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Radna grupa za razvoj liderstva/Učestvujte

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Leadership Development Working Group/Participate and the translation is 50% complete.
Together, let's celebrate the movement's diverse and distinctive leadership!

1. Kako učestvovati

The Leadership Development Plan is available for use!

The Leadership Development Working Group invites you to use the Leadership Development Plan, a practical resource for emerging and existing leaders across the Wikimedia movement who want to develop themselves and others. In the Leadership Development Plan, you will find guidance, tools, and recommendations for improving leadership in your communities. In the spirit of peer learning and collaboration, we've also included a Community Implementation & Translations section for you to share any initiatives or learnings you've created based on the Leadership Development Plan.

General Information

2. Prijavite se da dobijate obaveštenja

Da li ste zainteresovani za buduća ažuriranja? Dodajte svoje ime ovde kako bi Tim za razvoj zajednice znao da vam se može direktno obratiti.

Interesuje me

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3. Prikupljanje liderskih resursa

Da li ste upoznati sa bilo kakvim inicijativama ili resursima u vezi sa razvojem liderstva u pokretu? Molimo vas da ih dodate ovde kako bi drugi saznali o njima i referencirali ih:

  • Demokratija
  • [Ovde dodajte naziv inicijative/resursa i vezu]

4. Community feedback