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Wikidata/bevetési (?) kérdések

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata/Deployment Questions and the translation is 44% complete.

Ez az oldal a gyakori kérdésekre válaszol a Wikidata telepítéséről (?) a Wikimédia projektekben.


Miért szerepelnek a Wikidata oldalain ilyenek, mint pl. a Q123?

Wikidata is a multilingual project. We did not want to give items identifiers in a specific language and thereby favoring that language over all other languages. Therefore items in Wikidata get a number. This number is their unique identifier. However, each item has labels in all possible languages, which usually are just the titles of corresponding Wikipedia pages. They are used on Wikidata for easier searching and more complicated operations.

Hogyan észlelhetem a vandalizmust a Wikidatával kapcsolatos cikkeimben?

Every change on Wikidata which is related to the articles you are watching on your Wikipedia or sister project should appear in your watchlist and in the Recent Changes feed. If you see something improper, please go to Wikidata and correct it.

1. fázis (nyelvi hivatkozások)

A Wikidata telepítésre került a projektemben. A szócikkből eltávolíthatóak a nyelvi hivatkozások?

On the left pane of each article, below the list of language links, you have a clickable arrow pointing to Wikidata. If this is the case, you can remove the language links from the article. Do not remove the templates showing featured and good articles. Whether such removal is acceptable, is up to the community of your project.

Please note that some bots will at first re-insert language links that are removed. This issue will solve itself as the bots are updated. If this happens, you might want to send the bot operator a message, encouraging him/her to update his/her bot.

If a link for one language remains in the article, it overrides the link from Wikidata for that language.

It is still possible to define language links in the wiki text as before. So you can just continue like before for these cases.

Létrejött egy új oldal. Hozzáadod a nyelvi kapcsolatokat is?

One option is just to add links. There will probably be bots around to add the links to Wikidata. The even better solution: you can go to Wikidata yourself, find the corresponding entry (for instance, using the option "item by title" and searching for the article in one of the languages in which it already existed), and manually add the article you created to the entry.

In order to hide links coming from Wikidata, put the magic word {{noexternallanglinks}}. If it is used on its own, it will remove all links on that page. This magic word can also be used to remove specific language links, if it is used with parameters. For example, {{noexternallanglinks:fr|id}} will remove French and Indonesian language links.

2. fázis (infóboxok)

When will this be deployed on my project?

Phase 2 has now been deployed on all Wikipedias. Sister projects are following.

Does using Wikidata mean that the Wikipedia/Wikivoyage/... in my language will be filled by stubs about every single village in the world?

No. Wikidata provides the ability to easily create simple pages with repetitive content, such as population, area and density of villages, but it is up to your community to decide how to use this ability in your project. The pages about the villages would still need to be added — Wikidata has currently no plans to do that automatically.

Mi történik a meglévő infoboxokkal?

A munka megy tovább... A Wikidata használatához valakinek meg kell változtatnia és/vagy hozzá kell igazítania a sablont.

How are we supposed to come to a shared opinion on very controversial topics across the different projects?

You don't have to. Wikidata is able to hold a wide variety of claims and references to support them. The individual communities will be able to decide which of those they prefer in their Wikipedia or sister project. Worst case you will be able to just keep certain values locally as it happens now.

Hogyan lehetséges a Wikidatából az adatokat az infoboxokba „tenni”, megjeleníteni?

Kétféle módon lehetséges megoldani. A triviális dolgokra a mellékelt szintaxist használhatja: itt. Bonyolultabb dolgok esetén a Lua programozási nyelv is elérhető.

3. fázis (listák)

Does using Wikidata mean that we will have to create list articles? We don't do that in our language

No. Wikidata only provides the possibility to create list articles easily and automatically. You don't have to actually use it. You can use other features of Wikidata, such as central storage of interlanguage links, without using the automatic list creation option.