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Wikimania 2016 bids/Esino Lario/Procedures/How to credit people and institutions involved in Wikimania Esino Lario

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This is a Wikimania Esino Lario procedure.
Problem: Making sure we credit correctly people and institutions.
Solution: List of the institutions involved (with the sentence decided) in one place.

What problem does this solve?


It is essential to credit people and institutions according to what has been agreed upon.

What is the solution?


Last update: 13 March 2015

Full credits

Italiano English Volunteers Role
Wikimania Esino Lario è un evento organizzato da volontari a sostegno di coloro che contribuiscono a Wikipedia, ai progetti Wikimedia e al sapere libero. Wikimania Esino Lario is an event organized by volunteers supporting those who contribute to Wikipedia, Wikimedia projects and open knowledge. ... List of names People who are part of our team

Italiano English
Da un punto di vista istituzionale Wikimania Esino Lario è diretto dall'Ecomuseo delle Grigne (ente del Comune di Esino Lario e gestito dall'Associazione Amici del Museo delle Grigne Onlus),

From an institutional perspective, Wikimania Esino Lario is led by the Ecomuseo delle Grigne (institution of the Esino Lario City Council managed by the Association Amici del Museo delle Grigne Onlus),

Italiano English Institutions/companies Role
promosso da promoted by
  • Wikimedia Italia
  • Wikimedia CH
List of Wikimedia chapters activity promoting the event (communication, in-kind support with their staff, endorsement, involvement of their communities).
in partenariato con in partnership with
  • Wikimedia Foundation
  • EOLO
  • Comunità Montana della Valsassina Valvarrone Val d'Esino e Riviera
  • Parco Regionale della Grigna Settentrionale
  • Pro Loco Esino Lario
Institutions contributing actively and significantly to the implementation of the project.
con il sostegno di with the support of
  • Fondazione Cariplo
  • O.D.L. srl
  • A+E Milano srl
  • Tutoring&Translation services
List of institutions/companies supporting financially the event; the order is based on the grant/financial support provided.
  • [Modello di adesione per il sostegno]
con la partecipazione di with the participation of List of institutions/companies providing discounts and special offers, including providers in Esino Lario (Varenna and Perledo), restaurants, bars and accommodation.
con il coinvolgimento di with the involvement of Institutions releasing content with authorizations and an open license compatible with the Wikimedia projects on content relevant for our projects.

When to use


See also


