Die Bestätigung der Stewards für die Zeit von 2012 bis 2013 wird am 8. Februar 2012 (01:00 MEZ) beginnen und am 28. Februar, 00:59 (MEZ) (= 27. Februar (UTC)) enden.
Der Bestätigungsprozess 2012–2013 ist eine gute Gelegenheit herauszufinden, ob wir nach wie vor mit den derzeitigen Stewards zufrieden sind. Um diesen Prozess so einfach wie möglich zu gestalten, sind die Dinge folgendermaßen organisiert:
Um zu kommentieren, melde dich bitte mit einem Account an, der Edits (in irgendeinem Wiki) vor dem 1. Februar 2012 hat. Während der Stewardwahlen 2012 erwähne bitte, wenn du (als Wähler) mit einer der unten gelisteten Personen unzufrieden sein solltest, insbesondere in Bezug auf Stewardaktionen. Du kannst zum Beispiel anmerken, dass die Person ein inaktiver Steward ist. Oder du kannst das Verhalten des Betreffenden beanstanden. Inaktiven Stewards, wie in diesem Grundsatz definiert, wird ihr Status entzogen.
Am Ende der Wahlen werden die jetzigen und die durch die Wahlen neu gewählten Stewards auf dieser Seite hinterlassene Beschwerden bei der Bestätigung der Stewards berücksichtigen. Mit Hilfe der Kommentare der Gemeinschaft und ihrer eigenen Perspektive und Kenntnisse über diese Aufgabe werden sie gemeinsam entscheiden, den Stewardstatus – falls notwendig – zu entfernen.
Alle Stewards, die vor Februar 2011 gewählt wurden, müssen diesen Prozess durchlaufen (wie jedes Jahr). Für die Stewards, die im Oktober 2011 gewählt wurden, ist in diesem Jahr die Bestätigung optional, da sie noch nicht ein ganzes Jahr als Steward gearbeitet haben. Während der nächsten Stewardwahlen 2013 werden sie am obligatorischen Bestätigungsprozess teilnehmen.
Siehe auch:
logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement
- Sprachen: de-3, en-4, fr-2, nl
- Informationen zur Person: Definitiv nicht der Aktivste der Stewards, aber immer wieder stolpere ich über einige Sockenpuppen von Edgar oder eine andere Situation, wo ein Steward benötigt wird. Seit Anfang 2012 stehe ich für die Wikimedia-Stiftung unter Vertrag (und kümmere mich für diese um die Analyse von Daten).
logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement
- Sprachen: en, he-2
- Informationen zur Person: Ich bin sehr froh darüber, dass wir im letzten Jahr oder so einen Zustrom von neuen Stewards aus verschiedenen Projekten hatten. Während ich hoffe, dass der Trend sich fortsetzt, glaube ich, dass ich der größeren Wikimedia-Gemeinschaft im kommenden Jahr weiterhin von Nutzen sein kann. Ich bin in Bezug auf stewardbezogene Aktivitäten ziemlich aktiv, wobei ich meinen Hauptfokus auf Checkusertätigkeiten lege. Ich bin erreichbar und antworte im Chat, auf Meta und via E-Mail. Danke für euren Rückhalt in der Vergangenheit. Ich hoffe, ich verdiene auch weiterhin eurer Vertrauen und eure Unterstützung.
- Keep--Vituzzu 00:14, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep мιѕѕ мαηzαηα (let's talk) 00:19, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Confirm. -Barras 00:22, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Of course :) Snowolf How can I help? 00:29, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Ajraddatz (Talk) 00:43, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep, good helper. —DerHexer (Talk) 00:45, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --minhhuy (talk) 02:18, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep MBisanz talk 03:15, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Matanya 06:43, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Jusjih 10:02, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. Jafeluv 10:42, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- sure --Jan eissfeldt 11:35, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- OK for me. Wojciech Pędzich Talk 12:45, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- OK for me. Sebbe xy 17:14, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- OK --Herby talk thyme 18:03, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Trijnstel 19:28, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep πr2 (t • c) 20:06, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Reder 20:16, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Murma174 20:32, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --- @lestaty discuţie 21:23, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Itzuvit 06:55, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep mickit 12:16, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Thanks for your efforts through 2011 billinghurst sDrewth 12:28, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Shizhao 12:48, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --WizardOfOz talk 17:51, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Höstblomma 22:11, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Romaine 22:20, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Mailer Diablo 14:52, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Wagino 20100516 15:59, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Morning Sunshine 04:10, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep — Mikhailov Kusserow (talk) 05:55, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Katarighe (Talk) 18:56, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Quentinv57 (talk) 10:39, 12 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - informed, competent, and a good Steward. Ottava Rima (talk) 14:55, 12 February 2012 (UTC)
- Neutral More steward activity should be cool. It's quite important tool if you don't really use or need it, it's better to do no request it. Cause this tools imply lot of responsability. V!v£ l@ Rosière /Murmurer…/ 21:21, 12 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Alberto (Oops!... I Did It Again) 06:10, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep One of the best. ASCIIn2Bme 11:13, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Wiki13 19:09, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- the wub "?!" 19:23, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Guido den Broeder 21:00, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Rd232 23:15, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Hurricanefan25 22:45, 15 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Nolispanmo (talk) 14:35, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Meno25 (talk) 14:50, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Sokac121 (talk) 12:14, 19 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Érico Júnior Wouters (talk) 16:10, 20 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Alanscottwalker (talk) 02:12, 22 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. Mathonius (talk) 02:16, 22 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Ymblanter (talk) 06:34, 22 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. --Zyephyrus (talk) 23:40, 22 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. Courcelles (talk) 00:48, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Ceradon (talk) 01:31, 26 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --FiliP ██ 17:18, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Hoo man (talk) 22:47, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement
- Sprachen: de, en-4
- Informationen zur Person: Das ist meine erste Stewardwiederwahl, da ich erst letztes Jahr gewählt wurde. Ich denke, dass ich während dieser Zeit doch recht aktiv war. Ich habe meine Stewardfunktionen für verschiedene Dinge eingesetzt, unter anderem um bei Crosswiki-Vandalismus Löschungen und Sperrungen vorzunehmen (hier ist eine Statistik über meine Toolnutzung). Ich habe auch geholfen Spam zu bekämpfen und habe einige Benutzer global gesperrt als auch IP-Adressen blockiert. Zudem habe ich auch einige Rechteänderungen vorgenommen, meistens an meinem Account, um weiteren Vandalismus zu verhindern beziehungsweise diesen zu entfernen. Ich habe aber auch die Rechte anderer Benutzer geändert. Ich helfe eigentlich überall, wo meine Hilfe gebraucht wird, egal ob im IRC oder in den Projekten. Falls es noch irgendwelche Fragen gibt, dann stellt sie einfach.
- Keep Good steward. The Helpful One 00:00, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Jcaraballo 00:08, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Vituzzu 00:14, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep мιѕѕ мαηzαηα (let's talk) 00:15, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Of course :) Snowolf How can I help? 00:31, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Katarighe (Talk) 00:43, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Ajraddatz (Talk) 00:44, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Strong keep, solltest aber dich auch mal mehr auf dewiki rumtreiben. :-P Thank you for your help! :-) —DerHexer (Talk) 00:46, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Wo ich doch so gut Deutsch kann! -Barras 00:46, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Die Kartoffelnkriegstadt und aßen sie überwitz! --Vituzzu (talk) 14:13, 19 February 2012 (UTC)
- Wo ich doch so gut Deutsch kann! -Barras 00:46, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Strongly Keep --minhhuy (talk) 02:19, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep MBisanz talk 03:16, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Really good work during this year ! Thank you :) -- Quentinv57 (talk) 06:20, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep, for sure. Savhñ 06:32, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep, Keep, Keep Matanya 06:44, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Jusjih 10:02, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep, definitely. Active, clueful and helpful. Jafeluv 10:43, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- sure, usually on top of stuff even outside his focus area --Jan eissfeldt 11:34, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Hosiryuhosi 12:26, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. Wojciech Pędzich Talk 12:46, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --FriedrickMILBarbarossa 16:56, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Sebbe xy 17:16, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Frigotoni ...i'm here; 17:34, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep yes, surely, good user and steward, gerne wieder :-) --Geitost diskusjon 17:54, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep πr2 (t • c) 17:57, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Highly effective, good steward --Herby talk thyme 18:04, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. -Orashmatash 19:09, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Trijnstel 19:28, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep was sonst ?-) a×pdeHello! 20:01, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Reder 20:16, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --- @lestaty discuţie 21:24, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Z 02:57, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Itzuvit 06:56, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Das Gleiche wie Der Hexer, sonst gibts das nächste mal kein keep ;-) --Relie86 09:00, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Mar del Sur 09:23, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--►Safir yüzüklü Ceklimesaj 11:46, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Excellent steward. Pmlineditor (t · c · l) 11:53, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep mickit 12:16, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Thanks for your efforts through 2011 billinghurst sDrewth 12:29, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Shizhao 12:49, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Falls er nicht dem Rat des Hexers folgt... --WizardOfOz talk 17:52, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Höstblomma 22:17, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Romaine 22:20, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Mailer Diablo 14:51, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Wagino 20100516 16:07, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep This is a top user, very kind and humble. --すけ 23:08, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep — Mikhailov Kusserow (talk) 05:57, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Thompson.matthew 11:26, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Bsadowski1 12:00, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Morning Sunshine 17:07, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Avi 03:26, 12 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Stats speak itself. V!v£ l@ Rosière /Murmurer…/ 21:25, 12 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Of course.--Alberto (Oops!... I Did It Again) 06:13, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Wiki13 19:06, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Remove Guido den Broeder 20:30, 14 February 2012 (UTC) Changing my vote because of [1] Guido den Broeder (talk) 00:40, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
- Comment He closed that RfD as a local meta admin, not as a steward. Trijnstel (talk) 00:44, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
- (after ec) Yeah, I expected this to happen, but I really can live with it and well, couldn't care less. Someone is always complaining and unhappy about any action taken. -Barras talk 00:45, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
- Trijnstel, it shows unwillingness to investigate in sufficient depth. Barras's own response here is even more worrisome. Guido den Broeder (talk) 00:51, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Rd232 23:16, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Hurricanefan25 22:47, 15 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Nolispanmo (talk) 14:36, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Meno25 (talk) 14:51, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Joe Watzmo (talk) 09:30, 18 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Bua333 (talk) 00:12, 19 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Sokac121 (talk) 12:15, 19 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Alanscottwalker (talk) 02:08, 22 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. Mathonius (talk) 02:15, 22 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. --Zyephyrus (talk) 23:41, 22 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. Courcelles (talk) 00:47, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep.--Ymblanter (talk) 07:07, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Ceradon (talk) 01:33, 26 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --FiliP ██ 17:11, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Hoo man (talk) 22:48, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Béria Lima msg 22:59, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement
- Sprachen: en
- Informationen zur Person: Hallo. Dies ist auch meine erste Teilnahme an den Stewardbestätigungen. Ich bin recht aktiv in meiner Rolle als Steward gewesen (Links: Stewardaktivität, Meta-Logs), indem ich Antivandalismus-/Antispamaktionen durchgeführt habe wie zum Beispiel globales Verschließen von Accounts (engl. global locks) und globale IP-Sperren. Ich kommuniziere regelmäßig im Chat und beantworte dort Anfragen mit Bezug auf Crosswiki-Vandalismus (im Stewards-Kanal). Ich hoffe, dass ich weiterhin mit den derzeitigen Stewards zusammenarbeiten und aushelfen kann.
Comments about Bsadowski1
[edit]- Keep--Vituzzu 00:14, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep мιѕѕ мαηzαηα (let's talk) 00:18, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Confirm, good steward who does a lot of work! -Barras 00:21, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep πr2 (t • c) 00:22, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Ajraddatz (Talk) 00:44, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep, great help! Thank you! :-) —DerHexer (Talk) 00:47, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Snowolf How can I help? 01:05, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --minhhuy (talk) 02:20, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep MBisanz talk 03:16, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. Savhñ 06:31, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep! Matanya 06:45, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Nixón 06:52, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Jusjih 10:02, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. Good steward. Jafeluv 10:44, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep, notoriously faster than my [poor] self. Wojciech Pędzich Talk 11:12, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Hosiryuhosi 12:27, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Katarighe (Talk) 16:56, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. Sure. -Orashmatash 19:16, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Trijnstel 19:29, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Reder 20:16, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Quentinv57 (talk) 20:51, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --- @lestaty discuţie 21:27, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Itzuvit 06:56, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep mickit 12:18, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Thanks for your efforts through 2011 billinghurst sDrewth 12:31, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Shizhao 12:50, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --WizardOfOz talk 17:52, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Pmlineditor (t · c · l) 17:55, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Romaine 22:21, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Mailer Diablo 14:52, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Wagino 20100516 16:08, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Morning Sunshine 16:39, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Höstblomma 18:17, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep — Mikhailov Kusserow (talk) 05:57, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Thompson.matthew 16:28, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Avi 03:27, 12 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - informed, competent, and a good Steward. Ottava Rima (talk) 14:55, 12 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep V!v£ l@ Rosière /Murmurer…/ 21:31, 12 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Alberto (Oops!... I Did It Again) 06:23, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Wiki13 19:04, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Rd232 23:16, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep The Helpful One 13:00, 15 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Hurricanefan25 22:47, 15 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Nolispanmo (talk) 14:37, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. Mathonius (talk) 02:16, 22 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. --Zyephyrus (talk) 23:41, 22 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. Courcelles (talk) 00:49, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --FiliP ██ 17:18, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Hoo man (talk) 22:49, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Béria Lima msg 23:00, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Ceradon (talk) 23:53, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement
- Sprachen: fr, en-3
- Informationen zur Person: Ich mache ab und zu einen Fehler, aber ich denke, dass ich insgesamt keine schlechte Arbeit als Steward leiste.
Für diejenigen, die mich noch nicht kennen:
- Mein Heimatswiki ist frwiki, die Wikipedia auf Französisch. Ich bin dort im November 2004 angekommen und im März 2005 Administrator geworden. Ich war auch 3 Jahre Bürokrat (Juni 2006 – September 2009), bin aber zurückgetreten, um mehr Zeit für andere Aufgaben zu haben.
- Ich betreibe einen Bot namens Loveless (siehe [2] und [3]).
- Ich bin Ende 2006 Steward geworden. Ich beantworte in der Regel keine Stewardanfragen auf diesem Wiki, helfe aber in Notsituationen, die auf IRC gemeldet werden (#wikimedia-stewards). Meine Stewardtätigkeiten (außer Oversight und Checkuser) sind auf dieser Seite zu sehen. Lokale Änderungen auf Meta (z. B. Rechteänderungen) sind dort aufgezeichnet.
- Keep--Vituzzu 00:20, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Confirm, we stewards need our cat! -Barras 00:21, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Ajraddatz (Talk) 00:45, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Meow-keep. —DerHexer (Talk) 00:47, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Of course :) Snowolf How can I help? 00:50, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep SM ** =^^= ** 00:52, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --minhhuy (talk) 02:21, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep MBisanz talk 03:16, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Yes. FrankyLeRoutier 04:36, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep but as I already said you, that would be really appreciated if you was still active as you were some years ago ! ;) -- Quentinv57 (talk) 06:22, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Matanya 06:47, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Binabik155 09:14, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Jusjih 10:03, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. Jafeluv 10:44, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Hosiryuhosi 12:27, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Purr, erm... per Quentin's comment above, but yep, keep the furry meiowing stuff around. Wojciech Pędzich Talk 12:47, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Udufruduhu 14:34, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Indeed 16:15, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Katarighe (Talk) 16:56, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Stay of course :) --Herby talk thyme 18:04, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. Nixón 18:27, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Trijnstel 19:29, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Reder 20:18, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --- @lestaty discuţie 21:27, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Elvire 07:38, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Meow Pmlineditor (t · c · l) 12:15, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep mickit 12:19, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Thanks for your efforts through 2011 billinghurst sDrewth 12:33, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep keep on the good work. --PierreSelim 13:07, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --WizardOfOz talk 17:52, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. Trustworthy. For years. Hégésippe | ±Θ± 18:01, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Romaine 22:21, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Wikinade 13:30, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Mailer Diablo 14:52, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Wagino 20100516 16:09, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Adamantane 19:10, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep — Mikhailov Kusserow (talk) 05:59, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Morning Sunshine 17:19, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Avi 03:27, 12 February 2012 (UTC)
- Neutral I don't really do steward requests Hmmm, we don't really need steward figuration. Nothing personal but steward's tools are not patroller's tool, they can be dangerous for the user's privacy. We can't afford to consider it like banal tools. V!v£ l@ Rosière /Murmurer…/ 21:46, 12 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep мιѕѕ мαηzαηα (let's talk) 08:12, 13 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Alberto (Oops!... I Did It Again) 06:24, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Remove Guido den Broeder 20:19, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Rd232 23:17, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Hurricanefan25 22:47, 15 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Nolispanmo (talk) 14:30, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Meno25 (talk) 14:52, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep P@d@w@ne 09:40, 18 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. Mathonius (talk) 02:16, 22 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. --Zyephyrus (talk) 23:42, 22 February 2012 (UTC)
- Toute maison a besoin de son chat. --Aphaia (talk) 08:57, 23 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. Courcelles (talk) 00:49, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --FiliP ██ 17:16, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep πr2 (t • c) 21:41, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Hoo man (talk) 22:50, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Miau!! >D Béria Lima msg 23:00, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement
- Sprachen: de, en-3, grc-3, la-2, es-1
- Informationen zur Person: Als immer noch einer der aktivsten Stewards konnte ich in diesem Jahr noch weniger Bearbeitungen durchführen als in den letzten Jahren. Von meiner Seite ist ist das vor allem durch die Vielzahl an Stress in der Universität und im normalen Leben zurückzuführen. Außerdem hatte ich mich dafür entschieden, die sehr erfolgreiche Konferenz Wikipedia trifft Altertum zu organisieren, arbeitete etwas mehr an meinem nun exzellenten Artikel de:Laokoon, wurde Mitglied des Community-Projektbudgets von Wikimedia Deutschland und später sogar Präsidiumsmitglied. Aber der Hauptgrund für meine geringere Aktivität sind meine wundervollen Kollegen, die so viele nützliche Dinge effizienter erledigen konnten, als ich dies in meiner knappen Freizeit tun konnte. Daher bin ich ganz besonders stolz darauf, die zweite Stewardwahl 2011 organisiert zu haben, in der wir noch mehr hilfsbereite Kollegen gefunden haben, die mich als erfahrenen Steward auch noch immer um Hilfe bitten. Vielen Dank euch! Ich wäre erfreut, der Gemeinschaft erneut mit meiner Erfahrung und meiner Freizeit im nächsten Jahr zu dienen, danke.
- Keep The Helpful One 00:00, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Jcaraballo 00:09, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Kartoffeln--Vituzzu 00:15, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep мιѕѕ мαηzαηα (let's talk) 00:16, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Confirm, a very good user and steward. He's done a lot for us. Thank you very much! -Barras 00:20, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --AlterWolf49 00:23, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Of course :) Snowolf How can I help? 00:32, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Katarighe (Talk) 00:36, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Ajraddatz (Talk) 00:49, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- confirm --Geitost diskusjon 01:43, 8 February 2012 (UTC) (etwas verspätetes Geburtstagsgeschenk) :-) Barras already said nearly everything, what should we do without you? ;-) So thank you also! (eigentlich wollte ich ja jetzt noch gar nicht abstimmen …)
- Keep --minhhuy (talk) 02:22, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Lobo 02:44, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep MBisanz talk 03:16, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep You've done a really good work past years from what I've seen. Thanks ! -- Quentinv57 (talk) 06:17, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep, good. Savhñ 06:31, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Mikhailov Kusserow (talk) 06:41, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Of course :) Nixón 06:54, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Sure! Keep. Matanya 07:10, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Jusjih 10:03, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep (but why are we counting?) Experienced, helpful, always good to have around. Jafeluv 10:45, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep, no further comments, one of my best beloved steward buddies. Wojciech Pędzich Talk 11:13, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- sure --Jan eissfeldt 11:32, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Hosiryuhosi 12:28, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Wvk 14:02, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --FriedrickMILBarbarossa 16:56, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Sebbe xy 17:12, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Trijnstel 19:29, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep aber hallo a×pdeHello! 20:17, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Reder 20:18, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Ich wünsche Dir weiterhin viel Freude an dieser Tätigkeit! --Murma174 20:27, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --- @lestaty discuţie 21:27, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Coffins 23:26, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Z 02:49, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Itzuvit 06:59, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Mar del Sur 09:12, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Relie86 09:29, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Experienced, trusted, great steward. Pmlineditor (t · c · l) 12:15, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep mickit 12:20, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Thanks for your efforts through 2011 billinghurst sDrewth 12:34, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Shizhao 12:50, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Millbart 13:36, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep the faith. <3 Theo10011 13:37, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --WizardOfOz talk 17:53, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Poco a poco 20:50, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Wnme 21:23, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Stefan Knauf 21:41, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Es ist doch irgendwie sowieso redundant, dass ich hier meine Stimme abgebe… :D SVG 21:43, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Höstblomma 21:50, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Romaine 22:21, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Alan ffm 23:42, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Mailer Diablo 14:53, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Wagino 20100516 16:10, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep XenonX3 18:16, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Niklas 555 21:52, 10 February 2012 (UTC) of course
- Keep --Eschenmoser 08:37, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep did a great job. (:Julien:) 13:57, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Morning Sunshine 17:05, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep + Botulph 19:50, 11 February 2012 (UTC).
- Keep -- Avi 03:28, 12 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - informed, competent, and a good Steward. Ottava Rima (talk) 14:56, 12 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep V!v£ l@ Rosière /Murmurer…/ 21:50, 12 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Nothere 12:39, 13 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep →Spiritia 18:38, 13 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Chaojoker 21:23, 13 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Hedwig in Washington 02:56, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Alberto (Oops!... I Did It Again) 06:27, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Kickof 18:14, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- the wub "?!" 19:23, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Remove Guido den Broeder 20:29, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Not being a vote, I kindly ask you to add a reason why I should be removed, or else still nothing would stand against me, thank you for letting me know how I should improve my work! Kind regards, —DerHexer (Talk) 20:38, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep What's the point in writing some self evidence like kindness, helpfulness and so on for supporting my vote... :-) Grand-Duc 21:38, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Rd232 23:18, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Gerbil 18:32, 15 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep ;-) --John Vandenberg 22:22, 15 February 2012 (UTC)
- That indeed makes me happy! :-) —DerHexer (Talk) 22:49, 15 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Hurricanefan25 22:47, 15 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Nolispanmo (talk) 14:27, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep My favorite. --Meno25 (talk) 14:54, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Joe Watzmo (talk) 09:32, 18 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Bua333 (talk) 00:13, 19 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. --Zyephyrus (talk) 23:43, 22 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Mato (talk) 21:50, 23 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. Mathonius (talk) 22:21, 23 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. Courcelles (talk) 00:51, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. A. Mahoney (talk) 13:40, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep ;) -- Waithamai (talk) 23:41, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Tim Moritz (buecherwuermlein) 23:58, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --LadyInGrey (talk) 03:00, 26 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Kero (talk) 12:02, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --FiliP ██ 17:18, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Memorino (talk) 21:18, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep πr2 (t • c) 22:12, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep, he's the HEXER -- Hoo man (talk) 22:51, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Never!! Not Even in a million years! Béria Lima msg 23:01, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement
- Sprachen: sr, en-3, hr-3, bs-3, de-1
- Informationen zur Person: Hallo ihr. Ich bin seit Dezember 2007 Steward, somit habe ich eine Menge Erfahrung gesammelt. Nun, ich weiß, dass ich die Stewardknöpfe in letzter Zeit nicht so viel genutzt habe, aber das kommt hauptsächlich daher, dass es einen Wechsel in meinem Leben gegeben hat: Ich bin in die Hauptstadt umgezogen, bekam eine Arbeit und änderte mein Leben völlig, sodass ich wenig Zeit für andere Dinge übrig hatte. Wenn ich mich daran völlig angepasst haben werde, hoffe ich darauf, meine Aktivität als Steward erhöhen zu können. Ich habe lange darüber nachgedacht, ob ich ausscheiden soll oder nicht, aber einige Wikifreunde brachten mich davon ab. Ich bin dankbar, wenn mir eine weitere Amtszeit beschieden wird, um Wikimedia und seinen Projekten bescheiden zu dienen. Danke.
- Keep The Helpful One 00:00, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Vituzzu 00:15, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Metodicar 00:18, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Confirm! -Barras 00:19, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Of course :) Snowolf How can I help? 00:33, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Wikit 00:43, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- I love you! :-P —DerHexer (Talk) 00:48, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --minhhuy (talk) 02:22, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep MBisanz talk 03:16, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep мιѕѕ мαηzαηα (let's talk) 04:23, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Sure ! -- Quentinv57 (talk) 06:18, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Matanya 07:11, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Jusjih 10:06, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. Jafeluv 10:45, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- sure --Jan eissfeldt 11:33, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Hosiryuhosi 12:29, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep, just dust those buttons and use'em, ok? Wojciech Pędzich Talk 12:48, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --FriedrickMILBarbarossa 16:57, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Useful --Herby talk thyme 18:05, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Trijnstel 19:30, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Reder 20:17, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --- @lestaty discuţie 21:28, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep πr2 (t • c) 22:25, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Laslovarga 00:55, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Pmlineditor (t · c · l) 12:15, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep mickit 12:20, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Thanks for your efforts through 2011 billinghurst sDrewth 12:35, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Shizhao 12:50, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep on keeping on. Theo10011 13:41, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --WizardOfOz talk 17:53, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Romaine 22:21, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Mailer Diablo 14:53, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Wagino 20100516 16:12, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Morning Sunshine 16:42, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Höstblomma 18:19, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep — Mikhailov Kusserow (talk) 06:01, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Katarighe (Talk) 18:57, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Avi 03:28, 12 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep V!v£ l@ Rosière /Murmurer…/ 22:24, 12 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep a×pdeHello! 17:25, 13 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep →Spiritia 18:38, 13 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Alberto (Oops!... I Did It Again) 06:28, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Remove Guido den Broeder 20:34, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Rd232 23:18, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Hurricanefan25 22:47, 15 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Nolispanmo (talk) 14:31, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep A wonderful steward. --Meno25 (talk) 14:55, 16 February 2012
- Keep -- Alanscottwalker (talk) 02:14, 22 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Zyephyrus (talk) 23:44, 22 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. Courcelles (talk) 00:51, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Dungo is a very kind and helpful person, even with those who were not so kind with him in the past. Always careful and with lot of selfcontrol. In situations of great tension, he always stayed calm and objective. He is young, but many older people can learn a lot from him. Strong support. --Maduixa (talk) 09:36, 25 February 2012 (UTC)
- Oppose Regardless of such an opening above, I also have experienced a totally opposite approach of Dungodung. We did not have had much conversation for some time and one could say he might have changed in the meantime, of which I would not be as certain as someone who occasionally sees his comments on I do not expect this vote to have much impact on the confirmation outcome, but I also would make remark that if the voting outcome was all that matters, we would never advance and become better wikipedians. I intended my vote to be warning that certain improvements can be made in the approach, which can be initiated either by the environment, or by the candidate himself. When I notice such improvements, my vote will change. 本 Mihajlo [ talk ] 07:50, 23 February 2012 (UTC)
- I honestly don't know what you're talking about. Can you outline briefly what problems you have noticed in my behaviour/wikiing? You say "improvements", but how can I improve if I don't know what it is that needs improvement. Thanks --FiliP ██ 07:16, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
- For quite some time yet there is a trend that addresses not only the necessity of a fine work that can be measured through the protocolar and other logs on Wikimedia servers, but also makes more demands on existence of strong ethical norms built within a person that has taken the role and acts as a steward not only on the projects but also on other occasions that are of importance for presenting the community under a steward's hood. I would remind the whole auditorium that I only supported Dungodung before 2007 2011, so it would be safe to assume he did a few very wrong moves in the meantime to earn such a vote. I must make remark that, in my very belief, his personality has changed in the way I would take the liberty of finding ethically dislikable. Reading this, I do not really feel encouraged to post here about the things that would be helpful in making my point. Although it does not really surprise me Dungodung *does not remember* what he did wrong when presenting himself as a Steward -- of course, here he can deny every mistake that is not really linkable, and I am not about to give him that joy -- I would assume good faith and offer him simple live talk. There is a whole year till the next vote.本 Mihajlo [ talk ] 22:49, 26 February 2012 (UTC)
- OK, I understand that you have unresolved personal issues with Dungodung, and you voted the way you voted. But why you called a blocked sockpuppeter and his friends to come here to support you?Isn't that pathetic?--Wikit 19:39, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- I am really displeased there are assumptions tending to reduce my partake in this vote to some low personal level, totally diminishing the need to assume I am acting in best faith -- for which I gave enough space to the best of my belief. As such, those assumptions speak rather of the ones who made them. But this comment above has gone even further to the level I shall classify as irrational shooting in the dark. Oh, I am getting it! The sockpuppeter guy below insults the whole lot of people and then I am the one to be addressed back by the ones who do not only fantasize I called him here, but also are trying to insult me back. I am just not getting how could *I* be called *pathetic* then. :D To elaborate: Thank you for the comment; it tells me how you are thinking and what you are probably doing on the project. 本 Mihajlo [ talk ] 08:11, 29 February 2012 (UTC)
- Како то тврдиш да су дошли по позиву само они који нису изразили сагласност, а ти си дошао спонтано? Зар није доказан супротан пример да су позивани гласачи и са друге википедије? Та „технологија” ти је много блиска. Ово смо гласање пресликали на излед гласања на ср вики и то захваљујући оваквој необјективности.--Sahara (talk) 20:45, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- I honestly don't know what you're talking about. Can you outline briefly what problems you have noticed in my behaviour/wikiing? You say "improvements", but how can I improve if I don't know what it is that needs improvement. Thanks --FiliP ██ 07:16, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
- Oppose --Bas-Celik (talk) 05:47, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
- Oppose --Sahara (talk) 07:29, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
- Oppose --SmirnofLeary (talk) 22:54, 24 February 2012 (UTC) Insufficiently involved in disputes between users on project of Wikipedia in Serbian language. My voice against because once he sided with one group of users, and another group called „hyper-nationalists“. I think this is inappropriate behavior of one administrator.
- Keep Strong support.--Павлица talk 14:01, 25 February 2012 (UTC)
- Oppose Zašto mislim da Dungodung ne zaslužuje mesto stjuarda: - Nezaineresovan je za poboljšanje, dalji razvoj i unapređenje sr.Wikipedije, - krši Wiki pravila u cilju održavanja statusa kvo, - nekorektan je: priča jedno, radi drugo a misli treće, - zloupotrebljava ovlašćenja. Sve u svemu vreme mu je za abdikaciju.--Dusanbasic (talk) 19:22, 26 February 2012 (UTC)
- Heh, lies said by a user currently blocked on srwiki. --FiliP ██ 19:26, 26 February 2012 (UTC)
- I could agree with the word 'untrue', but 'lie' sounds too hard. Not only too hard, but it also might be incorrect, in case that the user believes all those allegations are true. Further diplomacy would lead us to the state of weak shock: 'I really do believe those allegations are untrue, and caused by the block you have on I did not block you, so I would feel so free to assume you might be wanting to further damage by this vote and nothing more. Thanks.' 本 Mihajlo [ talk ] 18:26, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- To što je Dusanbasic blokiran je tvoja sramota, istorijat je malo duži. Tvoja prethodna rečenica je jeftin način za diskreditovanje neistomišljenika. Ti i tvoja kamarila dovodite do ratnog stanja na sr. wikipediji. Na sve pozitivne predloge idete đonom a ovde se vajkaš da nema predloga. Ovde vidim ima reizbora, zašto se kod kuće ne založiš za to, nego pravite nedodirljive, a pokušaje uvođenja reizbora blokirate. Pravite od Sr. Wikipedije cirkus. Zar ti glavnu reč i politiku na sr. wikipediji vodi "žena u crnom". Odgovori mi samo na jedno pitanje ako sve ovo ne znaš zašto ne znaš, a ako znaš zašto to činite.--Dusanbasic (talk) 07:34, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- It would be nice if you can explain what this has to do with his use of the steward tools, because this is not the place to discuss sr.wp problems as Dungodung doesn't act as a steward on that project. mickit 16:38, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- Kad je čovek čestit on svaki posao može čestito da uradi, ako nije onda nastaju problemi. Ovo o čemu pišem, je moralna kategorija što verovatni ni ti, ni on, ni Bokica ne možete da shvatite jer vam to nije blisko. Svoju blokadu strpljivo podnosim pa kad se to završi sve vaše marifetluke ću izneti u javnost ako vas u međuvremenu čestiti korisnici ne počiste ili se sami međusobno ne "pojedete".--Dusanbasic (talk) 17:08, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- Heh, lies said by a user currently blocked on srwiki. --FiliP ██ 19:26, 26 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Hoo man (talk) 22:52, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Béria Lima msg 23:02, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Ceradon (talk) 00:00, 28 February 2012 (UTC)
logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement
- Sprachen: de, en-4, fr-3
- Informationen zur Person: Hallo. Da ich erst letztes Jahr zum Steward gewählt wurde, ist dies meine erste „Bestätigung“. … (Statement oder Übersetzung nötig)
- Keep--Vituzzu 00:15, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Jcaraballo 00:17, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Confirm. -Barras 00:19, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Oppose Has disregarded local Checkuser policy twice, did not reply to requests for explanation by several users. Regards, HaeB 00:47, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
Confirm, made two mistakes shortly after having gotten the steward bit. We gave him a piece of his mind, should be okay now for me. —DerHexer (Talk) 00:49, 8 February 2012 (UTC)I'm changing to neutral. —DerHexer (Talk) 22:42, 17 February 2012 (UTC)- Neutral --minhhuy (talk) 02:27, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Matanya 07:13, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Oppose As HaeB, the checkuser action there on dewiki was an no-go, since stewards have to respect the local checkuser policies. We could forget it if Eptalon would have regret his action, but there is no sorry of him. A steward has to admit his mistakes. --Filzstift 07:26, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Neutral--Jusjih 10:20, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- thx but no thx, i agree with HaeB here basically. the point isn't just that he violated a longstanding policy, which is in place for good reason (can happen) but that he - in opposite to other stewards - did nothing to help clean it up despite the fact that he was made aware of the problem, regards --Jan eissfeldt 11:31, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep, obviously made a mistake early in their tenure, but that was almost a year ago. As far as I am aware, a clean record since then. Craig Franklin 12:10, 8 February 2012 (UTC).
- Neutral, I am concerned about the comments above, but do not want to hurt the candidate, as I believe in acting in good faith. Wojciech Pędzich Talk 12:49, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --FriedrickMILBarbarossa 16:57, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Neutral, concerns with activity and comments above. Ajraddatz (Talk) 17:59, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Change to oppose. Due to lack of activity as a steward, and the concerns raised above and below I am moving to oppose. Everyone makes mistakes, but concerns arise from not acknowledging those mistakes and taking clear steps forward. Ajraddatz (Talk) 01:39, 23 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. -Orashmatash 19:18, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. Mistakes can happen when human beings are involved. Apart from that - stewards are allowed to CheckUser on projects with local CheckUsers in emergencies, and that applies for dewiki too. Imo you shouldn't make a big deal of it and embrace the people who only want to help you (but that's something completely different). Trijnstel 19:34, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Trijnstel, could you explain why you consider both of these cases to have been emergencies? The dewiki community did not share this judgement. Also the criticism wasn't so much that Eptalon did something that local Checkusers would have done as well, but the clueless way in which he/she tried to reign in in a very complex and high profile case whose eventual completion triggered wide media coverage in German media for weeks and months (this section alone lists 20 press articles).
- And yes, we are all human and mistakes happen, but what is important is an ability to learn from them. Contrast this case, where I was happy to vote "support".
- I don't question Eptalon's good intentions, but one of the most powerful user rights in Wikimedia projects should not be handed out based on AGF alone. There is a myriad of other ways to contribute which do not require the same level of diligence. Regards, HaeB 22:22, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Reder 20:19, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --- @lestaty discuţie 21:28, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep πr2 (t • c) 22:24, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep mickit 12:22, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Thanks for your efforts through 2011 billinghurst sDrewth 12:36, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Shizhao 12:51, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Oppose As mentioned above, making mistakes is human, not living up to them is unacceptable in this position. --Millbart 13:35, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Neutral Sorry, but I would like to see the results of Ombudsman invstigation first. --WizardOfOz talk 17:55, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Oppose Makes mistakes ok. But didn't answers/solves it. No. V!v£ l@ Rosière /Murmurer…/ 14:43, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Wagino 20100516 16:16, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Oppose Severe disregard of local checkuser policy and unacceptable infringement of privacy laws --Eschenmoser 08:33, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Katarighe (Talk) 18:58, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
- Oppose I see mistakes which is fine but then they don't try and solve them. Puffin 22:25, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. The two mistakes were resolved, and I'm sure a hard worker otherwise. AGK [•] 22:27, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
- I'm particularly concerned by the lack of activity and by the issues raised above. I agree that we all have the right to be busy in real life at some moments, but we should reminder that the steward group includes very sensitive permissions, and by conclusion it would be better to grant it to the minimum of people, more exactly to people who are really using it. It's impressive what one can do with a steward account if it is compromised, and it's far more lucky to have a leak if we have 100 people having access to private logs than with 20 people. However, I won't oppose this time as I trust Eptalon and I believe him when he says he will work on this for the next year. -- Quentinv57 (talk) 10:38, 12 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep мιѕѕ мαηzαηα (let's talk) 08:10, 13 February 2012 (UTC)
- Oppose Per Vive la Rosière & Puffin. — MZaplotnik (contribs) 16:24, 13 February 2012 (UTC)
- Oppose --Woches 02:02, 14 February 2012 (UTC) ack Filzstift a. o.
- Oppose Rules rule. Esp. for bearer of a title like admin, cu or steward. Sure, s*it happens. But be bold enuf to say "I totally blew it." —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Hedwig in Washington (talk • contribs) 03:29, 14 February 2012 (UTC).
- Neutral --Alberto (Oops!... I Did It Again) 06:31, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Oppose As HaeB --Kickof 18:18, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Oppose As HaeB --MisterGugaruz 21:14, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Oppose per V!v£ l@ Rosière and per HaeB --Bua333 22:00, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Oppose per HaeB. Hurricanefan25 22:48, 15 February 2012 (UTC)
- Oppose per V!v£ l@ Rosière --N KOziTalk 07:58, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
- KeepVago (talk) 08:52, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Roberto Segnali all'Indiano 17:13, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
- Oppose as HaeB --Joe Watzmo (talk) 09:03, 18 February 2012 (UTC)
- Remove / see stories above Seb az86556 (talk) 10:24, 18 February 2012 (UTC)
- Neutral--Ankit Maity (talk) 12:02, 21 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep per Quentinv57 --Zyephyrus (talk) 01:41, 23 February 2012 (UTC)
- Remove Other concerns together with what amounts to inactivity. Courcelles (talk) 00:52, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
- I'm opposing due to the lack of activity and the two mistakes pointed out here. Of course everyone makes mistakes, so that is pardonable, but I believe only active people should have the steward rights. Pmlineditor (t · c · l) 12:39, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --FiliP ██ 17:13, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep, always helpful -- Hoo man (talk) 22:53, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Always helpuful, and was the first steward to really care about problem. Béria Lima msg 23:04, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement
- Sprachen: en
- Informationen zur Person: Dieser Benutzer hat seine Bestätigungsseite nicht angelegt. Diese Aussage wurde von Wikitanvir als Maßnahme der Wahlkommission erstellt.
- Keep--Vituzzu 00:16, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Jcaraballo 00:26, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep I know that fr33kman isn't always able to have internet access, but he is a great steward and I see no reason to stop that. It should be noted that there is a good reason why he is unable to create this page himself. Ajraddatz (Talk) 00:28, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Katarighe (Talk) 00:37, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- I usually oppose people who don't create their page themselves, but in Fr33kman's case, I know why he can't do it himself and can perfectly understand this. I hope to see you back soon. Should be confirmed, of course. -Barras 00:37, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep, okay for me. —DerHexer (Talk) 00:51, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Snowolf How can I help? 00:57, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --minhhuy (talk) 02:16, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep MBisanz talk 03:17, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Jusjih 10:06, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. Jafeluv 10:46, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep, Wojciech Pędzich Talk 12:49, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Hosiryuhosi 12:50, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. -Orashmatash 19:13, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep. @Barras, apparantly he's busy elsewhere?. Trijnstel 19:34, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --Reder 20:19, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --- @lestaty discuţie 21:29, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Pmlineditor (t · c · l) 12:14, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep mickit 12:22, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep Thanks for your efforts through 2011 billinghurst sDrewth 12:37, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep--Shizhao 12:51, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep on keeping on. Theo10011 13:42, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep --WizardOfOz talk 17:56, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Romaine 22:22, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep - Mailer Diablo 14:54, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Wagino 20100516 16:17, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Keep -- Morning Sunshine 16:38, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
Comments about Andre Engels