Wikimedia chapters/Reports/Shared Knowledge/March 2022
Editing days
[edit]The first editing day, occurred on March 1st, has resulted in nine new articles, one improved article and one improved template about the topic "Roman Roads" which was contributed by six users. Returning at the subject music, "Operas by Giuseppe Verdi" was on, and seven articles and one template got created out of three men. Next was "Women", dedicated for the Women's Day on the same date. This ED was joined by three Wikipedians and they made 14 new creations and three improvements of articles. The outcome of this ED was published on Two days later, "Circulating currencies" has occurred and four people contributed by doing six new articles. On the day of 15th, the ED "Paintings by Leonardo da Vinci" was established and produced five new articles and one new template by three men. Two days later, "Archaeological Sites in Veles Region" ED gathered three people who created 27 articles. Then at March 22, we had "Works by Nikolai Gogol" that has resulted in five created articles by three participants. Focusing on the field of geology, we had "Gemstones" which was participated by three people who created eight articles. On Tuesday 29th, two men were part of the "Provinces of Indonesia" ED, a reboot of last year, providing three new articles. On the last day of March, the "Historical Currencies" ED occurred which was participated by two men who created six articles.
The outcome in March was 90 new articles, four improved articles, 2 created templates and 1 improved template.
[edit]On March 2, we visited and made a meeting with the director of the Museum of Štip. The reason was to explain the goals and the details of this project hence we plan to insert QR coded plates in the nearby settlement of Novo Selo that has sites listed as cultural heritage of Macedonia. Also we visited the sites and took photos for encyclopedic and technical reasons. 25 images with were uploaded within this month.
Editing weekends
[edit]On the first weekend of the month, we organized the "Superheroes" EW which was contributed with three new articles, one created template and one improved template out of one user. 19 articles were created by three participants at the weekend titled "Towers". The weekend titled "Musical Instruments" has attracted three participants, who such as editors created 12 articles. The last EW was dedicated to "Norway" and got participated by seven Wikipedians, the largest participation number so far, that covered 17 new articles and eight improved articles.
The outcome in March was 51 new articles, eight improved articles, one created and one improved template.
[edit]The fist edit-a-thon was held on March 7 and it was titled "Geography". It was consisted of four participants of which two of them were activists of the Macedonian Geographical Society. The edit-a-thon was held online and started in 6 PM and lasted until 9 PM. The outcome was eight new articles and two improved ones.
Group photo with the participants.
In process of editing.
Wikisketch Lessons
[edit]This project was initiated on March 16. On that day, an Wikipedian who participated in many our projects, came again and created 26 articles. The articles itself were about sites registered as Cultural heritage of Macedonia. In particular, it was about historic houses located in the town of Kruševo. With the same person, we continued on 25th and that time, with our help, he created three articles about houses that are cultural heritage sites in the town of Štip.
Professors Mentorship
This activity was held on March 22 with the long time collaborator Vladimir Petruševski from the Institute of Chemistry. At his office, he got mentorship at using, editing and uploading in Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons. The Prof. Dr. Vladimir managed to create one article and to upload one image.
Botanic Garden Skopje Photoshoot
[edit]One article was improved on March 22. The article was about the Institute of Chemistry.
[edit]On the last day of the month, the objective MakSport was activated. MakSport covers the Macedonian sport, whether it is image collecting, making photosession, and parallel to that, creating and improving articles. This month we covered the basketball club Akademija FMP - a member of the First Macedonian Basketball League. In this occasion, the club itself had photo archive and with our help, a sports person from the club became a new user and uploaded 51 images. The uploaded images depicts portraits of the players and the coaching staff, and training in-action photo session.