- Македонската глаголица (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library as well as the entire previously scanned book Macedonian glagolitic was added to the article
- Печалбари (improved). Image content from the poster of the play from 1936 and scene from the drama were scanned and uploaded and then they were added to the article
- Бадеријана (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library, together with the photographs made during the Archaeoxpedition to Taureisium and Baderiana
- Радован Павловски (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (Bulgarian) Радован Павловски and (Norwegian) Radovan Pavlovski
- Electrode (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Russian) Электрод
- Силициум (improved). Image content provided
- Германиум (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Bosnian) Germanij
- М'скавици (Молскавици) (improved). Image content of the cover of the first copy of the book with a written dedication to Venko and Filja Markovski from 1939 was provided
- Коле Неделковски (improved). Image content of the cover of the first copy of the book "Thunderbolts" written by Kole Nedelkovski with a written dedication to Venko and Filja Markovski from 1939 was provided
- Ристо Никовски (improved). Image content provided
- Петар Мазев (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (English) Petar Mazev, (French) Petar Mazev, (Serbian) Петар Мазев and (Bulgarian) Петър Мазев
- Старо Бонче (археолошки локалитет) (improved). Image content provided
- Антички Македонци (improved). Image content provided
- Оливера Николова (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Bulgarian) Оливера Николова
- Д'мбени (improved). Image content provided
- Севастокрар Стрез (improved). Image content provided
- Црно Семе (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (English) Black Seed (film)
- Ристо Шишков (improved). Image content provided
- Земјоделство во Македонија (improved). Data image content provided
- Манастир (село) (improved). Folk tale/legend about the flow Crna River in Mariovo where the village of Manastir is mentioned was scanned and added to the article
- Долно Лакочереј (improved). Image content provided
- Младо камено време (improved). Image content of a neolithic artifact was provided
- Историја на македонската цивилизација (improved). Image content of a neolithic artifact was provided
- Мршевци (improved). Image content of a neolithic artifact found in the village of Mrshevci was provided
- Смрдлика (created). Image and text content provided from the printed publication material at the MANU Library
- Глигор Смокварски (improved). Image content provided
- The entire book Macedonian Monasteries on 169 pages in total published by Dimitar Kjornakov in 2009 was scanned and shared with the editors of the Macedonian Wikipedia for the purpose of editing articles for the monasteries in Macedonia.
- Ратомир Грозданоски (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (German) Ratomir Grozdanoski and (Ukrainian) Ратомир Грозданоскі
- Олово (improved). Image content provided
- Цинк (improved). Image content provided
- Ore (improved). Image content provided
- Руда (improved). Image content provided
- Радовишко (improved). The entire book about the town of Radovish and its region on 257 pages in total was scanned, uploaded and then it was added to the article together with a Map of the size and functional-economic features of the settlements in Radovish region
- Ацо Караманов (improved). Rare image of Aco Karamanov writing poetry was scanned, uploaded and than it was also added to the articles in (English) Aco Karamanov, (Russian) Караманов, Ацо, (Ukrainian) Ацо Караманов, (Bulgarian) Ацо Караманов and (Armenian) Ացո Կարամանով
- Битка кај Брегалница (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (Bulgarian) Брегалнишка битка, (Polish) Bitwa nad Bregałnicą and (Spanish) Batalla de Bregalnica
- Пере Тошев (improved). Image content provided
- Вера Стојчевска - Антиќ (improved). Entire book Macedonian language in the foreign Slavic Studies written by Vera Stojchevska - Antic on 314 pages in total was scanned, uploaded and then it was added to the article
- Коста Мазнејков (improved). Image content provided
- Лабуништа (improved). Historical image content provided
- Дедино (improved). Historical image content provided
- Антифашистичко собрание за народно ослободување на Македонија (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (English) Anti-fascist Assembly for the National Liberation of Macedonia, (Russian) Антифашистское собрание по народному освобождению Македонии, (German) Antifaschistischer Rat der Volksbefreiung Mazedoniens, (Italian) ASNOM, (Serbian) Антифашистичко собрање народног ослобођења Македоније and (Bulgarian) Антифашистко събрание за народно освобождение на Македония
- Бронзено време (improved). Image content of artifacts from the bronze age was provided
- Пелинце (improved). Image content of artifacts from the bronze age was provided
- Депортација на Евреите до Македонија (improved). Image content provided
- Историја на Евреите во Македонија (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (Ladino) Istorya de los Djudios en Makedonia, (English) History of the Jews in the Republic of Macedonia and (Russian) История евреев в Республике Македонии
- Васко Карангелевски (improved). Major re-work
- Сашко Кедев (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (English) Saško Kedev and (Bulgarian) Сашко Кедев
- Ангел Чемерски (improved). Image content provided
- Масакр во Ваташа (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Serbian) Масакр у Ваташи
- Велегезити (created). Image and text content provided from the printed publication material at the MANU Library
- Entire book "Characteristics of the climate-vegetation zones (regions) of the soil in Macedonia" on 154 pages in total was scanned for the purposes of editing articles in the project for Climatology on the Macedonian Wikipedia
- Нели ти реков (филм) (improved). Image content provided
- Стево Црвенковски (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (Russian) Црвенковский, Стево and (Bulgarian) Стево Цървенковски
- Праживотни (improved). Image content provided
- Бранко Цветкоски (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Bulgarian) Бранко Цветкоски
- Охридско Езеро (improved). Image content provided
- Претпријатие (improved). Image content provided and entire section of the article was created
- Сопотница (improved). Entire book about the village of Sopotnica on 33 pages in total with two images were scanned, uploaded and added to the article.
- Смилево (improved). Entire scientific article for the Secret language of the Masons from Smilevo on 19 pages with a table of words were scanned, uploaded and added to the article. The scientific article for the Secret language of the Masons from Smilevo would be used as a material for a separate section for the history in the article of the village and creation of a new article for the Secret mason language in Macedonia.
- Валовишта (improved). Image content provided with and old picture with a panoramic view
- Урбанистички план за Скопје (1965) (improved). Image content provided
- Two scientific articles Železnik - speleological and geographical study on 11 pages and Demir Hisar-Železnik - basic geographical characteristics on 3 pages were scanned and shared with the community and editors of Macedonian Wikipedia for editing articles from Wikiexpedition to Železnik region conducted on the first weekend of June
- Миле Поп Јорданов (improved). Image content provided
- Влада Урошевиќ (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (Belorussian) Улада Ўрошавіч, (Bulgarian) Влада Урошевич, (French) Vlada Urošević, (German) Vlada Urošević, (Danish) Vlada Urošević and (Norwegian) Vlada Urosjevikj
- Илинденски денови (improved). Image content provided
- Македонското прашање - во минатото и сега (created). Entire book "Macedonian question - in the past and now" written by Vasil Ivanovski in 1943 on 152 pages was scanned, uploaded and an article was created with other publications from the MANU library
- Македонско прашање (improved). Entire book "Macedonian question - in the past and now" written by Vasil Ivanovski in 1943 on 152 pages was scanned, uploaded and then it was added to the article
- Васил Ивановски (improved). Entire book "Macedonian question - in the past and now" written by Vasil Ivanovski in 1943 on 152 pages was scanned, uploaded and then it was added to the article
- Иван Снегаров (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (Bulgarian) Иван Снегаров, (Serbian) Иван Снегаров and (German) Iwan Snegarow
- Велес (improved). Image content provided
- Список на реки во Македонија (improved). Entire book Rivers in the Republic of Macedonia written in 2014 by Ilija Petrushevski and Blagoja Markoski on 81 pages, double scanned on 38 pages, was scanned, uploaded and than it was added to the article. The book about the rivers in Macedonia would be used as a material for editing the existing and creation of new articles for the rivers in Macedonia.
- Глигор Каневче (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Газанфер Бајрам (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Bulgarian) Газанфер Байрам
- Ориз (improved). Entire book (a scientific monograph) for the Rice of Kochani written in 2015 was scanned on 115 pages, and then it was added to the article. The book is already and will be used further as a scientific material that for the forthcoming project of Agroexpeditions.
- Кочани (improved). Entire book (a scientific monograph) for the Rice of Kochani written in 2015 was scanned on 115 pages, and then it was added to the article. The book is already and will be used further as a scientific material that for the forthcoming project of Agroexpeditions.
- Кочанска Котлина (improved). Entire book (a scientific monograph) for the Rice of Kochani written in 2015 was scanned on 115 pages, and then it was added to the article. The book is already and will be used further as a scientific material that for the forthcoming project of Agroexpeditions.
- Кочанско (major re-work). Entire book (a scientific monograph) for the Rice of Kochani written in 2015 was scanned on 115 pages, and then it was added to the article. The book is already and will be used further as a scientific material that for the forthcoming project of Agroexpeditions.
- Земјоделство во Македонија (improved). Entire book (a scientific monograph) for the Rice of Kochani written in 2015 was scanned on 115 pages, and then it was added to the article. The book is already and will be used further as a scientific material that for the forthcoming project of Agroexpeditions.
- Боро Митриќески (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Љупчо Коцарев (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Томе Серафимовски (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (English) Tome Serafimovski and (Serbian) Томе Серафимовски
- Зузана Тополињска (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Polish) Zuzanna Topolińska
- Абдулменаф Беџети (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Владо Матевски (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Ѓорѓи Филиповски (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Катица Ќулавкова (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (Bulgarian) Катица Кюлавкова and (Norwegian) Katica Kulavkova
- Глигор Јовановски (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Вера Битракова - Грозданова (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Бојан Шоптрајанов (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Bulgarian) Боян Шоптраянов
- Леонид Грчев (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Богомил Ѓузел (major re-work). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (English) Bogomil Gjuzel, (Bulgarian) Богомил Гюзел, (Serbian) Богомил Ђузел and (Norwegian) Bogomil Gjuzel
- Витомир Митевски (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Момир Поленаковиќ (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Алајдин Абази (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (Albanian) Alajdin Abazi and (German) Alajdin Abazi
- Нада Поп-Јорданова (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Живко Попов (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Владимир Серафимовски (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Илија Филипче (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Гоце Петрески (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Bulgarian) Гоце Петрески
- Иван Катарџиев (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (English) Ivan Katardžiev and (Bulgarian) Иван Катарджиев
- Божин Павловски (improved). Image content provided
- Преспанско советување на ЦК на КПМ (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (Bulgarian) Преспанско съвещание and (Serbian) Преспанско саветовање ЦК КПМ
- Драги Ѓоргиев (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Персеј (improved). Image content provided
- Хајнрих Хајне (improved). Entire book of his selected poems on 156 pages translated on Macedonian language was scanned, double pages, on 72 pages in total and then it was added to the article
- Географија на Македонија (improved). Image content provided
- Хидрографија на Македонија (improved). Image content provided
- Марјан Марковиќ (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Антифашистичко собрание на народното ослободување на Македонија (improved). Image content provided
- Прво заседание на АСНОМ (improved). Image content provided
- Едрилец (created). Entire article was created with text materials and image content from printed publication in MANU Library
- Еднаквокрилци (created). Entire article was created with text materials and image content from printed publication in MANU Library
- Единство (солунски весник) (improved). Image content provided
- Економија на Македонија (improved). Image content provided
- Физичка величина (improved). Image content provided
- Мерење на физичките величини (improved). Image content provided
- Раѓањето на Македонската нација (created). Entire book "Birth of the Macedonian Nation" on 276 pages, written by Dragan Tashkovski in 1967 was scanned and uploaded and than it was added to the article which was created as a short overview of its content.
- Драган Ташковски (improved). His book "Birth of the Macedonian Nation" on 276 pages was entirely scanned and uploaded and then it was added to the article
- Марјан Димитријевски (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for а conference to be held in MANU
- Wikimedian-in-Residence at MANU organized, arranged and participated in obtaining 42 audio CD's of 2000-hour recorded dialect speech held in the collection by Božidar Vidoeeski Research Centre for Areal Lingustics in MANU with suitable documentation and publish them in the public domain, to be used in articles and elsewhere for the Macedonian dialects project conducted by Shared Knowledge
- Георги Константиновски (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (English) Georgi Konstantinovski, (French) Georgi Konstantinovski and (Serbian) Георги Константиновски
- Владимир Костов (improved). Image content provided
- Борис Патон (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Јордан Грабулоски (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Bulgarian) Йордан Грабуловски
- Ацо Шопов (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (English) Aco Šopov, (French) Aco Šopov, (Spanish) Aco Šopov, (Serbian) Ацо Шопов and (Bulgarian) Ацо Шопов
- Анте Поповски (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (Polish) Ante Popowski, (Norwegian) Ante Popovski and (Bulgarian) Анте Поповски
- Михаило Апостолски (improved). Image content provided
- Димче Коцо (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Bulgarian) Димче Коцо
- Манол Пандевски (improved). Image content provided
- Михаил Д. Петрушевски (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (English) Mihail Petruševski, (German) Mihail D. Petruševski and (Bulgarian) Михаил Петрушевски (филолог)
- Антифашистичко собрание на народното ослободување на Македонија (improved). Entire book of special Edition of the original documents of the ASNOM for marking the 70 anniversary was scanned on 23 pages in total and then it was added to the article.
- Божидар Видоески (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (Polish) Bożidar Widoeski and (Bulgarian) Божидар Видоески
- Вардар (improved). Image of longitudinal hidrographic profile of the flow of river Vardar was scanned and also added to the article in (English) Vardar
- Тумба Потсело (improved). An image of artifact of altar of the great mother goddess found on the archaeological site in Stenche was scanned and added to the article
- Стенче (improved). An image of artifact of altar of the great mother goddess found on the archaeological site in Stenche was scanned and added to the article
Overall results
[edit]Total number of files provided | 415 |
Percentage of files used | 97,59% |
Total file usages | 891 |
Total number of edited articles | 341 |
Total number of created (new) articles | 60 |
Total number of improved articles | 269 |
Total number of Wikipedias where the materials are used | 31 |
Total number of books (and scientific articles) scanned | 40 |
Total number of pages scanned | 4618 |
Participation and providing materials for other projects of Shared Knowledge on Wikipedia | 6 |
Edit-a-thons organized | 1 |
- Битка кај Пидна, 168 п.н.е. (improved). Image content provided
- Владимир Ортаковски (created). Entire article was created with materials given for the Scientific conference held in MANU
- Крум Томовски (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Bulgarian) Крум Томовски
- Прасика (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library.
- Ханс Ем (improved). Image content provided
- Харалампие Поленаковиќ (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (English) Haralampije Polenaković, (Serbian) Харалампије Поленаковић and (Bulgarian) Харалампие Поленакович
- Ѓорѓи Евремов (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (English) Georgi Efremov and (Bulgarian) Георги Евремов
- Никола Узунов (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Bulgarian) Никола Узунов (икономист)
- Стрмашево (improved). Historical image content was also provided and added to the articles in (English) Strmaševo, (French) Strmachevo, (Serbo-Croatian) Strmaševo, (Serbian) Стрмашево and (Bulgarian) Стърмашево
- Преспа (improved). Entire book "Settlements in Prespa - location, historical development and past" written by Vlado Jovanovski in 2005 on 526 pages was double scanned on 256 pages and than it was added to the article. This book was borrowed from the MANU Library and taken on the field research trip research on Wikiexpedition to Prespa held in September and it will be used for further editing of the articles for the settlements in the region.
- Општина Ресен (improved). Entire book "Settlements in Prespa - location, historical development and past" written by Vlado Jovanovski in 2005 on 526 pages was double scanned on 256 pages and than it was added to the article. This book was borrowed from the MANU Library and taken on the field research trip research on Wikiexpedition to Prespa held in September and it will be used for further editing of the articles for the settlements in the region.

- Димитар Арсов (improved). Image content provided
- Јован Котески (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Bulgarian) Йован Котески. Entire book of poetry "Shadows" published by Jovan Koteski in 1972 on 24 pages was scanned uploaded and then it was added to the article.
- Ljudevit Barić (improved). Image content provided
- Петар Илиевски (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (German) Petar Hristov Ilievski and (Bulgarian) Петър Илиевски
- Ристо Лозановски (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Прилеп (improved). Historical image content was also provided and added to the articles in (English) Prilep and (Russian) Прилеп
- Атина Бојаџи (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (English) Atina Bojadži, (Croatian) Atina Bojadži, (Bulgarian) Атина Бояджи and (Serbian) Атина Бојаџи
- Дики Бојаџи (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library.
- Ѓурчин Кокалески (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Bulgarian) Гюрчин Кокале
- Петар Попчев (improved). Image content provided
- Сашо Кокаланов (improved). Image content provided
- Козјачки партизански одред (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Bulgarian) Козячки народоосвободителен партизански отряд
- Козинец на Черњавски (created). Image and text content provided from printed publication materials at MANU library.
- Димитар Митрев (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Bulgarian) Димитър Митрев
- Разбој (ткаење) (improved). Image content provided
- Кучевиште (improved). Image content provided
- Кирил Миљовски (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Bulgarian) Кирил Мильовски
- Александар Андреевски (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Кирил Мицевски (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Ристо Аврамовски (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Bulgarian) Ристо Аврамовски
- Теологија (improved). Entire book of the Issue no. 102 of the "Macedonian terminology" periodical issued by MANU dedicated to theology was scanned on 158 pages in total, and then it was added to the article
- Православие (improved). Entire book of the Issue no. 102 of the "Macedonian terminology" periodical issued by MANU dedicated to theology was scanned on 158 pages in total, and then it was added to the article
- Илија Васков (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Томе Бошевски (improved). Image content provided
- Евгени Димитров (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Список на населени места во Македонија (improved). Entire book Encyclopedia of the villages in the Republic of Macedonia written by Mitko Panov in 1998, was scanned on 315 pages in total and than it was added to the article. The book is and will continue to be widely use а referent scientific resource material for Wikiexpeditions project of Shared Knowledge and editing articles about the villages in Macedonia on the Macedonian Wikipedia
- Трескавец (improved). Image content provided
- Големо Градиште (improved). Two pictures - plans of the archaeological site of Golemo Gradiste, presumably of ancient city Tranupara, near Konjuh, Macedonia visited during the third and last Archaeoexpedition, were scanned, uploaded and then they were added to the article
- Димо Тодоровски (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (English) Dimo Todorovski, (French) Dimo Todorovski and (Bulgarian) Димо Тодоровски
- Исак Таџер (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

- Александар Спасов (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Љуботен (планински врв) (improved). Image content provided
- Петар Серафимов (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Славко Јаневски (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (English) Slavko Janevski, (German) Slavko Janevski, (French) Slavko Janevski, (Russian) Яневский, Славко, (Ukrainian) Славко Яневський, (Polish) Sławko Janewski and (Bulgarian) Славко Яневски
- Дона Дука (improved). Image content provided
- Економија на Македонија (improved). Image content provided
- Никола Мартиноски (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the articles in (English) Nikola Martinoski, (French) Nikola Martinoski and (Bulgarian) Никола Мартиноски
- Блага Алексова (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Bulgarian) Блага Алексова
- Стефан Гајдов (improved). Image content provided
- Ивко Панговски (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials from the printed publications at the MANU Library
- Шарена џамија (improved). Image content provided
- Тетово (improved). Image content provided
- Властимир Николовски (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Александар Поповски (improved). Image content provided
[edit]- Пенчо Давчев (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Божидар Тодоровски - Бодле (improved). Image content provided.
- Иван Дејанов (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Данчо Зографски (created). The entire article was created and edited with the text of biographic and bibliographic materials gathered for the design and establishment of the new web-site of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Димче Зографски (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (Bulgarian) Димче Зографски
- Владимир Богоевски (improved). Image content was also provided and added to the article in (German) Wladimir Bogojewski
- Димитар Кондовски (improved). Image content of his portrait and one of his paintings were provided and also uploaded to the articles in (English) Dimitar Kondovski, (French) Dimitar Kondovski, (Serbian) Димитар Кондовски and (Bulgarian) Димитър Кондовски
Work resources
[edit]- Introduction to Editing Wikipedia for GLAM professionals
- Wikipedia:Wikipedia for Libraries Archives Museums
- c:Template:MANU file
- c:Institution:Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts
[edit]- Macedonia report: Wikipedian in residence at the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts at Outreach Wiki
- Macedonia report: Wikipedia 15, section: First edit-a-thon at the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts at Outreach Wiki
- Macedonia report:Editing competition about the villages in Aegean Macedonia at Outreach Wiki
In the media
[edit]- "Наскоро библиотеката на МАНУ ќе се најде на Википедија" [The MANU Library to be available on Wikipedia soon]. Нова Македонија (in Macedonian). 16 October 2015.
- "Научното богатство на МАНУ достапно на интернет" [The MANU Library available on Wikipedia]. МРТВ (Macedonian National Television) (in Macedonian). 20 October 2015.
- "Огледало на земјите и на општествата" [Wikipedia as a mirror of the countries and societies]. Нова Македонија (in Macedonian). 14 January 2016.
- "Уредувачки маратон на македонската википедија во МАНУ" [Editing marathon of the Macedonian Wikipedia at MANU (Announcement and report for the edit-a-thon on the official web-page of MANU)]. MANU (in Macedonian). 14 January 2016.