Bschaffung vun Middl 2012/Iwasedzun/Daade fa Schdifda
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Lesch oda äna n'Dauwauffdraach
Wia frejn uns iwa aijan Baidraach fadie Wikimedia Foundation un doi Unaschdidzung vum fraije Wisse. Wia wissn a, dass persenlischi Umschdend s'ned ealauwn reschlmesisch zu Schbende. Äna oda kindisch doin Uffdraach midde Hilf vunde Olaidung:
- Muggschd disch bai PayPal omelde un una "Mein Profil" easchmol "Bankdaten" un oaschließnd "PayPal-Zahlungen per Händlerabbuchung" wehle.
- Folsch de Oalaidung uffm Schirm. Waidari Informazione findschd uff PayPal.
- Konschd disch a on die unne bschriwene Oalaidung fa Zahlunge mide Kredidkaad halde. Gugg awa, dassma PayPal-Dauaufdräch ned änan, sondan bloß lesche kenn'n.
- Meil uns oa giving, was geänad werre soll un geb meschligschd genaui Auskinfd iwa doi uaschbringlisch Schbend:
- Meil-Adress, onwu die Schbendeqwiddung gschiggd worre isch,
- de gonse Nome.
- Grigschd ä Bschdedischung pea Meil, wonn die Änarunge gmachd sin.
Broblem baim Schbende
Wonn Broblem mid doina Schbend oda Frooche hoschd, gugg bai $faqlink. Wonn Frooche hoschd oda Hilf baim Vafolsche vunde Abwigglung hawa wilschd, frooch
- Isch die Said sischa?
- Die Schbendesaid vunde Wikimedia Foundation isch sea sischa un hods VeriSign-Trust-Sieschl. Wonn uffn Schbendebonna odam Schbendeling'g glicke duuschd, kummschd uffä abheasischari Said (HTTPS); die Daadeiwadrachung isch donn vaschlissld un hodde hegschde Daadeschudzschdondad.
- Moi Aad zu Zahle wead ned vunde Wikimedia Foundation unaschdidzd.
- S'dud uns leed, dassma doi Aad zu zahle ned obiede kennen. Bai zukinfdischi Schbendeagzjone hawema donn hoffendlisch bessari Meschlischkaide fa Schbende in onare Wehrunge. Mia dedn uns awa doch freje, ebbes vunda iwa doi Aad zu zahle zu eafahre - schigg uns doch bidde ä Meil, wu doi Lond un die Aad wie zahle kendschd drin schdeje duun.
- We will attempt to add these options in the near future. In the meantime, please look at the following URL for other options that may be available to you at this time: Ways to give
- Warum ischn moi Schbend midde Kredidkaad abglehnd worre?
- If your payment was rejected or if you were not able to enter your card information on our donation page, please check your debit/credit card for the following cases:
- Your credit/debit card should be enabled for International use. Cards that can only be used in country (AKA Domestic cards) may not be accepted at this time.Please call your bank and request international access to be enabled.
- United States, United Kingdom and Canadian credit cards will only be accepted in these respective countries.
- Not all Virtual Cards may be accepted at this time. Virtual cards are frequently used for online purchases to protect your physical card's sensitive information. However, rest assured that our donation processing is backed up by professional, fully compliant processors and your information is extremely secure. So if your virtual card gets rejected, please use your regular credit/debit card instead.
- If you are using your debit card, please notice that the security code (C V V) is optional. If your debit card doesn't have a C V V just skip that field.
- Your bank may have flagged the transaction. This is particularly likely if this is the first time you are donating to Wikimedia. Please call your bank and request they unblock future transactions to Wikimedia so that your future donations will be processed.
- Why did I get a warning/error certificate while trying to donate?
- Please don't worry if you see a warning/error certificate while trying to donate. It is likely due to an outdated version of your browser. Please update your browser to a newer version or use a different browser. If the problem persists, please email us at
Refund Policy
If for any reason you wish to have your donation refunded, please contact us via email at We will need the following information in order to process your refund:
- Date of donation (All refund requests must be made within 90 days of donation)
- Amount donated (Donations above USD $10,000 are considered major donations and are subject to the applicable grant agreement between the Foundation and the donor)
- volle Nome
- bnudzdi Zahlungsaad (Kredidkaad, Iwawaisung, …)
- Vaadalond
- Grund fa die Easchdaddung
Please note that some payment methods may not support refunds, or require refunds to be made through the payment method (card) utilised, so additional information may be required to process your refund. All refunds will be processed as quickly as possible, but processing times may vary depending on the payment method.
Matching Gifts
Matching Gifts are a great, easy way to double or even triple your donation to the Wikimedia Foundation. Many companies support employee philanthropy by offering matching gift programs. By taking advantage of your corporate matching gift program, you can maximize the value of your gift at no additional cost. Please check with your HR department to see if your employer will match your gift to the Wikimedia Foundation.
Wie gehdn des Programm?
Although programs may vary from company to company, the process is usually very simple:
- Confirm that your company has a matching gifts program and obtain the appropriate Matching Gifts Form from your employer
- Complete the form and send it to the Wikimedia Foundation at our address: Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 98204
Washington, DC 20090-8204 USA - oda schigg ä Meil:
- The Wikimedia Foundation will verify your donation and send the form back to your company
- Your company will send a matching gift contribution to the Wikimedia Foundation
- Matching gifts should be directed to:
Combined Federal Campaign
The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. is on the United States 2011 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Charity List as a national/international independent organization. Our code is: 61478.
Organizations that have supported the WMF through the generosity of their employees
Many people and their employers have already partnered in donating to the Wikimedia Foundation. We are grateful for their support and generosity. If someone has already donated a matching contribution, you can find more information about their matching gifts program here: